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187 lines (159 loc) · 7.3 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (159 loc) · 7.3 KB


This Sublime Text plugin allow you to browse and edit files on remote servers

Windows and Linux servers that support any openssh available




1. Check dependent Libraries (very important)

on Windows you need:

  • python3.dll

you can install from this repositories and copy to installation directory of sublime

on Linux you need:

  • install libffi
# if Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install libffi-dev
# if Fedora / CentOS / RHEL
sudo yum install libffi-devel

python3.8 dependent libraries following

  • bcrypt
  • cffi
  • cryptography
  • nacl
  • six

you can install from this repositories and copy to Lib\python38 path of sublime

2. Install Package

You can using Package Control or Manual installation

  • using Package Control

Open Package Control: install menu and type "SSH-Panel" to install

  • Manual installation

Download this package as ZIP file and extract to "{you packages path}/SSH-Panel"

3. restart sublime text


Setup service connect parameter

open command palette and select SSH-Panel: Edit Settings command to edit settings file

parameter description:


  • default_connect_settings All connect use default parameter values
  • server_settings Specify preferences for connections
  • debug_mode Debug enable switch
  • style_css Custom CSS Style,value is sublime resource,default is Packages/SSH-Panel/style.css see details
  • new_window open new window when connect
  • quiet_log the pop-up message panel is not displayed immediately when a message is obtained
  • reconnect_on_start whether to automatically open the last closed connection when starting sublime text
  • nav_bar_color_change change color of the directory panel,value range is -16777215~+16777215(-0xffffff~+0xffffff) type is string,this value will be added with the RGB color of the current view background to get a new RGB color

if you not want to change the background color value can be set to "0"


  • remote_path The path on the remote host. You can use the environment variable of the remote host ,like "$HOME" or "%userprofile%",value is path name or path list

Each remote root path will be mapped to the subdirectory of local_path. The subdirectory name is the summary string generated by the path name

  • local_path Local directory for synchronization,if empty will automatically generated in the user's home directory.can use the local environment variable
string "{auto_generate}" will be replaced with the UUID string generated from configuration and timestamp to generate a unique UUID path
After the first connection, this path will be save to the user configuration and using at next connection

connect and authentication:

  • network_timeout The number of timeout seconds used to authenticate and connect to the remote host
  • port SSH service port of remote host,default is 22
  • known_hosts_file know_hosts file path at local,if filled it will:

use the host key algorithm recorded in known_hosts_file when connecting if host not recorded in known_hosts_file, confirm whether to add and save the host public_key when connecting warn and force close connect when public_key obtained from remote host not matches public_key recorded in known_host_file

  • username user name on remote host
  • hostname remote host IP address or domain name
  • always_fingerprint_confirm confirm server fingerprint every time,if known_hosts_file is set wile use AA to verify the host fingerprint

if your server uses password authentication,option is:

  • password password plaintext
  • save_password save password plaintext in settings file,if is false the password will be deleted in the settings after connecting

if your server uses private and public_key authentication,option is:

  • private_key used to set the encryption method and private key path when logged in to the server with the key
 key algorithm available "RSAKey","DSSKey","ECDSAKey","Ed25519Key"
 The value is a list of 2 elements like [{RSAKey/DSSKey/ECDSAKey/Ed25519Key},{private key path}]
 !! if you sublime version < 4000 the command to generate the key must contain the [-m PEM] parameter or use a tool to convert the existing private key file format
  • "need_passphrase" tells the plug-in whether a passphrase is set when generating a key pair, value is bool

if your server uses gssapi authentication,option is:

  • gss_host remote host IP address or domain name,if used, the hostname option is not used
  • gss_auth enable gss authentication ,valus is bool
  • gss_kex enable gss kex,valus is bool
  • gss_deleg_creds gss deleg creds
  • gss_trust_dns gss trust dns


		// use password and username connect
			"hostname":"", // ip or domain name
			"password":"", // if empty will prompt intput when connect
			"save_password":false, // (optional) default is true
			// ...
		// use username and [private key] connect
			"private_key":["RSAKey","~/.ssh/id_rsa"],			// ssh-keygen -t rsa [-m PEM]
			// "private_key":["DSSKey","~/.ssh/id_dsa"]			// ssh-keygen -t dsa [-m PEM]
			// "private_key":["ECDSAKey","~/.ssh/id_ecdsa"]		// ssh-keygen -t ecdsa [-m PEM]
			// "private_key":["Ed25519Key","~/.ssh/id_ed25519"] // ssh-keygen -t ed25519 [-m PEM]
			"need_passphrase":false								// (optional) default is false, if is true will prompt intput when connect
			// path
			"remote_path":"/", // absolute path
			// "remote_path":["/var","/etc"], // path list
			// "remote_path":"%HOME/", // using environment variables (remote host)
			"local_path":"~/SFTP-Local/{auto_generate}" // auto generate
			// ...
		// use gssapi connect
			// ...
		// ...


open command palette and select SSH-Panel: Connect Server command

after select you server name to connect

you can edit and view server information on the pop-up directory panel

quick button:

  • [?] :help
  • [I] :show server infomation
  • [R] :refresh and sync file list
  • [E] :edit settings
  • [T] :pseudo terminal
  • [+] :add new root path
  • [-] :remove root path from view you can click the [...] button on the right side of the directory or file to view attribute, delete or create a new one

Style coustom

you can set style_css option to control display in HTML style of output_panel and navigation_view

Create file "Packages\User\SSH-Panel\style.css" in sublime package path and set "style_css":"Packages\User\SSH-Panel\style.css"

css class

<!-- the following class will be load -->
<!-- The available syntax rules follow -->


welcome report issues and commit code.

if you like this can give me star :)