diff --git a/pug/src/device-settings.pug b/pug/src/device-settings.pug
index 345733c..9b26713 100644
--- a/pug/src/device-settings.pug
+++ b/pug/src/device-settings.pug
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ block content
block script
script(crossorigin="anonymous", src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/joi@17/dist/joi-browser.min.js")
- const { AnimationMode, ButtonAction, ButtonType, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { AnimationMode, ButtonAction, ButtonType, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
diff --git a/pug/src/mfkey32.pug b/pug/src/mfkey32.pug
index 11e74d8..ca10fd2 100644
--- a/pug/src/mfkey32.pug
+++ b/pug/src/mfkey32.pug
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ block content
block script
- const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, Mf1KeyType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, Mf1KeyType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ block script
await ultra.cmdSlotChangeTagType(slot, tagType ? TagType.MIFARE_4096 : TagType.MIFARE_1024)
await ultra.cmdSlotResetTagType(slot, tagType ? TagType.MIFARE_4096 : TagType.MIFARE_1024)
await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(slot, FreqType.HF, true)
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
// set anti-coll
const tag = {
atqa: Buffer.from(atqa, 'hex').reverse(),
@@ -211,6 +210,7 @@ block script
tag.atqa.copy(block0, tag.uid.length + 2) // atqa
console.log(`block0 = ${block0.toString('hex')}`)
await ultra.cmdMf1EmuWriteBlock(0, block0) // set block0
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
await ultra.cmdSlotSaveSettings()
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'Emulate successfully!' })
} catch (err) {
diff --git a/pug/src/mifare-value.pug b/pug/src/mifare-value.pug
index ba8eff2..6ba42b1 100644
--- a/pug/src/mifare-value.pug
+++ b/pug/src/mifare-value.pug
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ block content
block script
script(crossorigin="anonymous", src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/joi@17/dist/joi-browser.min.js")
- const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, Mf1KeyType, Mf1VblockOperator, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, Mf1KeyType, Mf1VblockOperator, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
diff --git a/pug/src/mifare-xiaomi.pug b/pug/src/mifare-xiaomi.pug
index defc082..4a3c0ff 100644
--- a/pug/src/mifare-xiaomi.pug
+++ b/pug/src/mifare-xiaomi.pug
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ block content
h6.card-header.bg-light ① Mifare Dump
- p.text-sm Click "Import" button to import a mifare dump exported from #[a(target="_blank", href=`${baseurl}mifare1k.html`) mifare1k.html] or other tools like MCT, Proxmark3.
+ p.text-sm Click "Import" button to import a mifare dump exported from #[a(target="_blank", href=`${baseurl}mifare1k.html`) mifare1k.html] or other tools like MCT, Proxmark3. Keys in dump will be used to sync with Xiaomi Watch. Dump will be deleted after page closed.
input.d-none(type="file", ref="dumpImport", @change="dumpImport?.cb?.($event.target.files[0])")
.input-group-prepend: span.input-group-text.justify-content-center UID
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ block content
.col.px-1: button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-primary(@click="btnExportDump") #[i.fa.fa-fw.fa-floppy-o] Export
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-block.btn-outline-danger.mb-2(@click="btnResetDump") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-repeat] Reset to empty dump
- h6.card-header.bg-light ② Emulate Non-Encrypted Tag
+ h6.card-header.bg-light ② ChameleonUltra Emulate
p.text-sm Choose a slot and click the "Emulate" button to emulate as non-encrypted tag. Then use Xiaomi Watch to clone the ChameleonUltra.
@@ -64,16 +64,19 @@ block content
option(v-for="i of _.range(8)" :value="i") Slot {{ i + 1 }}
button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-success.mb-2(@click="btnEmuWrite") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-sign-in] Emulate
- h6.card-header.bg-light ③ Sync Dump to Xiaomi Watch
+ h6.card-header.bg-light ③ Sync with Xiaomi Watch
- p.text-sm.mb-2 After clone, click "Write" button to write original dump to watch.
+ p.text-sm.mb-2 After clone, click "Write" button to write original dump to Xiaomi Watch.
+ .custom-control.custom-checkbox.mb-2
+ input.custom-control-input#ss-checkUidBeforeWrite(type="checkbox", v-model="ss.checkUidBeforeWrite")
+ label.custom-control-label(for="ss-checkUidBeforeWrite") Verify UID before write
button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-primary.mb-2(@click="btnGen2Write") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-download] Write
- p.text-sm.mb-2 Click "Verify" button to compare between dump and watch (skip block 0).
- button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-info.mb-2(@click="btnGen2Verify") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-exchange] Verify
+ p.text-sm.mb-2 Click "Verify" button to compare between dump and Xiaomi Watch (skip block 0).
+ button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-success.mb-2(@click="btnGen2Verify") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-exchange] Verify
- p.text-sm.mb-2 Click "Read" button to read dump from watch (skip block 0). After read, click "Export" button above to save the dump.
- button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-warning.mb-2(@click="btnGen2Read") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-upload] Read
+ p.text-sm.mb-2 Click "Read" button to read from Xiaomi Watch (skip block 0). After read, you can click "Export" or "Write" button.
+ button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-info.mb-2(@click="btnGen2Read") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-upload] Read
.modal.fade(tabindex="-1", ref="dumpExport")
@@ -108,21 +111,21 @@ block content
block script
- const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, Mf1KeyType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
const toHex = buf => _.toUpper(buf.toString('hex'))
- const WELL_KNOWN_KEYS = Buffer.from(['ffffffffffff'].join(''), 'hex').chunk(6)
+ const WELL_KNOWN_KEYS = Buffer.from(['FFFFFFFFFFFF'].join(''), 'hex').chunk(6)
function getEmptyDump () {
const buf = new Buffer(1024)
- const blkFactory = Buffer.from('deadbeef220804000177a2cc35afa51d', 'hex')
- const blkAcl = Buffer.from('ffffffffffffff078069ffffffffffff', 'hex')
+ const blkFactory = Buffer.from('DEADBEEF220804000177A2CC35AFA51D', 'hex')
+ const blkAcl = Buffer.from('FFFFFFFFFFFFFF078069FFFFFFFFFFFF', 'hex')
buf.set(blkFactory, 0) // block 0
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) buf.set(blkAcl, i * 64 + 48) // block 4n+3
return buf
@@ -136,6 +139,7 @@ block script
ss: {
atqa: '0004',
+ checkUidBeforeWrite: true,
dumpB64: getEmptyDump().toString('base64url'),
sak: '08',
slot: 0,
@@ -257,9 +261,9 @@ block script
if (/^[+]Sector: \d+$/.test(row)) {
blockNo = _.parseInt(row.slice(9)) * 4
} else if (/^[0-9a-fA-F-]{32}$/.test(row)) { // hex
- if (blockNo >= 64) continue
+ if (blockNo >= 64) throw new Error(`Invalid block number: ${blockNo}`)
const blockbuf = Buffer.from(row.replaceAll('-', '0'), 'hex')
- if (blockbuf.length !== 16) continue
+ if (blockbuf.length !== 16) throw new Error(`Invalid block size: ${blockbuf.length} bytes`)
blockbuf.copy(buf, blockNo * 16)
@@ -268,7 +272,9 @@ block script
async btnExportDump () {
const { dump } = this
- const { uid, atqa, sak } = this.ss
+ const uid = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.uid, 'hex'))
+ const atqa = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.atqa, 'hex').reverse())
+ const sak = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.sak, 'hex'))
// json
const json = {
@@ -324,21 +330,21 @@ block script
async btnEmuWrite () {
- const { atqa, sak, uid, ultra, dump } = this
+ const { ultra, dump } = this
+ const { slot } = this.ss
try {
- const { slot } = this.ss
- console.log({ atqa, sak, slot, uid })
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Emulating tag...' })
const slotName = await ultra.cmdSlotGetFreqName(slot, FreqType.HF) ?? '(no name)'
- const msg1 = `The hf data of slot ${slot + 1} "${slotName}" will be REPLACE! Continue?`
+ const msg1 = `Slot ${slot + 1} "${slotName}" will be REPLACE! Continue?`
if (!await this.confirm(msg1, 'Yes', 'Cancel')) return
this.showLoading({ text: 'Emulating tag...' })
await ultra.cmdChangeDeviceMode(DeviceMode.TAG)
// reset slot
await ultra.cmdSlotChangeTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
await ultra.cmdSlotResetTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(slot, FreqType.HF, true)
await ultra.cmdMf1SetAntiCollMode(true)
await ultra.cmdMf1EmuWriteBlock(0, dump.subarray(0, 16)) // set block0
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(slot, FreqType.HF, true)
await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
await ultra.cmdSlotSaveSettings()
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'Emulate successfully!' })
@@ -352,6 +358,7 @@ block script
try {
const msg1 = 'Mifare Data in Xiaomi Watch will be REPLACE! Continue?'
if (!await this.confirm(msg1, 'Yes', 'Cancel')) return
+ if (this.ss.checkUidBeforeWrite) await this.mfVerifyUid()
const genSwalCfg = i => ({
html: `
Writing Mifare / Gen2:${i} / 16
@@ -368,6 +375,7 @@ block script
const { success } = await ultra.mf1WriteSectorByKeys(i, keys, sectorData)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (!success[j]) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
} catch (err) {
+ if (!ultra.isConnected()) throw err
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
@@ -382,6 +390,12 @@ block script
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'error', title: 'Write failed', text: err.message })
+ async mfVerifyUid () {
+ const { ultra } = this
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Verify UID...' })
+ const scaned = _.first(await ultra.cmdHf14aScan())
+ if (!scaned.uid.equals(Buffer.from(this.ss.uid, 'hex'))) throw new Error(`UID mismatch, read = ${toHex(scaned.uid)}`)
+ },
async mfGen2Read () {
const { dump, ultra } = this
const genSwalCfg = i => ({
@@ -402,8 +416,9 @@ block script
newDump.set(sectorData, i * 64)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (!success[j]) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
} catch (err) {
- for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
+ if (!ultra.isConnected()) throw err
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
+ for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
this.showLoading(genSwalCfg(i + 1))
@@ -415,12 +430,13 @@ block script
async btnGen2Verify () {
const { dump, ultra } = this
try {
+ await this.mfVerifyUid()
const other = await this.mfGen2Read()
const diffs = []
for (let i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
- const sector1 = dump.subarray(i * 16).subarray(0, 16)
- const sector2 = other.subarray(i * 16).subarray(0, 16)
- if (!sector1.equals(sector2)) diffs.push(i)
+ const blk1 = dump.subarray(i * 16).subarray(0, 16)
+ const blk2 = other.subarray(i * 16).subarray(0, 16)
+ if (!blk1.equals(blk2)) diffs.push(i)
if (diffs.length !== 0) throw new Error(`${diffs.length} blocks are different: ${diffs.join(',')}`)
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'All blocks is equal.' })
diff --git a/pug/src/mifare1k.pug b/pug/src/mifare1k.pug
index 434c5c1..99cfa32 100644
--- a/pug/src/mifare1k.pug
+++ b/pug/src/mifare1k.pug
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ block content
h6.card-header.bg-light #[i.fa.fa-id-card.mr-1] Mifare Dump
- input.d-none(type="file", ref="cardImport", @change="cardImport?.cb?.($event.target.files[0])")
+ input.d-none(type="file", ref="dumpImport", @change="dumpImport?.cb?.($event.target.files[0])")
- .col.px-1: button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-success(@click="btnCardImport") #[i.fa.fa-fw.fa-file-code-o] Import
- .col.px-1: button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-primary(@click="btnCardExport") #[i.fa.fa-fw.fa-floppy-o] Export
- button.btn.btn-sm.btn-block.btn-outline-danger.mb-2(@click="btnCardReset") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-repeat] Reset to empty dump
+ .col.px-1: button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-success(@click="btnImportDump") #[i.fa.fa-fw.fa-file-code-o] Import
+ .col.px-1: button.btn.btn-block.btn-outline-primary(@click="btnExportDump") #[i.fa.fa-fw.fa-floppy-o] Export
+ button.btn.btn-sm.btn-block.btn-outline-danger.mb-2(@click="btnResetDump") #[i.fa.mr-1.fa-repeat] Reset to empty dump
h6.card-title Anit Collision
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ block content
.input-group-prepend: label.input-group-text.justify-content-center.flex-column(style="width: 2rem", :for="`i-toggle-${i}`")
input.my-2(type="checkbox", v-model="ss.toggle[i]", :id="`i-toggle-${i}`")
span {{ `0${i}`.slice(-2) }}
- textarea.form-control(rows="4", v-model="ss.body[i]", :class="isValidBlock(ss.body[i]) ? 'is-valid' : 'is-invalid'")
- .modal.fade(tabindex="-1", ref="cardExport")
+ textarea.form-control(rows="4", v-model="ss.dump[i]", :class="isValidBlock(ss.dump[i]) ? 'is-valid' : 'is-invalid'")
+ .modal.fade(tabindex="-1", ref="dumpExport")
@@ -134,57 +134,55 @@ block content
button.close(type="button", data-dismiss="modal") #[span ×]
- :download="cardExport.json.download",
- :href="cardExport.json.href",
+ :download="dumpExport.json.download",
+ :href="dumpExport.json.href",
- .my-1 {{ cardExport.json.download }}
+ .my-1 {{ dumpExport.json.download }}
h6.text-muted.mb-1 Click to download as JSON format. This format can be used in Proxmark3 and Chameleon Mini GUI.
- :download="cardExport.bin.download",
- :href="cardExport.bin.href",
+ :download="dumpExport.bin.download",
+ :href="dumpExport.bin.href",
- .my-1 {{ cardExport.bin.download }}
+ .my-1 {{ dumpExport.bin.download }}
h6.text-muted.mb-1 Click to download as BIN format. This format can be used in Proxmark3, libnfc, mfoc...
- :download="cardExport.eml.download",
- :href="cardExport.eml.href",
+ :download="dumpExport.eml.download",
+ :href="dumpExport.eml.href",
- .my-1 {{ cardExport.eml.download }}
+ .my-1 {{ dumpExport.eml.download }}
h6.text-muted.mb-1 Click to download as EML format. This format can be used in Proxmark3 emulator.
- :download="cardExport.mct.download",
- :href="cardExport.mct.href",
+ :download="dumpExport.mct.download",
+ :href="dumpExport.mct.href",
- .my-1 {{ cardExport.mct.download }}
+ .my-1 {{ dumpExport.mct.download }}
h6.text-muted.mb-1 Click to download as MCT format. This format can be used in Mifare Classic Tool.
block script
script(crossorigin="anonymous", src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/joi@17/dist/joi-browser.min.js")
- const { AnimationMode, Buffer, ButtonAction, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, DeviceMode, FreqType, TagType, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
- const WELL_KNOWN_KEYS = ['ffffffffffff', 'a0a1a2a3a4a5', 'd3f7d3f7d3f7']
+ const toHex = buf => _.toUpper(buf.toString('hex'))
+ const WELL_KNOWN_KEYS = ['FFFFFFFFFFFF', 'A0A1A2A3A4A5', 'D3F7D3F7D3F7']
- function getEmptyCardBody () {
- const blkDefault = {
- factory: 'deadbeef220804000177a2cc35afa51d',
- empty: '00000000000000000000000000000000',
- acl: 'ffffffffffffff078069ffffffffffff',
- }
- return _.times(16, secNo => {
- const blocks = _.times(4, blkNo => {
- if (secNo === 0 && blkNo === 0) return blkDefault.factory
- else if (blkNo === 3) return blkDefault.acl
- else return blkDefault.empty
- })
- return blocks.join('\n')
- })
+ function getEmptyDump () {
+ const buf = new Buffer(1024)
+ const blkFactory = Buffer.from('DEADBEEF220804000177A2CC35AFA51D', 'hex')
+ const blkAcl = Buffer.from('FFFFFFFFFFFFFF078069FFFFFFFFFFFF', 'hex')
+ buf.set(blkFactory, 0) // block 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) buf.set(blkAcl, i * 64 + 48) // block 4n+3
+ return buf
+ }
+ function toSectorsHex (dump) {
+ return _.map(dump.chunk(64), sectorDump => _.map(sectorDump.chunk(16), toHex).join('\n'))
window.vm = new Vue({
@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ block script
antiColl: 0,
atqa: '0004',
ats: '',
- body: getEmptyCardBody(),
+ dump: toSectorsHex(getEmptyDump()),
detection: 0,
gen1a: 0,
gen2: 0,
@@ -206,11 +204,11 @@ block script
sak: '08',
slot: 0,
toggle: _.times(16, () => true),
- uid: 'deadbeef',
+ uid: 'DEADBEEF',
write: 0,
- cardImport: { cb: null },
- cardExport: {
+ dumpImport: { cb: null },
+ dumpExport: {
json: { download: '', href: '' },
bin: { download: '', href: '' },
eml: { download: '', href: '' },
@@ -243,18 +241,19 @@ block script
async btnEmuRead () {
const { ultra } = this
+ const { slot } = this.ss
try {
this.showLoading({ text: 'Loading emulator' })
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(this.ss.slot)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
this.$set(this, 'ss', {
- name: await ultra.cmdSlotGetFreqName(this.ss.slot, FreqType.HF),
+ name: await ultra.cmdSlotGetFreqName(slot, FreqType.HF),
..._.mapValues(await ultra.cmdMf1GetEmuSettings(), _.toInteger), // antiColl, detection, gen1a, gen2, write
this.mfCardSetAntiColl(await ultra.cmdHf14aGetAntiCollData())
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- this.mfCardSetSector(i, await ultra.cmdMf1EmuReadBlock(i << 2, 4))
+ this.mfSetSectorDump(i, await ultra.cmdMf1EmuReadBlock(i << 2, 4))
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'Load success' })
} catch (err) {
@@ -264,29 +263,35 @@ block script
async btnEmuWrite () {
const { ultra } = this
+ const { antiColl, atqa, ats, detection, dump, gen1a, gen2, name, sak, slot, toggle, uid, write } = this.ss
try {
- const msg1 = `Slot ${this.ss.slot + 1} will be REPLACE! Continue?`
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Emulating tag...' })
+ const slotName = await ultra.cmdSlotGetFreqName(slot, FreqType.HF) ?? '(no name)'
+ const msg1 = `Slot ${slot + 1} "${slotName}" will be REPLACE! Continue?`
if (!await this.confirm(msg1, 'Yes', 'Cancel')) return
- this.showLoading({ text: 'Emulating' })
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(this.ss.slot)
- const freqName = this.ss.name
- if (_.isString(freqName) && freqName.length > 0) await ultra.cmdSlotSetFreqName(this.ss.slot, FreqType.HF, freqName)
- await ultra.cmdMf1SetAntiCollMode(this.ss.antiColl)
- await ultra.cmdMf1SetDetectionEnable(this.ss.detection)
- await ultra.cmdMf1SetGen1aMode(this.ss.gen1a)
- await ultra.cmdMf1SetGen2Mode(this.ss.gen2)
- await ultra.cmdMf1SetWriteMode(this.ss.write)
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Emulating tag...' })
+ await ultra.cmdChangeDeviceMode(DeviceMode.TAG)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotChangeTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotResetTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(slot, FreqType.HF, true)
+ if (_.isString(name) && name.length > 0) await ultra.cmdSlotSetFreqName(slot, FreqType.HF, name)
+ await ultra.cmdMf1SetAntiCollMode(antiColl)
+ await ultra.cmdMf1SetDetectionEnable(detection)
+ await ultra.cmdMf1SetGen1aMode(gen1a)
+ await ultra.cmdMf1SetGen2Mode(gen2)
+ await ultra.cmdMf1SetWriteMode(write)
await ultra.cmdHf14aSetAntiCollData({
- atqa: Buffer.from(this.ss.atqa, 'hex').reverse(),
- ats: Buffer.from(this.ss.ats, 'hex'),
- sak: Buffer.from(this.ss.sak, 'hex'),
- uid: Buffer.from(this.ss.uid, 'hex'),
+ atqa: Buffer.from(atqa, 'hex').reverse(),
+ ats: Buffer.from(ats, 'hex'),
+ sak: Buffer.from(sak, 'hex'),
+ uid: Buffer.from(uid, 'hex'),
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.body[i], 'hex')
+ if (!toggle[i]) continue
+ const sectorData = Buffer.from(dump[i], 'hex')
await ultra.cmdMf1EmuWriteBlock(i << 2, sectorData)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'Emulate success' })
} catch (err) {
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
@@ -295,15 +300,19 @@ block script
async btnEmuReset () {
const { ultra } = this
+ const { slot } = this.ss
try {
- const msg1 = `Slot ${this.ss.slot + 1} will be RESET! Continue?`
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Resetting...' })
+ const slotName = await ultra.cmdSlotGetFreqName(slot, FreqType.HF) ?? '(no name)'
+ const msg1 = `Slot ${slot + 1} "${slotName}" will be RESET! Continue?`
if (!await this.confirm(msg1, 'Yes', 'Cancel')) return
- this.showLoading({ text: 'Resetting' })
+ this.showLoading({ text: 'Resetting...' })
+ await ultra.cmdChangeDeviceMode(DeviceMode.TAG)
// reset slot
- await ultra.cmdSlotChangeTagType(this.ss.slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
- await ultra.cmdSlotResetTagType(this.ss.slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(this.ss.slot, FreqType.HF, true)
- await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(this.ss.slot)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotChangeTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotResetTagType(slot, TagType.MIFARE_1024)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetEnable(slot, FreqType.HF, true)
+ await ultra.cmdSlotSetActive(slot)
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'success', title: 'Reset success' })
} catch (err) {
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
@@ -320,7 +329,7 @@ block script
this.mfCardSetAntiColl(_.first(await ultra.cmdHf14aScan()))
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- this.mfCardSetSector(i, await ultra.mf1Gen1aReadBlocks(i << 2, 4))
+ this.mfSetSectorDump(i, await ultra.mf1Gen1aReadBlocks(i << 2, 4))
this.showLoading(genSwalCfg(i + 1))
await ultra.cmdChangeDeviceMode(DeviceMode.TAG)
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ block script
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.body[i], 'hex')
+ const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.dump[i], 'hex')
await ultra.mf1Gen1aWriteBlocks(i << 2, sectorData)
this.showLoading(genSwalCfg(i + 1))
@@ -366,7 +375,7 @@ block script
try {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
const { data: sectorData, success } = await ultra.mf1ReadSectorByKeys(i, keys)
- this.mfCardSetSector(i, sectorData)
+ this.mfSetSectorDump(i, sectorData)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (!success[j]) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
// reorder keys: found key will be put to first of keys
for (const key1 of _.map([48, 58], i => sectorData.subarray(i, i + 6))) {
@@ -374,6 +383,7 @@ block script
if (idx >= 0) keys.unshift(...keys.splice(idx, 1))
} catch (err) {
+ if (!ultra.isConnected()) throw err
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
@@ -401,10 +411,11 @@ block script
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
try {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.body[i], 'hex')
+ const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.dump[i], 'hex')
const { success } = await ultra.mf1WriteSectorByKeys(i, keys, sectorData)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (!success[j]) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
} catch (err) {
+ if (!ultra.isConnected()) throw err
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) failed.push(i * 4 + j)
ultra.emitter.emit('error', err)
@@ -427,9 +438,9 @@ block script
let keys = []
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (!this.ss.toggle[i]) continue
- const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.body[i], 'hex')
+ const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.dump[i], 'hex')
if (sectorData.length !== 64) continue
- keys.push(..._.map([48, 58], offset => sectorData.subarray(offset, offset + 6).toString('hex')))
+ keys.push(..._.map([48, 58], offset => toHex(sectorData.subarray(offset, offset + 6))))
keys = _.uniq(keys)
if (keys.length === 0) throw new Error('No keys found')
@@ -445,12 +456,12 @@ block script
if (!await this.confirm(msg1, 'Yes', 'Cancel')) return
this.$set(this.ss, 'keys', WELL_KNOWN_KEYS.join('\n'))
- async btnCardImport () {
+ async btnImportDump () {
const { ultra } = this
try {
const file = await new Promise(resolve => {
- this.$set(this.cardImport, 'cb', tmpFile => { if (!_.isNil(tmpFile)) resolve(tmpFile) })
- const $ref = this.$refs.cardImport
+ this.$set(this.dumpImport, 'cb', tmpFile => { if (!_.isNil(tmpFile)) resolve(tmpFile) })
+ const $ref = this.$refs.dumpImport
$ref.value = ''
@@ -462,17 +473,17 @@ block script
const buf = new Buffer(await file.arrayBuffer())
switch (ext) {
case 'bin':
- await this.btnCardImportBin(file, buf)
+ await this.btnImportDumpBin(file, buf)
case 'json':
case 'json5':
- await this.btnCardImportJson(file, buf)
+ await this.btnImportDumpJson(file, buf)
case 'eml':
- await this.btnCardImportEml(file, buf)
+ await this.btnImportDumpEml(file, buf)
case 'mct':
- await this.btnCardImportMct(file, buf)
+ await this.btnImportDumpMct(file, buf)
throw new Error(`Unsupported file extension: ${ext}`)
@@ -483,42 +494,35 @@ block script
await Swal.fire({ icon: 'error', title: 'Import failed', text: err.message })
- async btnCardImportBin (file, buf) {
+ async btnImportDumpBin (file, buf) {
if (file.size !== 1024) throw new Error(`Invalid file size: ${file.size} bytes`)
- for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- const sectorData = buf.subarray(i * 64, (i + 1) * 64)
- this.$set(this.ss.body, i, _.map(sectorData.chunk(16), chunk => chunk.toString('hex')).join('\n'))
- }
+ _.each(buf.chunk(64), (sectorDump, i) => this.mfSetSectorDump(i, sectorDump))
- async btnCardImportJson (file, buf) {
+ async btnImportDumpJson (file, buf) {
const json = JSON5.parse(buf.toString('utf8'))
if (json.FileType !== 'mfcard') throw new Error(`Invalid file type: ${json.FileType}`)
- if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.UID)) this.$set(this.ss, 'uid', _.toLower(json.Card.UID))
- if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.ATQA)) this.$set(this.ss, 'atqa', Buffer.from(json.Card.ATQA, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex'))
- if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.SAK)) this.$set(this.ss, 'sak', json.Card.SAK)
+ if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.UID)) this.$set(this.ss, 'uid', toHex(Buffer.from(json.Card.UID, 'hex')))
+ if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.ATQA)) this.$set(this.ss, 'atqa', toHex(Buffer.from(json.Card.ATQA, 'hex').reverse()))
+ if (!_.isNil(json?.Card?.SAK)) this.$set(this.ss, 'sak', toHex(Buffer.from(json.Card.SAK, 'hex')))
if (!_.isNil(json?.blocks)) {
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- const sectorData = new Buffer(64)
+ const sectorDump = new Buffer(64)
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- const blockhex = json?.blocks?.[i * 4 + j] ?? ''
- if (blockhex.length !== 32) continue
- const blockbuf = Buffer.from(blockhex.replaceAll('-', '0'), 'hex')
- if (blockbuf.length !== 16) continue
- blockbuf.copy(sectorData, j * 16)
+ const blkHex = (json?.blocks?.[i * 4 + j] ?? '').replaceAll('-', '0')
+ const blkBuf = Buffer.from(blkHex, 'hex')
+ if (blkBuf.length !== 16) continue
+ blkBuf.copy(sectorDump, j * 16)
- this.mfCardSetSector(i, sectorData)
+ this.mfSetSectorDump(i, sectorDump)
- async btnCardImportEml (file, buf) {
+ async btnImportDumpEml (file, buf) {
buf = Buffer.from(buf.toString('utf8').replaceAll('-', '0'), 'hex')
if (buf.length !== 1024) throw new Error(`Invalid eml size: ${buf.length} bytes`)
- for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- const sectorData = buf.subarray(i * 64, (i + 1) * 64)
- this.$set(this.ss.body, i, _.map(sectorData.chunk(16), chunk => chunk.toString('hex')).join('\n'))
- }
+ _.each(buf.chunk(64), (sectorDump, i) => this.mfSetSectorDump(i, sectorDump))
- async btnCardImportMct (file, buf) {
+ async btnImportDumpMct (file, buf) {
const rows = buf.toString('utf8').split(/\r?\n/)
buf = new Buffer(1024)
let blockNo = 0
@@ -533,65 +537,62 @@ block script
- for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) this.mfCardSetSector(i, buf.subarray(i * 64))
+ _.each(buf.chunk(64), (sectorDump, i) => this.mfSetSectorDump(i, sectorDump))
- async btnCardExport () {
- const card = new Buffer(1024)
+ async btnExportDump () {
+ const dump = new Buffer(1024)
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.body[i], 'hex')
+ const sectorData = Buffer.from(this.ss.dump[i], 'hex')
if (sectorData.length !== 64) continue // skip invalid sector
- sectorData.copy(card, i * 64)
+ sectorData.copy(dump, i * 64)
- const uid = Buffer.from(this.ss.uid, 'hex')
- const atqa = Buffer.from(this.ss.atqa, 'hex').reverse()
- const sak = Buffer.from(this.ss.sak, 'hex')
- // helper
- const toHex = buf => _.toUpper(buf.toString('hex'))
+ const uid = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.uid, 'hex'))
+ const atqa = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.atqa, 'hex').reverse())
+ const sak = toHex(Buffer.from(this.ss.sak, 'hex'))
// json
const json = {
Created: 'chameleon-ultra.js',
FileType: 'mfcard',
Card: {
- UID: toHex(uid),
- ATQA: toHex(atqa),
- SAK: toHex(sak),
+ UID: uid,
+ ATQA: atqa,
+ SAK: sak,
- blocks: _.fromPairs(_.times(64, i => [i, toHex(card.subarray(i * 16, i * 16 + 16))])),
+ blocks: _.fromPairs(_.entries(_.map(dump.chunk(16), toHex))),
- this.$set(this.cardExport, 'json', {
+ this.$set(this.dumpExport, 'json', {
href: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })),
- download: `hf-mf-${toHex(uid)}.json`,
+ download: `hf-mf-${uid}.json`,
// bin
- this.$set(this.cardExport, 'bin', {
- href: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([card], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })),
- download: `hf-mf-${toHex(uid)}.bin`,
+ this.$set(this.dumpExport, 'bin', {
+ href: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([dump], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })),
+ download: `hf-mf-${uid}.bin`,
// eml
- const eml = _.map(card.chunk(16), b => toHex(b)).join('\n')
- this.$set(this.cardExport, 'eml', {
+ const eml = _.map(dump.chunk(16), toHex).join('\n')
+ this.$set(this.dumpExport, 'eml', {
href: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([eml], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })),
- download: `hf-mf-${toHex(uid)}.eml`,
+ download: `hf-mf-${uid}.eml`,
// mct
- const mct = _.map(card.chunk(64), (sector, sectorNo) => {
- return `+Sector: ${sectorNo}\n${_.map(sector.chunk(16), b => toHex(b)).join('\n')}`
+ const mct = _.map(dump.chunk(64), (sector, sectorNo) => {
+ return `+Sector: ${sectorNo}\n${_.map(sector.chunk(16), toHex).join('\n')}`
- this.$set(this.cardExport, 'mct', {
+ this.$set(this.dumpExport, 'mct', {
href: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([mct], { type: 'application/octet-stream' })),
- download: `hf-mf-${toHex(uid)}.mct`,
+ download: `hf-mf-${uid}.mct`,
await new Promise(resolve => this.$nextTick(resolve)) // wait for DOM update
- const $ref = window.jQuery(this.$refs.cardExport)
+ const $ref = window.jQuery(this.$refs.dumpExport)
- async btnCardReset () {
+ async btnResetDump () {
const { ultra } = this
try {
const msg1 = 'Mifare dump will be RESET! Continue?'
@@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ block script
atqa: '0004',
sak: '08',
ats: '',
- body: getEmptyCardBody(),
+ dump: toSectorsHex(getEmptyDump()),
toggle: _.times(16, () => true),
this.$set(this, 'ss', { ...this.ss, ...tmp })
@@ -635,14 +636,14 @@ block script
this.$set(this.ss, k, buf.toString('hex'))
- mfCardSetSector (sectorNo, sectorData) {
- const sectorEml = _.map(sectorData.chunk(16), block => block.toString('hex')).join('\n')
- this.$set(this.ss.body, sectorNo, sectorEml)
+ mfSetSectorDump (sectorNo, sectorData) {
+ const sectorEml = _.map(sectorData.chunk(16), toHex).join('\n')
+ this.$set(this.ss.dump, sectorNo, sectorEml)
mfCardGetKeys () {
const keys = _.chain(Buffer.from(this.ss.keys, 'hex').chunk(6))
.filter(key => Buffer.isBuffer(key) && key.length === 6)
- .uniqBy(key => key.toString('hex'))
+ .uniqWith(Buffer.equals)
if (keys.length === 0) throw new Error('No keys found')
return keys
diff --git a/pug/src/test.pug b/pug/src/test.pug
index 7f7f603..20d36a4 100644
--- a/pug/src/test.pug
+++ b/pug/src/test.pug
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ block script
script(crossorigin="anonymous", src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vconsole@3/dist/vconsole.min.js")
window.vConsole = new window.VConsole()
- const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, Debug, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line
- const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const { Buffer, ChameleonDebug, ChameleonUltra, WebbleAdapter, WebserialAdapter } = window.ChameleonUltraJS // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+ const ultraUsb = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraUsb.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraUsb.use(new WebserialAdapter())
- const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra(true)
+ const ultraBle = new ChameleonUltra()
ultraBle.use(new ChameleonDebug())
ultraBle.use(new WebbleAdapter())
diff --git a/src/ChameleonUltra.ts b/src/ChameleonUltra.ts
index 1f94f50..95cda1b 100644
--- a/src/ChameleonUltra.ts
+++ b/src/ChameleonUltra.ts
@@ -316,11 +316,14 @@ export class ChameleonUltra {
const respGenerator = new EventAsyncGenerator()
this.emitter.on('resp', respGenerator.onData)
this.emitter.once('disconnected', respGenerator.onClose)
- let timeout: any | undefined
+ let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined
respGenerator.removeCallback = () => {
this.emitter.removeListener('resp', respGenerator.onData)
this.emitter.removeListener('disconnected', respGenerator.onClose)
- if (!_.isNil(timeout)) clearTimeout(timeout)
+ if (!_.isNil(timeout)) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout)
+ timeout = undefined // prevent memory leak: https://lucumr.pocoo.org/2024/6/5/node-timeout/
+ }
return async () => {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {