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A Blog project using the Talon Framework.


git clone
cd talon_blog_demo
mix deps.get && cd assets && npm install && cd .. && mix ecto.setup && mix phx.server

Visit http://localhost:4000/talon/blogs in your browser.

Steps Taken to Create this Project

  1. mix talon_blog_demo
  2. cd talon_blog_demo
  3. mix ecto.create
  4. mix phx.gen.context Accounts User users first_name last_name username email active:boolean
  5. mix phx.gen.context Blogs Blog blogs name description:text active:boolean user_id:references:accounts_users
  • Add the belongs_to and has_many to the Blog and User schemas
  1. mix phx.gen.context Blog as Post posts title body:text published:boolean views:integer blog_id:references:blogs_blog
  • Add the belongs_to and has_many to the Post and Blog schemas
  1. Fill out the seeds.exs file
  2. mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
  3. Edit the mix.exs file. Add talon and faker deps
  4. mix deps.get
  5. mix
  6. Follow the instructions printed
  • Add the pagination to repo.ex
  • Add the talon routes to router.ex
  • Edited the brunch-config.js file. Copied the boilerplate sections, pasted, and uncommented.
  1. mix talon.gen.resource Accounts.User
  2. mix talon.gen.resource Blogs.Blog
  3. mix talon.gen.resource Blogs.Post
  4. Edit the config/talon.exs file and add the resources per instructions