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Releases: tangrams/tangram


22 Sep 19:49
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix data sources that are a single GeoJSON Feature (not a single-element FeatureCollection). See #416.
  • Don't forget oudated-generation tiles on partial build updates. Prevents thrashing/empty tiles when scene.updateConfig() is called rapidly, such as tied to GUI/user input.


19 Sep 17:06
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Bug Fixes

  • Always re-apply global properties, even if they have been undefined


19 Sep 14:26
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  • Re-apply global property substitution when Scene.updateConfig() is called #412
    • While technically not a bug fix, this was likely the expected behavior for many.
  • Labels will not re-fade in by default when Scene.rebuild() or Scene.updateConfig() is called
    • As above, this is the more likely expected behavior and is less distracting when using dynamic rebuilding, such as when tied to a GUI or user interaction.
    • fade_in: true option can be set to enable this if desired, e.g. scene.rebuild({ fade_in: true }).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix pixel density adjustment for default text size (e.g. retina text was too small when a font:size was not specified)
  • Fix error messages on invalid scene layer definitions. In some cases, construction of the error message itself was throwing an exception!


15 Sep 13:43
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New + Improved Functionality

  • Labels
    • Articulated labels #360
      • For labels along a line (e.g. road labels), splits the label on a space and angles the components to better follow the underlying path. This is an initial step, with future releases providing further improvements.
        screen shot 2016-09-14 at 10 52 18 am
    • Add a max_lines parameter and ellipsis truncation to prevent excessively tall labels #396
      • Defaults to max_lines: 5

        screen shot 2016-09-14 at 10 55 19 am
    • Change generated polygon centroids label_placement value to true #377
  • Data sources
    • Tiled data sources can specify a min/max display zooms and/or bounding box to limit tile visibility #394

      • min_display_zoom: tiles will not be requested or displayed below this zoom
      • max_display_zoom: tiles will not be requested or displayed above this zoom
      • bounds: tiles will not be requested or displayed outside of this bounding box, specified as latitude/longitude in [w, s, e, n] format.
      • Example:
          type: TopoJSON
          min_display_zoom: 9
          max_display_zoom: 18
          bounds: [-74.1274, 40.5780, -73.8004, 40.8253] # [w, s, e, n]
    • Support added for TMS tiled data sources #401

      • The source definition can set tms: true
  • Filters
    • Add ability to filter geometry properties by zoom-independent screen area #395
      • This is done through a new px2 unit type that can be applied to range filters, e.g.:
        • filter: { area: { min: 500px2 } }
        • This example only shows features that cover a 500 pixel screen area at the current zoom level. Note that to use this feature, the property (area in this example) must already be in square mercator meter units. Mapzen Vector Tiles include such properties for many polygon features.
    • Add error handling for JS function filter values #373
  • Misc
    • Improved default lighting #407
      • The previous default provided 100% omnidirectional diffuse light. This was a poor default for extruded geometry such as buildings, which displayed as silhouettes with no depth. The new default (when no lights are defined in the scene) is a directional light that maintains 100% illumination for ground plane objects, with typical flat shading for extruded objects.
    • Video capture #408
      • To complement Tangram's existing screenshot capability, new methods have been added for capturing video clips of Tangram maps using the MediaRecorder API. The new Scene.startVideoCapture() and Scene.stopVideoCapture() methods will capture a WebM-encoded video stream. This feature is currently only available in Chrome and Firefox. Also see here for more info.
    • Allow dashed line patterns to use fractional widths #404 #355
    • CSS Color Level 4 (a fancy way of saying "support rebeccapurple") #389
    • For opaque blending, multiply material's alpha channel into its RGB (415f32c)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix lighting handling of alpha channel #407
  • Fix points angle parameter to be interpreted in degrees instead of radians (regression)
  • Fix serialization of JS functions added to scene config when a load event fires


  • Upgrade build process to use Babel 6 #387


30 Aug 22:32
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Bug Fixes

  • Consolidate URL path logic to fix (yet another!) relative path case.


29 Aug 20:23
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Bug Fixes

  • Strip query strings from scene base paths, fixes loading of relative assets on such URLs.


24 Aug 16:55
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix base path override support.
    • For Tangram Play, scenes are modified in the editor but must refer to an external base path (the path from which they were originally loaded) for resolving local resources. This path is passed by Play to Tangram's Scene.load() method as an optional second parameter.


23 Aug 21:50
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  • Support CSS color rebeccapurple.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix further issues with scene imports nested multiple levels deep.
  • Flatten ./ and ../ components of relative URLs to handle within zip bundles.


17 Aug 22:34
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  • Removes GeoJSONTiles and TopoJSONTiles legacy compatibility for data source types. Use GeoJSON and TopoJSON instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix cases where non-tiled data sources would not render (due to pending tiles never being marked as complete) (#383).
  • Fix zoom-based interpolation for text fill and stroke colors (509962a).
  • Fix loading of .zip bundles with nested imports (zip that imports a scene, that imports another scene within the same zip) (d381b4b).
  • Fix filters matching a property on 0 value (#362).
  • Remove mistaken loops on arrays to prevent interfering with Array.prototype modifications (#374).


  • Upgrades build process to Babel 6 (includes Browserify upgrade as well (#387).
  • Remove some unnecessary tests and dependencies/


03 Aug 22:32
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  • Scenes can be loaded from .zip-file bundles (#358)

    • Allows all scene resources (imported scene YAMLs, images, and fonts) to be consolidated into one package for easier distribution and decreased network overhead.
    • Zip bundles must contain a single scene YAML file at the top-level directory, to act as the "root scene".
  • Improved handling of points w/attached text labels:

    • Will only render by default if both the text and point pass collision (#349).
      • Text can be made optional with optional flag, allowing point to render with or without text, as collision allows:
               optional: true
    • Multiple anchor placement candidates for substantial increase in the number of labels placed (#351).
      • anchor can accept an array of possible placements, evaluated in priority order.
      • Default is now: anchor: [bottom, top, right, left]
      • Example of all anchor candidates for maximum label placement (speed/# of labels trade-off): anchor: [bottom, top, right, left, bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left]
    • Attached text and point objects will not collide with each other (enables rendering of highway shields and similar symbols).
  • Incremental tile build (#367)

    • Polygon and line features will display more quickly, while label rendering and collision for point and text features completes in the background.
    • Labels for new tile areas will fade-in to provide a gentler transition (note, not all labels are faded in, such as higher zoom tiles when replacing lower zooms, to avoid label "flicker" from rapid fade out/in).
  • Improved proxy tile behavior for lines

    • Adjust line width based on zoom level, to prevent proxied lines from being either too small or too big.

Bug Fixes

  • Scene global properties can be set to "false-y" values such as null.
  • Fix map size initialization issue between Leaflet + Tangram, avoiding initial single-tile render.
  • Fix scaling of camera vanishing_point (#372).
  • Fix behavior when 0px text stroke is specified (#370).
  • Add try/catch and error message for function-based filters (#364).


  • Fonts: use native FontFace API when available to load fonts
  • Add debug drawing options for text label collision and texture boxes.