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tgui-bash - Termux:GUI in bash


tgui-bash filepath ...
tgui-bash -h ...
source tgui-bash


Sets up a connection to the Termux:GUI plugin through a small C helper, defines functions to interact with the plugin and finally sources the parameter into the script, so the functions are available.

Can be used in a shebang (#!/bin/tgui-bash) or a script can self-exec (! [ -v tgc_activity_tid ] && exec tgui-bash "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$@").

Using set -eo pipefail is advised to make your script exit when the connection to the plugin gets broken. For development, you should use set -u to make sure you spelled the constant names correctly.

This library also uses the EXIT trap handler, so make sure to just add to it, but not overwrite it.


-h Shows this manual or the tutorial in a browser of your choice. The following positional arguments are taken as answers to the questions.


All environment variables that affect bash will affect this program.


For passing arrays to functions and returning arrays, bash namerefs are used.
Reference parameters are marked with & and accept a variable name.
Colors are specified in RGBA in hex with aabbggrr.
Boolean values use the literal text true and false, as they are directly used for the JSON messages to the plugin.
Images should be in PNG or JPEG format and base64 encoded (base64 -w 0 file or image_generating_command | base64 -w 0). Public functions and variables start with tg_, private functions and variables with tg__.
Private functions and variables can change between versions, public ones should be stable.

More documentation for the functions as defined in the protocol is available here.

Global Functions

Name Description Parameters Return code
tg_global_turn_screen_on Turns the screen on.
tg_global_is_locked Returns whether the screen is locked. 0: locked
1: unlocked
tg_global_version Returns the version code of the plugin to stdout.
tg_msg_recv_event Returns an event if one is available, else an empty string.
tg_msg_recv_event_blocking Waits for an event and returns it.

Activity Functions

Name Description Parameters
tg_activity_new Creates a new Activity. See the tgc_activity_* constants for keys and their effect.
  1. & Options associative array. See the constants for keys.
  2. & Return array. [0] will contain the Activity id, [1] will contain the Task id (if the Task id wasn't given as an option).
tg_activity_finish Finishes an Activity. The Activity id of the Activity.
tg_activity_to_back Moves the Task of an Activity to the back. The Activity id of the Activity.
tg_activity_theme Sets the theme of the Activity.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. The status bar color.
  3. The primary color.
  4. The window background color.
  5. The text color.
  6. The accent color
tg_activity_description Sets the Task description and icon.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. The description (appears unused).
  3. The icon.
tg_activity_pip_params Sets the aspect ratio for picture-in-picture mode.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. The numerator of the aspect ratio.
  3. The denominator of the aspect ratio.
tg_activity_input Sets how the Activity responds to the soft keyboard. "resize" resizes the Activity to fit the keyboard, "pan", pans the Activity upward.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. The response option.
tg_activity_pip Makes an Activity enter or leave picture-in-picture-mode.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. Boolean: Whether the Activity should be in pip or not.
tg_activity_pip_auto Set if an Activity should go into pip automatically if the user leaves.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. Boolean: Whether the Activity should go into pip automatically or not.
tg_activity_keep_screen_on Sets if showing the Activity should keep the screen from turning off.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. Boolean: Whether screen should be kept on.
tg_activity_orientation Sets the Orientation of the Activity.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. Orientation. Please see table "Android Activity Orientation Table" below for values.
tg_activity_position Sets the screen position for an overlay Activity.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. The x position.
  3. The y position.
tg_activity_configuration Gets the configuration for the Activity as a string. Get the values with the tg_configuration_* functions.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
tg_activity_request_unlock Requests the user to unlock the screen or unlocks it if the screen isn't protected.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
tg_activity_hide_soft_keyboard Hides the software keyboard.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
tg_activity_intercept_back_button Sets whether the back button should be intercepted. See the constant tg_actvivity_intercept fro more information.
  1. The Activity id of the Activity.
  2. Boolean: Whether to intercept the back button.

Task Functions

Name Description Parameters
tg_task_finish Finishes all activites in a Task. The Task id.
tg_task_to_front Makes a Task visible to the user again. The Task id.

Configuration Functions

These functions all get the configuration string as the first parameter.

Name Description
tg_configuration_dark_mode Whether dark mode is enabled, "true" or "false". "null" on Android versions prior to 10.
tg_configuration_country The country as a 2-letter string.
tg_configuration_language The language as a 2-letter string.
tg_configuration_orientation The screen orientation, either "landscape" or "portrait".
tg_configuration_keyboardHidden Whether a keyboard is currently available, as the string "true" or "false".
tg_configuration_screenwidth The current window width in dp.
tg_configuration_screenheight The current window height in dp.
tg_configuration_fontscale The current font scale value as a floating point number.
tg_configuration_density The display density as a float, such that screenwidth * density = screenwidth_in_px.

View Creation Functions

All functions take the Activity id as the first parameter and a parameter associative array reference as the second parameter.
The third parameter is an optional parent view id.
For root Views, specify "" as the third parameter or leave it out.
The fourth parameter is the optional initial visibility of the View.
The id of the created View is returned on stdout.
The key for the parameter array are listed under the constants under tgc_create_*.

Name Description
tg_create_linear Creates a LinearLayout.
tg_create_frame Creates a FrameLayout.
tg_create_swipe_refresh Creates a SwipeRefreshLayout.
tg_create_text Creates a TextView.
tg_create_edit Creates an EditText.
tg_create_button Creates a Button.
tg_create_image Creates an ImageView.
tg_create_space Creates a Space.
tg_create_nested_scroll Creates a NestedScrollView.
tg_create_horizontal_scroll Creates a HorizontalScrollView.
tg_create_radio Creates a RadioButton.
tg_create_radio_group Creates a RadioGroup.
tg_create_checkbox Creates a Checkbox.
tg_create_toggle Creates a ToggleButton.
tg_create_switch Creates a Switch.
tg_create_spinner Creates a Spinner.
tg_create_progress Creates a ProgressBar.
tg_create_tab Creates a TabLayout.
tg_create_grid Creates a GridLayout.
tg_create_web Creates a WebView.

View Functions

All these functions get the Activity id and the View id as the first and second parameters respectively.

Name Description Parameters
tg_view_show_cursor Sets whether or not a cursor is shown in an EditText.
  1. Boolean. Whether to show the cursor or not.
tg_view_linear Sets the LinearLayout parameters for a View in a LinearLayout.
  1. The weight of the View.
  2. The position of the View.
tg_view_grid Sets the GridLayout parameters for a View in a GridLayout.
  1. The starting row of the View.
  2. The starting column of the View.
  3. The amount of rows this View uses.
  4. The amount of columns this View uses
  5. The alignment of the View in the row.
  6. The alignment of the View in the column.
tg_view_location Sets position of a View.
  1. The x position.
  2. The y position
  3. Whether to position is in dp or not.
  4. Whether the View should be on top of al others.
tg_view_vis Sets the visibility of a Vew.
  1. The visibility of the View.
tg_view_width Sets the width of the view.
  1. The width of the View.
  2. Whether the width is in px or not.
tg_view_height Sets the height of the view.
  1. The height of the View.
  2. Whether the height is in px or not.
tg_view_dimensions Gets the current with and height of a View in pixels.
tg_view_delete Deletes a View and its children from the Layout hierarchy.
tg_view_delete_children Deletes the children of a View from the Layout hierarchy.
tg_view_margin Sets the margin of a View.
  1. The margin in dp.
  2. The direction of the margin. Leave empty for all directions.
tg_view_padding Sets the padding of a View.
  1. The padding in dp.
  2. The direction of the padding. Leave empty for all directions.
tg_view_bg_color Sets the background color of a View.
  1. The color.
tg_view_text_color Sets the text color of a View.
  1. The color
tg_view_progress Sets the progress of a ProgressBar.
  1. The progress in range from 0 to 100.
tg_view_refreshing Sets whether a SwipeRefreshLayout is refreshing.
  1. Whether the SwipeRefreshLayout is refreshing.
tg_view_text Sets the text of the View.
  1. The text.
tg_view_gravity Sets the gravity of the text of the View.
  1. The horizontal gravity.
  2. The vertical gravity
tg_view_text_size Sets the text size.
  1. The text size in sp.
tg_view_get_text gets the text of the View.
tg_view_checked Sets a RadioButton, CheckBox, Switch or ToggleButton to checked or unchecked explicitly.
  1. Whether the View is checked.
tg_view_request_focus Focuses a View and opens the soft keyboard if the View has Keyboard input.
  1. Whether the soft keyboard should be forced to open.
tg_view_get_scroll Gets the x and y scroll position of an NestedScrollView or HorizontalScrollView.
tg_view_set_scroll Sets the x and y scroll position of an NestedScrollView or HorizontalScrollView.
  1. The x scroll position.
  2. The y scroll position.
  3. Whether the srcoll should be smooth.
tg_view_list Set the list of a Spinner or TabLayout.
  1. & The array of tab/item names.
tg_view_image Sets the image for an ImageView.
  1. The image as a base64 encoded string.
tg_view_select_tab Selects a Tab in a TabLayout. The corresponding itemselected event is also send.
  1. The tab index, starting from 0.
tg_view_select_item Selects a item in a Spinner. The corresponding itemselected event is also send.
  1. The item index, starting from 0.
tg_view_clickable Sets whether a View can be clicked by the user (if yes, emits a sound and animation when clicked and sends a click event (if click events are enabled))).
  1. Whether the View should be clickable.

Remote Layout, Widget & Notification Functions

Name Description Parameters
tg_remote_create_layout Creates a new remote Layout. Returns the id for the remote Layout
tg_remote_delete_layout Deletes a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout to delete.
tg_remote_create_frame Creates a FrameLayout in a remote Layout. Returns the View id in the Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. Optional. The parent if for the View.
tg_remote_create_text Creates a TextView in a remote Layout. Returns the View id in the Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. Optional. The parent if for the View.
tg_remote_create_button Creates a Button in a remote Layout. Returns the View id in the Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. Optional. The parent if for the View.
tg_remote_create_image Creates an ImageView in a remote Layout. Returns the View id in the Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. Optional. The parent if for the View.
tg_remote_create_progress Creates a ProgressBar in a remote Layout. Returns the View id in the Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. Optional. The parent if for the View.
tg_remote_bg_color Sets the background color for a View in a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The background color.
tg_remote_progress Sets values for a ProgressBar in a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The progress between 0 and 100.
tg_remote_text Sets the text of a remote View.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The text.
tg_remote_text_size Sets the text size of a remote View.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The text size.
tg_remote_text_color Sets the Text color for a View in a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The text color.
tg_remote_vis Sets the visibility for a View in a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The View visibility.
tg_remote_padding Sets the padding in pixels for a View in a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The padding.
tg_remote_image Sets the image of a remote ImageView.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the View.
  3. The image.
tg_widget_layout Sets the layout of a Widget to a remote Layout.
  1. The id of the Layout.
  2. The id of the Widget.
tg_not_create_channel On Android 8.0 and higher this creates a NotificationChannel, if one with the given id doesn't exist.
  1. The id string of the channel.
  2. The importance of the channel.
  3. The user-visible name.
tg_not_create Creates a notification. Returns the notification id used for further calls.
  1. The channel id.
  2. The notification importance
  3. & The parameter array. See the tgc_not_* constants.
tg_not_cancel Cancels a notification.
  1. The id of the Notification to cancel.

Event Functions

These functions change whether specific events are send for Views.
The first parameter is the Activity id of the View, the second the id of the View and the third is the boolean for whether to send the event or not.


Event Parsing Functions

Events are send as JSON, and are thus not usable directly in Bash.
That's where the dependency on jq comes in: it is used to parse the events.
You can use jq on the event data directly, but for some common tasks there are utility functions.
They all get the event data as their only parameter.
For more information about events, see the protocol specification.

Name Description
tg_event_type Returns the event type, which can then be compared to one of the tgc_ev_* constants.
tg_event_value Returns the event value, which is a JSON object for some events and a direct value for others.
tg_event_aid Returns the Activity id of the event, or "null" if not present.
tg_event_id Returns the View id of the event, or "null" if not present.

WebView Functions

All these functions get the Activity id and the View id as the first and second parameters respectively.

Name Description Parameters
tg_web_allow_js Sets whether Javascript is allowed to run in the WebView.
  1. Boolean.Whether to allow or not.
tg_web_allow_content Sets whether content URIs are allowed in the WebView.
  1. Boolean.Whether to allow or not.
tg_web_set_data Sets the document.
  1. The data.
tg_web_load_uri Loads a specific URI.
  1. The URI.
tg_web_allow_navigation Sets whether user/Javascript navigation is allowed in the WebView.
  1. Boolean.Whether to allow or not.
tg_web_back Goes back in the history.
tg_web_forward Goes forward in the history.
tg_web_eval_js Runs Javascript.
  1. The Javascript.



Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a number. Specify a Task id here if you want Activities to launch over each other in the same Task.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. Set this to make the Activity a dialog.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. Set this to false if you want your dialog to not be dismissed when the user taps on something else.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. Set this to let the Activity start in picture-in-picture mode.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. Set this to make the Activity stay visible and interactable on the lockscreen. Make sure your interface is secure in this case, to not allow arbitrary command execution or file I/O.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. This launches the Activity as an overlay over everything else, similar to picture-in-picture mode, but you can interact with all Views.


Key for the tg_activity_new options array. The value is a boolean. This option makes the back button send an event instead of finishing the Activity.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
For Button, TextView and EditText, this is the initial Text.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
For TextViews, this specifies whether the text can be selected. Default is false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
For TextViews, this specifies whether links can be clicked or not. Default is false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
For LinearLayout, this specifies if the Layout is vertical or horizontal.
If not specified, vertical is assumed.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
NestedScrollView and HorizontalScrollView snap to the nearest item if this is set to true.
Default is false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Makes the child of a HorizontalScrollView or a NestedScrollView automatically expand to the ScrollView size.
Default is false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Hides the scroll bar for HorizontalScrollView and NestedScrollView.
Default is false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Whether a RadioButton, CheckBox, Switch or ToggleButton should be checked.
Defaults to false.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Whether an EditText should enable multiple lines to be entered.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Whether the line below an EditText should be shown.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
For EditText this specifies the input type: can be one of "text", "textMultiLine", "phone", "date", "time", "datetime", "number", "numberDecimal", "numberPassword", "numberSigned", "numberDecimalSigned", "textEmailAddress", "textPassword". "text" is the default. Specifying singleline as true sets this to "text".


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Row count for GridLayout.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Column count for GridLayout.


Key for the tg_create_* parameter array.
Use this when creating a button to make all text automatically all caps (using small caps if possible).


Visibility constant for Views. This makes Views invisible and take up no space in the Layout.


Visibility constant for Views. This makes Views visible.


Visibility constant for Views. This makes Views invisible, but still take up space in the Layout.


Size constant for Views. This makes Views take as much space as needed for their content.


Size constant for Views. This makes Views take as much space as their parent.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Alignment for Views in GridLayout.


Direction constant.


Direction constant.


Direction constant.


Direction constant.


Text gravity constant. This makes text gravitate to the top/left.


Text gravity constant. This makes text gravitate to the center.


Text gravity constant. This makes text gravitate to the bottom/right.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array.
The id of the notification to update. If not specified, generates a new id.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array.
If true, the notification cannot be dismissed by the user, but the notification is automatically dismissed when you close the connection to the plugin.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array.
The id of the remote Layout to use.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array.
The id of the remote Layout to use when the notification has been expanded.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. The id of the remote Layout to use when the notification is shown as a head-up notification.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. The notification title.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. The notification content text.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. A large image to display in the expanded view. You can only set either largeImage or largeText.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. A large block of text to display in the expanded view. HTML formatting is supported. You can only set either largeImage or largeText.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. If true, the largeImage is shown as a thumbnail in the collapsed view.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. An image for the Notification in PNG or JPEG. Defaults to the Termux:GUI app icon if left empty.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. If this call is used to update a notification, don't alert the user again.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. Shows the timestamp of the notification.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. The timestamp to use in form of milliseconds since start of the epoch.


Key for the tg_not_create parameter array. An array of strings with the names of actions. Pressing actions will generate a notificationaction event.

Event Constants

For more information about events, see the protocol specification.

































External Resources

Constant Description
behind Keep the screen in the same orientation as whatever is behind this activity. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_BEHIND.
fullSensor Orientation is determined by a physical orientation sensor: the display will rotate based on how the user moves the device. This allows any of the 4 possible rotations, regardless of what the device will normally do (for example some devices won't normally use 180 degree rotation). Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_SENSOR.
fullUser Respect the user's sensor-based rotation preference, but if sensor-based rotation is enabled then allow the screen to rotate in all 4 possible directions regardless of what the device will normally do (for example some devices won't normally use 180 degree rotation). Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_USER.
landscape Would like to have the screen in a landscape orientation: that is, with the display wider than it is tall, ignoring sensor data. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE.
locked Screen is locked to its current rotation, whatever that is. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED.
nosensor Always ignore orientation determined by orientation sensor: the display will not rotate when the user moves the device. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR.
portrait Would like to have the screen in a portrait orientation: that is, with the display taller than it is wide, ignoring sensor data. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT.
reverseLandscape Would like to have the screen in landscape orientation, turned in the opposite direction from normal landscape. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE.
reversePortrait Would like to have the screen in portrait orientation, turned in the opposite direction from normal portrait. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT.
sensor Orientation is determined by a physical orientation sensor: the display will rotate based on how the user moves the device. Ignores user's setting to turn off sensor-based rotation. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR.
sensorLandscape Would like to have the screen in landscape orientation, but can use the sensor to change which direction the screen is facing. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE.
sensorPortrait Would like to have the screen in portrait orientation, but can use the sensor to change which direction the screen is facing. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT.
unspecified No preference specified: let the system decide the best orientation. This will either be the orientation selected by the activity below, or the user's preferred orientation if this activity is the bottom of a task. If the user explicitly turned off sensor based orientation through settings sensor based device rotation will be ignored. If not by default sensor based orientation will be taken into account and the orientation will changed based on how the user rotates the device. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED.
user Use the user's current preferred orientation of the handset. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER.
userLandscape Would like to have the screen in landscape orientation, but if the user has enabled sensor-based rotation then we can use the sensor to change which direction the screen is facing. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE.
userPortrait Would like to have the screen in portrait orientation, but if the user has enabled sensor-based rotation then we can use the sensor to change which direction the screen is facing. Corresponds to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT.


Report bugs as GitHub issues:


Tarek Sander