- id: 32141324123 (number)
- name: testtournament (string, required)
- style: {name: "NA", team_num: 2, score_weights: [1, 1, 0.5]} (object, optional)
- default: {name: "NA", team_num: 2, score_weights: [1, 1, 0.5]}
- total_round_num: 4 (number, optional)
- default: 4
- current_round_num: 1 (number, optional)
- default: 1
- user_defined_data: {} (object, optional)
- default: {}
- id: 32141324123 (number)
- name: testtournament (string)
- style: {name: "NA", team_num: 2, score_weights: [1, 1, 0.5]} (object)
- total_round_num: 4 (number)
- current_round_num: 1 (number)
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 32141324123 (number, required)
- name: testtournament (string, optional)
- style: {name: "NA", team_num: 2, score_weights: [1, 1, 0.5]} (object, optional)
- total_round_num: 4 (number, optional)
- current_round_num: 1 (number, optional)
- user_defined_data: {} (object, optional)
- id: 32141324123 (number, required)
- r: 1 (number),
- motions: [] (array[string])
- id: STYLE (string)
- name: new style (string)
- team_num: 2 (number)
- positions: Affirmative, Negative (array[string])
- positions_short: Aff, Neg (array[string])
- score_weights: [1, 1, 1, 1] (array[number])
- id: 2332221 (number, required)
- name: kymstr (string, required)
- available: true (boolean, optional)
- default: true
- speakers_by_r: [{r: 1, speakers: [43234244, 439587243]}] (array[object], optional)
- default: []
- institutions: [123431244, 321413244] (array[number], optional)
- default: []
- user_defined_data: {} (object, optional)
- default: {}
- id: 1324908734 (number)
- name: kymstr (string)
- available: true (boolean)
- speakers_by_r: [{r: 1, speakers: [43234244, 439587243]}] (array[object])
- institutions: [123431244, 321413244] (array[number])
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 1324908734 (number, required)
- name: kymstr (string, optional)
- available: true (boolean, optional)
- speakers_by_r: [{r: 1, speakers: [43234244, 439587243]}] (array[object], optional)
- institutions: [123431244, 321413244] (array[number], optional)
- user_defined_data: {} (object, optional)
- id: 1324908734 (number, required)
- id: 1324908734 (number)
- name: kymstr (string)
- available: true (boolean)
- preev: 7 (number)
- conflicts: [324907134, 321432144] (array[number])
- institutions: [123431244, 321413244] (array[number])
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 1324908734 (number)
- name: kymstr (string)
- available: true (boolean)
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 1324908734 (number)
- name: kymstr (string)
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 1324908734 (number)
- name: kymstr (string)
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- msg: InstitutionConflict (string)
- id: 3
- teams: [1, 2] (array[number])
- chairs: [1] (array[number])
- panels: [4, 6] (array[number])
- trainees: [] (array[number])
- venue: null (number)
- warnings: [] (array[SquareWarning])
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- from_id: 232342346 (number)
- weight: 1 (number)
- win: 1 (number)
- side: gov (string)
- opponents: [4352432524] (array[number])
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- from_id: 232342346 (number)
- weight: 1 (number)
- scores: [75, 0, 38.5] (array[number])
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- from_id: 232342346 (number)
- weight: 1 (number)
- score: 7 (number)
- judged_teams: [32423423, 42512132] (array[number])
- comment: Good adjudicator (string)
- user_defined_data: {} (object)
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- win: 1 (number)
- side: gov (string)
- opponents: [4352432524] (array[number])
- sum: 230 (number)
- margin: -6 (number)
- user_defined_data_collection: {} (object)
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- win: 1 (number)
- side: gov (string)
- opponents: [4352432524] (array[number])
- user_defined_data_collection: {} (object)
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- scores: [76.33333, 0, 37.5] (array[number])
- average: 75.888889
- sum: 113.833333
- user_defined_data_collection: [] (array[object])
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- score: 7 (number)
- judged_teams: [32423423, 42512132] (array[number])
- comments: [Good adjudicator, not too bad] (array[string])
- user_defined_data_collection: [] (array[object])
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- average: 75.888889
- sum: 113.833333
- sd: 12.53 (number)
- details: [] (array[SummarizedSpeakerResult])
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- win: 2 (number)
- sum: 440 (number)
- average: 110 (number)
- sd: 12.53 (number)
- margin: 16 (number)
- average_margin: -3 (number)
- opponent_average: 108
- vote: 3 (number)
- vote_rate: 0.75 (number)
- past_sides: gov (string)
- past_opponents: [4352432524, 4352432524, 823974324] (array[number])
- details: [] (array[SummarizedTeamResult])
- id: 3432522346 (number)
- average: 7.2222
- sd: 1.89
- judged_teams: [32423423, 42512132, 42512132, 32423222] (array[number])
- active_num: 7 (number)
- details: [] (array[SummarizedAdjudicatorResult])
- by: [1] (array[number], required)
- simple: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- force: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- team_allocation_algorithm: standard (string, optional)
- default: 'standard'
- team_allocation_algorithm_options: {"filters": ['by_strength', 'by_side', 'by_past_opponent', 'by_institution'], 'method': 'straight'} (object, optional)
- default: {"filters": ['by_strength', 'by_side', 'by_past_opponent', 'by_institution'], "method": "straight"}
- adjudicator_allocation_algorithm: standard (string, optional)
- default: 'standard'
- adjudicator_allocation_algorithm_options: {"filters": ['by_bubble', 'by_strength', 'by_attendance', 'by_conflict', 'by_institution', 'by_past'],"assign": 'high_to_high',"scatter": false} (object, optional)
- default: {"filters": ['by_bubble', 'by_strength', 'by_attendance', 'by_conflict', 'by_institution', 'by_past'],"assign": 'high_to_high',"scatter": false}
- venue_allocation_algorithm_options: {shuffle: true} (object, optional)
- default: {shuffle: true}
- numbers_of_adjudicators: {"chairs": 2,"panels": 1,"trainees": 1} (object, optional)
- default: {"chairs": 2,"panels": 1,"trainees": 1}
- by: [1] (array[number], required)
- simple: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- force: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- algorithm: standard (string, optional)
- default: 'standard'
- algorithm_options: {"filters": ['by_strength', 'by_side', 'by_past_opponent', 'by_institution'], "method": "straight"} (object, optional)
- default: {"filters": ['by_strength', 'by_side', 'by_past_opponent', 'by_institution'], "method": "straight"}
- by: [1] (array[number], required)
- simple: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- force: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- algorithm: standard (string, optional)
- default: 'standard'
- algorithm_options: {"filters": ['by_bubble', 'by_strength', 'by_attendance', 'by_conflict', 'by_institution', 'by_past'],"assign": 'high_to_high',"scatter": false} (object, optional)
- default: {"filters": ['by_bubble', 'by_strength', 'by_attendance', 'by_conflict', 'by_institution', 'by_past'],"assign": 'high_to_high',"scatter": false}
- numbers_of_adjudicators: {"chairs": 2,"panels": 1,"trainees": 1} (object, optional)
- default: {"chairs": 2,"panels": 1,"trainees": 1}
- by: [1] (array[number], required)
- force: false (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- shuffle: true (boolean, optional)
- default: true
- Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Style])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Tournament])
- Attributes
Request (application/json)
- Attributes (CreateTournament)
Response 200 (application/json)
- errors (array[object])
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Tournament])
- log (array[object])
Request (application/json)
- Attributes (SpecifyTournament)
Response 200 (application/json)
- errors (array[object])
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Tournament])
- log (array[object])
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (Tournament)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
updates config.
Request (application/json)
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (Tournament)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
- r: 1 (number)
- each resouce url accepts object or array[object]
- also each resource url has sub url of the individual entities where you don't have to request entity id for GET/PUT/DELETE methods though POST method is not available in the sub url.
- read all teams or search teams on specified condition at query
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
- name: teamA (string)
- available: true (boolean)
- institutions: [43242342, 542343523] (array[number])
Response 200 (application/json)
- create a team
- if force option is true, creates a team even if the same name team already exists, otherwise throws an error.
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request Team (application/json)
- Attributes (CreateTeam)
Request Teams (applications/json)
- Attributes (array[CreateTeam])
Response 200 (application/json) same as requested data
- updates a team.
::: warning throws an error if the specified team does not exist. :::
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes (ModifyTeam)
Response (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (Team)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- deletes a team. ::: warning throws an error if the specified team does not exist. :::
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes (SpecifyTeam)
Response (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (Team)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- team_id: 23442305928 (number)
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (Team)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- updates a team.
::: warning throws an error if the specified team does not exist. :::
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- team_id: 23442305928 (number)
- deletes a team. ::: warning throws an error if the specified team does not exist. :::
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- team_id: 23442305928 (number)
- similar request/response with teams
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- similar request/response with specific team
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- adjudicator_id: 32479169999 (number)
- similar request/response with teams
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- similar request/response with specific team
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- venue_id: 321948719034 (number)
- similar request/response with teams
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- similar request/response with specific team
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- speaker_id: 4398201575 (number)
- similar request/response with teams
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- similar request/response with specific team
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- institution_id: 3214879134 (number)
- Parameters
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- Parameters
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- computes an allocation for current round. Can be a shortcut for computing all team/adjudicator/venue allocation at once. You must specify the rounds of which results are used to compute allocations.
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- for (number)
- options (AllocationOptions, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- computes an allocation for current round. Can be a shortcut for computing all team/adjudicator/venue allocation at once.
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 3241087341 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- options (AllocationOptions, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- if simple option is true, it doesn't use speaker scores in computing matchups.
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- options (TeamAllocationOptions, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- computes an adjudicator allocation based on given team allocation
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- allocation (array[Square], required)
- options (AdjudicatorAllocationOptions, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- computes a venue allocation based on given team/adjudicator allocation
- if force is true, it allocates venues even if venues are fewer than squares.
- if shuffle is true, it shuffles venues so that no one can recognize current team rankings.
- r: 1 (number)
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- allocation (array[Square], required)
- options (VenueAllocationOptions, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (array[Square])
- log (array[object])
- Attributes
- returns compiled team results. if rounds is not specified, it compiles all raw results including those collected in the current round.
- tournament_id: 323242342432 (number)
Request (application/json)
- Attributes
- rs: [1, 2] (array[number])
- options
- force (boolean, optional)
- default: false
- force (boolean, optional)
- Attributes
Response 200 (application/json)
- Attributes
- errors (array[object])
- data (CompiledTeamResult)
- log (array[object])
- Attributes