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File metadata and controls

93 lines (81 loc) · 3.4 KB

GridU learning path: QA engineer to Mobile QA engineer

The repository contains Certification task project source code and app under test.

Test Framework is based on:

  • Appium
  • Java
  • TestNG
  • Allure

Project overview

To provide desired capabilities use ${baseDir}/test/resources/ this file will be read only if ClassPathPropertiesFileCapabilitiesProvider is chosen as CapabilitiesProvider implementation.

There are two implementation available at the moment

  1. ClassPathPropertiesFileCapabilitiesProvider - reads
  2. AWSCapabilitiesProvider - returns empty Capabilities as required by Amazon

You can control which implementation to use by setting a system property. For maven-surefire-plugin it looks like


By default (if no capabilities.provider property was set) ClassPathPropertiesFileCapabilitiesProvider will be used.

Default TestNG listener is configured in class through annotation @Listeners({TakingScreenshotOnTestFailureListener.class}), but another option is pom.xml see maven-surefire-plugin section.


The listener is for allure ONLY it depends on its feature called @Attachment see allure project docs

Chosen application is Shopping list-1.6.apk

Test Cases


  1. create a new empty shopping list
  2. check that MainScreen has a created list


  1. create new product in shopping list
  2. check that AddScreen has new product


  1. change default currency
  2. check that new currency is applied


  1. change name of shopping list
  2. check that name has changed on MainScreen


  1. swap categories on CategoriesScreen
  2. check that categories are swapped


  1. create new category
  2. check that new category has been created


  1. create new product on MyListScreen
  2. check that new product has been created


  1. delete shopping list from MainScreen
  2. shopping list has been deleted


  1. add all products to shopping list from MyList
  2. all products have been added


  1. create own currency
  2. new currency has been created and applied to products on MainScreen

How to Run


  • allure (for local run)
  • android sdk (for local run)
  • android emulator/or android device (for local run)
  • appium (for local run)
  • maven
  • project on your file system (root of the project is ${baseDir})

Local Execution

  1. run appium server
  2. run android emulator, or connect a device
  3. go to project ${baseDir}/test/resources/
  4. change app property to full system path of Shopping list-1.6.apk (opt/BuyList.apk)
  5. if needed change deviceName property (to check connected run adb devices in terminal)
  6. execute mvn clean test from ${baseDir}
  7. execute mvn allure:serve to see allure report

Execution on SauceLabs

  1. set testobject_api_key=
  2. follow the instruction provided by SauceLabs, to configure Capabilities change/set them in ${baseDir}/src/test/resources/
  3. execute mvn clean test from ${baseDir}
  4. to generate local report execute mvn allure:serve