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299 lines (174 loc) · 8.17 KB

These c67 folders are WebGIS Docker Images using CentOS 6.7

Started with a Docker Build VM (VirtualBox)

  • 4GB RAM, 100GB HD, 2CPU, 2 Network (NAT and HostOnly)
  • Di not name the server (use default localhost.localdomain)
  • Min install of CentOS 6.7 (This version is fully supported by ArcGIS Products)
  • Group install X11
  • Install gettext, dos2unix, and wget
  • Install gc, perl, kernel-devel to install VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • Install system-config-network-tui and system-config-firewall-tui
  • Install epel-release and docker-io (This is Docker)

Created a ags user


  • Using tar with permissions results in a much smaller image. The image adding the folder then using chmod and chown to ags was over 9GB; whereas, using tar the image was 6GB
  • The initial tar takes some time; however, building the docker image appears to be quicker than using the untarred folder.
  • You'll also need to copy /home/ags/.ESRI.properities.localhost.localdomain.10.4 file to the docker folder; renamed to
  • In the Dockerfile set the userid "501" to match the user id on your build machine (cat /etc/passwd)
  • Sometimes when working (especially with Marathon/Mesos) you'll get dozens of Docker containers. You can list them all with "docker ps -a". You can remove all containers with "docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)". If you want to just remove containers associated with a specific image. For example all containers build from image c67ags you can run this "docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep c67ags | awk '{ print $1 }')



Add entries to your hosts file localhost ags.compute.internal prtl.compute.internal ds.compute.internal

sudo ssh -i RicardoDCOSCluster.pem -L 6443: -L 7443: -L 80: -L 443: [email protected]

ArcGIS Server:


Installation and Setup

The following was used to deploy and configure the docker images on

Moved the tar.gz files up to server /var/lib/core << Creatd this folder as root and set core as owner

/var/lib parition had about 30G of space. The other partitions are too small.

gunzip each tar.gz docker load -i file.tar rm file.tar

It was necessary to remove the tar files from otherwise the partition would be very full.

c67ags << ArcGIS Server c67wa << Web Adaptor with Apache Tomcat and Apache HTTP c67ds << ArcGIS Data Store c67prtl << ArcGIS Portal

Web Adaptor (wa)

docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 --name wa --hostname $HOSTNAME c67wa


su -

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key ..........................+++ ..............................+++ writing new private key to 'server.key'

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.

Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US State or Province Name (full name) []:CA Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Redlands Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:Esri Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:PS Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [] Email Address []:[email protected]

cp server.key /etc/pki/tls/private/ chmod 600 /etc/pki/tls/private/server.key cp server.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/ chmod 600 /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt

chkconfig httpd on service httpd start

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy.conf

ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /arcgis ajp://localhost:8009/arcgis ProxyPassReverse /arcgis ajp://localhost:8009/arcgis ProxyPass /portal ajp://localhost:8009/portal ProxyPassReverse /portal ajp://localhost:8009/portal


service httpd restart

exit exit

docker start wa

To start/stop tomcat docker exec wa /opt/tomcat/bin/ docker exec wa /opt/tomcat/bin/

To log back in: docker exec -it wa /bin/bash

ArcGIS Server (ags)

docker run -it -p 6080:6080 -p 6443:6443 --name ags --hostname ags.compute.internal c67ags

su -

vi /etc/hosts Add ds.compute.internal prtl.compute.internal :wq

Create AGS Site

Update connection to AWS

On your computer update /etc/hosts localhost ags.compute.internal prtl.compute.internal ds.compute.internal

sudo ssh -i RicardoDCOSCluster.pem -L 6443: -L 7443: -L 80: -L 443: [email protected]

From Browser on local workstation

Create New Site


Deploy Wa

docker exec -it wa /bin/bash

su -

vi /etc/hosts Add ags.compute.internal prtl.compute.internal ds.compute.internal :wq


cp /home/ags/arcgis/webadaptor10.4/java/arcgis.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/

/opt/tomcat/bin/ Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/tomcat Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/tomcat Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/tomcat/temp Using JRE_HOME: /usr Using CLASSPATH: /opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar Tomcat started.

cd /home/ags/arcgis/webadaptor10.4/java/tools/

./ -m server -w -g https://ags.compute.internal:6443 -u siteadmin -p siteadmin -a true

Successfully Registered.

You should now be able to access site via:

ArcGIS Data Store (ds)

docker run -it -p 2443:2443 -p 9876:9876 --name ds --hostname ds.compute.internal c67ds


docker start ds

docker exec -it ds /bin/bash

su - vi /etc/hosts add ags.compute.internal prtl.compute.internal :wq



/home/ags/arcgis/datastore/tools/ https://ags.compute.internal:6443/arcgis/admin siteadmin siteadmin /home/ags/arcgis/data --stores spatiotemporal

ArcGIS Portal (prtl)

docker run -it -p 7080:7080 -p 7443:7443 --name prtl --hostname prtl.compute.internal c67prtl

su -

vi /etc/hosts Add ags.compute.internal ds.compute.internal :wq

exit exit

docker start prtl

docker exec prtl /home/ags/arcgis/portal/

From Browser on Workstation


Export the certificate

Create New Portal siteadmin/siteadmin Fav Book: Hobbit Name: David email: [email protected]

Deploy wa for portal

docker exec -it wa /bin/bash

cp /home/ags/arcgis/webadaptor10.4/java/arcgis.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/portal.war

cd /home/ags/arcgis/webadaptor10.4/java/tools/

./ -m portal -w -g https://prtl.compute.internal:7443 -u siteadmin -p siteadmin -a true

Successfully Registered.

You should now be able to access site via:

Registed as Federated Server.

Imported Portal Certificate into AGS