The hsSyn AST does not directly capture the locations of certain keywords and punctuation, such as 'let', 'in', 'do', etc.
These locations are required by any tools wanting to parse a haskell file, transform the AST in some way, and then regenerate the original layout for the unchaged parts.
Rather than pollute the AST with information irrelevant to the actual
compilation process, these locations are captured in the lexer /
parser and returned as a separate ApiAnns
structure in the
This keeps both the keyword location and the original comments with their locations.
type ApiAnns = ( Map.Map ApiAnnKey [SrcSpan]
, Map.Map SrcSpan [Located AnnotationComment])
type ApiAnnKey = (SrcSpan,AnnKeywordId)
Each AST element with annotations has an entries in this Map. The key comprises the SrcSpan of the original element and the AnnKeywordId of the stored annotation. The value is a list of SrcSpans where that particular keyword appears. This is a list to cater for e.g. ";;;;". Top level elements are captured against 'nullSrcSpan'.
So for the source file "examples/Test.hs" having contents
-- |Comment not in a SrcSpan
foo x = -- Compute foo
let a = 4 -- using a
in a + x
The returned ApiAnns are
([((examples/Test.hs:(2,1)-(4,10), AnnEqual), [examples/Test.hs:2:7]),
((examples/Test.hs:(2,1)-(4,10), AnnFunId), [examples/Test.hs:2:1-3]),
((examples/Test.hs:(2,1)-(4,10), AnnSemi), [examples/Test.hs:5:1]),
((examples/Test.hs:(3,3)-(4,10), AnnIn), [examples/Test.hs:4:3-4]),
((examples/Test.hs:(3,3)-(4,10), AnnLet), [examples/Test.hs:3:3-5]),
((examples/Test.hs:3:7-11, AnnEqual), [examples/Test.hs:3:9]),
((examples/Test.hs:3:7-11, AnnFunId), [examples/Test.hs:3:7]),
((examples/Test.hs:4:6-10, AnnVal), [examples/Test.hs:4:8]),
((<no location info>, AnnEofPos), [examples/Test.hs:5:1])],
[AnnLineComment "-- Compute foo"]),
(examples/Test.hs:(3,3)-(4,10), [AnnLineComment "-- using a"]),
(<no location info>,
[AnnLineComment "-- |Comment not in a SrcSpan"])])
This allows the annotation to be retrieved by
-- | Retrieve a list of annotation 'SrcSpan's based on the 'SrcSpan'
-- of the annotated AST element, and the known type of the annotation.
getAnnotation :: ApiAnns -> SrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> [SrcSpan]
getAnnotation (anns,_) span ann
= case Map.lookup (span,ann) anns of
Nothing -> []
Just ss -> ss
Each annotation is simply a SrcSpan
-- | Note: in general the names of these are taken from the
-- corresponding token, unless otherwise noted
data Ann = AnnAs
| AnnAt
| AnnBang
| AnnBy
| AnnCase
| AnnClass
| AnnClose -- ^ } or ] or ) or #) etc
| AnnColon
| AnnColon2
Points to note:
capture all bracketed structures. -
Where a value is being captured via e.g.
the annotation index is calledAnnVal
The annotations are captured in the lexer / parser by extending PState
to include a field
data PState = PState {
annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,SrcSpan)]
The lexer exposes a helper function to add an annotation
addAnnotation :: SrcSpan -> Ann -> SrcSpan -> P ()
addAnnotation l a v = P $ \s -> POk s {
annotations = ((AK l a), v) : annotations s
} ()
The parser also has some helper functions of the form
type MaybeAnn = Maybe (SrcSpan -> P ())
gl = getLoc
gj x = Just (gl x)
aa :: Located a -> (Ann,Located c) -> P (Located a)
aa a@(L l _) (b,s) = addAnnotation l b (gl s) >> return a
ams :: Located a -> [MaybeAnn] -> P (Located a)
ams a@(L l _) bs = (mapM_ (\a -> a l) $ catMaybes bs) >> return a
This allows the annotations to be added in the parser productions as follows
ctypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
: 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' ctypedoc {% hintExplicitForall (getLoc $1) >>
ams (LL $ mkExplicitHsForAllTy $2 (noLoc []) $4)
[mj AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3] }
| context '=>' ctypedoc {% ams (LL $ mkQualifiedHsForAllTy $1 $3)
[mj AnnDarrow $2] }
| ipvar '::' type {% ams (LL (HsIParamTy (unLoc $1) $3))
[mj AnnDcolon $2] }
| typedoc { $1 }
data HsParsedModule = HsParsedModule {
hpm_module :: Located (HsModule RdrName),
hpm_src_files :: [FilePath],
-- ^ extra source files (e.g. from #includes). The lexer collects
-- these from '# <file> <line>' pragmas, which the C preprocessor
-- leaves behind. These files and their timestamps are stored in
-- the .hi file, so that we can force recompilation if any of
-- them change (#3589)
hpm_annotations :: ApiAnns
-- | The result of successful parsing.
data ParsedModule =
ParsedModule { pm_mod_summary :: ModSummary
, pm_parsed_source :: ParsedSource
, pm_extra_src_files :: [FilePath]
, pm_annotations :: ApiAnns }
Currently the annotations are only guaranteed to apply to the ParsedSource
, the renaming process flattens some of the location hooks for
data HsType name
| HsRecTy [Located [ConDeclField name]] -- Only in data type declarations
-- and
HsDataDefn {
dd_cons :: [Located [LConDecl name]],
-- ^ Data constructors
Comments are returned as annotations, if enabled by the existing Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
There is an additional structure to the PState
for comments indexed by SrcSpan
, and also a queue of pending comments.
The basic mechanism is for lexToken
in Lexer.x
to accumulate the comments in the queue as parsing progressed, and when the helper function addComments
is called with a SrcSpan
argument it moves any comments in the queue that fit within the SrcSpan
into the comment annotation structure indexed by the given SrcSpan
These are then available for retrieval at the and, as with the existing annotations.
In practical terms, the usage of comments by tools requires them to be attached in some way to the logical units to which they apply. A case in point is comments preceding a function. In general, this is a hard problem, which is attacked via heuristics in
. This comment allocation would aim for a mechanistic allocation to the lowest enclosingSrcSpan
, as a start. -
It is possible to put the lexer into
mode, a flag which is currently unset whenOpt_KeepRawTokenStream
is enabled. If these were made inclusive, it would be possible to explicitly tag the comments as being of type haddock, so that at a future date the annotations could possibly be used directly by haddock, rather than the very complicated parsing rules currently in place.