diff --git a/_posts/2023-10-05-mac-studio-rack.md b/_posts/2023-10-05-mac-studio-rack.md index e4ceb43dbd..9c3bef246a 100644 --- a/_posts/2023-10-05-mac-studio-rack.md +++ b/_posts/2023-10-05-mac-studio-rack.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: post title: "More than a Rackmount Case for a Mac" date: 2023-10-05 08:00:00 -0500 categories: homelab -tags: Mac apple Thunderbolt mac-studio NVMe xmac-studio sonnet +tags: mac apple thunderbolt mac-studio nvme xmac-studio sonnet image: path: /assets/img/headers/mac-studio-rack-hero.webp lqip:  diff --git a/_posts/2023-10-21-desk-tour-2023.md b/_posts/2023-10-21-desk-tour-2023.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca6fab6d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/_posts/2023-10-21-desk-tour-2023.md @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +--- +layout: post +title: "My NEW Ultimate Desk & Setup Tour 2023!" +date: 2023-10-21 08:00:00 -0500 +categories: vlog +tags: desk tour windows mac linux studio hardware ultrawide +image: + path: /assets/img/headers/desk-tour-2023-hero.webp + lqip:  +--- + +Ever wonder what my home office and studio looks like and which tools I use? Check out my NEW ultimate desk & setup Tour for 2023! (My setup, my desk, my workbench, and even my studio rack for 2023!) + +Disclosures: + +- I was not paid +- Elgato provided some items for free, the rest I chose and bought with my own money over the years +- Grovemade provided desk shelf and desk pad for free +- I bought everything else with my own money + +Thanks to Grovemade for helping me organize my desk! Use code `TECHNOTIM` for 10% off! + +Huge shoutout to Elgato for helping me get my stream in check! + +{% include embed/youtube.html id='gYgaxdUAAS0' %} +📺 [Watch Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYgaxdUAAS0) + +## Notes + +Here are my notes from the video in case you wanted a little more context than I was able to provide! This was such a fun project but yet I am glad I am done! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below! All parts are linked in the `Where to Buy Section` below! + +## Monitors + +![My Monitors!](/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-1.webp){: lqip="" } +_Samsung 57" Ultrawide and my Dell 4k monitor!_ + +### Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57” Dual 4k UHD + +- Dual 4k means they put 2 4k panels together +- 240hz refresh rate and 1ms response time +- I don’t need this at all, 120hz is great but what I really wanted was a specific ratio. +- Ratio is Important to me because I wanted to have a 16:9 ratio so that I could put 2 windows side by side and have them each be 4k, or one large one for editing +- One other cool thing is that it has a 100R curve, which for me I think is one of the best curves, although I haven’t used any other. This makes it feel more natural where the monitor is almost equidistant as I move my head when looking left and right. +- So how do you hold up a 40 lbs monitor? Very carefully. +- Took a while to find the right arm, since most monitor arms max out at about 30-40 lbs. Ended up finding one that supports 44 lbs and it’s working great. +- I did this so I can adjust and and because the legs are gigantic +- It has RGB, kind of pointless unless someone is sitting behind you and you want to annoy them. I only have it on for this video. +- Also, this arm has RGB too, which I promise is not the reason I bought it. It can be toggled off too. + +### Dell U2720Q 27” 4k IPS Panel + +- You might be wondering why I have this when I have a gigantic monitor below? +- This is great when sharing my screen on zoom calls or when I do screen recordings for my videos so that I don’t have to share a super wide desktop that no one can see or have to only share a section of my screen. I typically have it off until I need to do one of those things. + +## Desk Organization + +### Grovemade + +![Grovemade desk system!](/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-2.webp){: lqip="" } +_Having a desk system like this one from Grovemade freed up a lot of space on my desk_ + +- Designed and made in Portland, Oregon +- Simple materials - wood, aluminum, cork +- 46 inches wide, 9 inches deep +- Solid maple - warm, natural look +- Desk Shelf - Large Maple +- Also opted for a tray to store some things. +- This gives me 3 layers to store things that need to be out of the way but still have quick access to. +- I also went with this light gray desk pad. This is my first real desk pad and I have to say, I think this one is perfect. It has a great modem look, it’s just wide and deep enough, and it’s super smooth with some cushion. My mouse slides so easily on it with the perfect amount of friction, it’s hard to explain but I really feel like this material helps me be more precise when using my mouse at the crazy high DPI I have it set at. +- Huge shout out to Grovemade for sending this desk set to help get my digital life in order! If you’re interested, I’ll have some links in the description will also give you 10% off by using the code TechnoTim +- I am also using this on my workbench. + +## Audio & Video + +### Elgato Gear + +![Elgato gear!](/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-3.webp){: lqip="" } +_Streaming has never been easier with my Elgato gear!_ + +- Elgato Stream Deck + and Wave Link control audio live streaming and even my music. - I have a Wave XLR for my microphones and I control all of the audio levels using the stream deck plus. +- Huge shout out to Elgato for sending these after struggling so much with other audio setups. +- Then I have the first stream deck which I’ve had for years which mostly controls OBS and smart lights in the room. + +## Attachments + +## Lights, Cameras, Action? + +You might be noticing all of these things attached to my desk, up here I have a pair of Elgato Key Lights that help control my lighting when streaming and recording, then a bunch of arms. These arms help move my gear into the best place possible + +## Cable Management + +This consists of velcro, the right power strips, an under desk basket, and a few systems underneath to hold cables and cords. USB Hubs and switchers help tidy this up too and allow me to switch between Windows and Mac. + +## Workbench + +![My workbench!](/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-4.webp){: lqip="" } +_Although my workbench is small, organizing it is key to getting projects done on time!_ + +- Behind me is my workbench +- This is where I build and test most of the things you see on my channel +- You can see a ZimaBoard and zima blade here that I am testing and working on +- As you can see I also have the Grove desk shelf +- Lots of little things hiding in here +- This area is where I charge things +- Wish there were a better way to to charge all usb devices, but tucking them under here is the best I’ve found. If you know of a better way let me know in the comments! + +## Where to Buy + +Products in this video: + +Here are the items in the video, let me know if I missed anything! (some are affiliate links) + +On my desk: + +- SAMSUNG 57" Odyssey Neo G9: +- Ultrawide Monitor Arm: +- Dell 4k Monitor: +- Tall Monitor Arm: +- Grovemade Shelf: +- Grovemade Desk Pad: +- Elgato Stream Deck +: +- Elgato Stream Deck: +- Elgato Wave XLR: +- Elgato Wave Mic Arm LP: +- Elgato Key Light: +- Keychron Q3 Keyboard: +- Razer Mouse: +- Rode PodMic: +- RODE PSA1 Arm: +- Sony A6400 Camera: +- DJI Mic: +- Camera Arm: +- Hue Play Lights: +- USB Switch: +- Powered USB Hub: +- HDMI Switch: +- Desk Legs: + +Cable management: + +- Under Desk Trays: +- Power Strips: +- Velcro: +- Long Display Port: +- Long USB: +- Long HDM: +- Long PC Power: +- Long Active USB C: +- Long Cat 6 Ethernet: +- Label Maker: + +Studio Rack: + +- 12u Server Rack: + +Workbench: + +- Grovemade Shelf: +- Desk Mat: +- Slim Network Cables: +- UniFi 16 Port Switch with POE+: +- ZimaBoard: +- Desk Legs: +- Elgato Key Light: +- Elgato Multi Mount: +- Anker Charger: + +Mobile Workbench / Storage: + +- Mobile Workbench: +- Best USB C Dongle: + +🛍️ See the whole kit + + +(Affiliate links are included in this description. I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.) + +## Join the conversation + + + +## Links + +⚙️ See all the hardware I recommend at + +🚀 Don't forget to check out the [🚀Launchpad repo](https://l.technotim.live/quick-start) with all of the quick start source files diff --git a/assets/img/headers/desk-tour-2023-hero.webp b/assets/img/headers/desk-tour-2023-hero.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba42d0d14a Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/headers/desk-tour-2023-hero.webp differ diff --git a/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-1.webp b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-1.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15b8079c73 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-1.webp differ diff --git a/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-2.webp b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-2.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3e34d2f3b Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-2.webp differ diff --git a/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-3.webp b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-3.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76aee3a249 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-3.webp differ diff --git a/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-4.webp b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-4.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1953fcb628 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/img/posts/desk-tour-2023-4.webp differ