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README for Coursera's *Getting and Cleaning Data* course project submission
Sylvain Tenier

What is inside the repository?

Included are the relevant files for the handout

  • run_analysis.R: script that completes the assignment
  • the current file, describing how the script works
  • tidy.txt: the space-separated tidy data set submitted on Coursera
  • a description of all the calculated variables and summaries in the output
  • a subset of the UCI HAR Dataset folder, containing only the files used by the script.

How to run the script?

#What do you get upon running the script?

  • A tidy.csv file containing a tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
  • Variables in the R environment, including:
    • alltogether: all 10299 observations and 563 variables in a dataframe
    • cleanset: all 10299 observations (with descriptive variable names) and only the relevant variables (mean and standard deviation for each measurement). This is the output of step 4 of the assignment
    • avg_va: a second, independent tidy data set with 180 observations representing the average of each variable for each subject/activity group. This is the output of step 5 of the assignment. The tidy.csv file is generated from this tidy data set.

How is the result a clean data set?

The resulting data set respects the 3 principles of dity data defined in Hadley Wickham's paper, Tidy data (

  1. Each variable forms a column,
  2. each observation forms a row,
  3. each type of observational unit forms a table.

How does the script work?

  • We first load the dplyr library with the library(dplyr) command. dplyr provides a set of tools for efficiently manipulating datasets in R
  • We check whether the working directory contains the UCI HAR Dataset folder. In this case, we set the working directory to the actual folder, using the setwd() command.
  • We load each file in its own dataframe using the read.table command.
    • The content of subject_train.txt and subject_test.txt is merged into a subjects dataframe using dplyrs's bind_rows command
    • The content of y_train.txt.txt and y_train.txt.txt is merged into a activities dataframe using dplyrs's bind_rows command
    • Features from the features.txt file are loaded and cleaned using the gsub command and relevant regular expressions
      • parenthesis are removed,
      • -- are replaced with _,
      • the output is a clean_label vector.
    • The clean_label vector is used for column names when loading the measurements fromX_train.txt and X_test.txt files. The output is a measurement dataframe containing measurements with valid and relevant variables names. We chose to do this step (step 4 of the assignment) at that time to deal with clean variables names all along.
  • We create the data frame with all subjects, activities and measurements using the data_frame command. The output is an alltogether dataframe containing all 10299 observations and 563 variables.
  • We use dplyr's select command along with dplyr's matches command to keep only:
    • the subject_id column
    • the act_id column
    • columns containing mean or std at the end or before a _ character using the *(std|mean)($|_) regular expression
  • The output is a cleanset variable containing only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement, as requested in step 2 of the assignment.
  • We mofify the cleanset variable to replace each activity id by a descriptive activity name.
    • We load the activity_labels.txt file
    • We use the inner_join dplyr command to match each id with the descriptive name
    • We remove the act_id column to keep only the descriptive name using dplyr's select command.
  • Finally, we create a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject:
    • first we group by subject and activity using dplyr's group_by command,
    • then we calculate the mean for each group using dplyrs- summarise_each command,
    • finally we use the setNames function to prefix each variable with the mogo_ string, to indicate that each variable represent the "mean of grouped observations"
  • The output is the avg_va variable containing 180 observations (30 subjects, each performing 6 activities)
  • This data frame is exported into the tidy.csv file using the write.table command. This file has been uploaded as requested in part 1 of the assignment.
    • This file can be loaded into R for inspection with the read.table("tidy.csv", header = TRUE) command. If you just generated the file from the script, make sure you go up one directory using the setwd("..") command, since the file is created in the folder tha contains the UCI HAR Dataset folder.