diff --git a/packages/e2e/cypress/e2e/run/actions-pipelinerun.cy.js b/packages/e2e/cypress/e2e/run/actions-pipelinerun.cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0afe862a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/e2e/cypress/e2e/run/actions-pipelinerun.cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Copyright 2022 The Tekton Authors
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+const namespace = 'e2e-actions';
+describe('Edit and run Pipeline Run', () => {
+  before(() => {
+    cy.exec('kubectl version --client');
+    cy.exec(`kubectl create namespace ${namespace} || true`);
+  });
+  after(() => {
+    cy.exec(`kubectl delete namespace ${namespace} || true`);
+  });
+  it('should create pipelinerun on edit and run', function () {
+    // given pipeline
+    const uniqueNumber = Date.now();
+    const pipelineName = `sp-${uniqueNumber}`;
+    const pipeline = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: Pipeline
+  name: ${pipelineName}
+  namespace: ${namespace}
+  tasks:
+    - name: hello
+      taskSpec:
+        steps:
+          - name: echo
+            image: busybox
+            script: |
+              #!/bin/ash
+              echo "Hello World!"
+    `;
+    cy.exec(`echo "${pipeline}" | kubectl apply -f -`);
+    // when create first pipeline run
+    cy.visit(
+      `/#/pipelineruns/create?namespace=${namespace}&pipelineName=${pipelineName}`
+    );
+    cy.get('[id=create-pipelinerun--namespaces-dropdown]').should(
+      'have.value',
+      namespace
+    );
+    cy.get('[id=create-pipelinerun--pipelines-dropdown]').should(
+      'have.value',
+      pipelineName
+    );
+    cy.contains('button', 'Create').click();
+    cy.get(
+      `td:has(.bx--link[title*=${pipelineName}-run]) + td:has(.tkn--status[data-reason=Succeeded])`,
+      { timeout: 15000 }
+    ).should('have.length', 1);
+    // when edit and run to create second pipeline run
+    cy.contains(`${pipelineName}-run`).parent().click();
+    cy.contains('button', 'Actions').click();
+    cy.contains('button', 'Edit and run').click();
+    cy.get('.cm-content').contains(`name: ${pipelineName}`);
+    cy.contains('button', 'Create').click();
+    // then
+    cy.get(
+      `td:has(.bx--link[title*=${pipelineName}-run]) + td:has(.tkn--status[data-reason=Succeeded])`,
+      { timeout: 15000 }
+    ).should('have.length', 2);
+  });
diff --git a/packages/utils/src/utils/index.js b/packages/utils/src/utils/index.js
index dc40740d45..66cf7ea43a 100644
--- a/packages/utils/src/utils/index.js
+++ b/packages/utils/src/utils/index.js
@@ -356,6 +356,14 @@ export function getGenerateNamePrefixForRerun(name) {
   return `${root}${rerunIdentifier}`;
+export function getGenerateNamePrefixForNewRun(name) {
+  let generateName = name;
+  if (!name.endsWith('-')) {
+    generateName = `${name}-`;
+  }
+  return `${generateName}`;
     getParams required to support 3rd-party consumers of certain dashboard
     components (e.g. PipelineRun) while they migrate to the Tekton beta
diff --git a/src/api/pipelineRuns.js b/src/api/pipelineRuns.js
index bf7d0db77c..29f5859fa1 100644
--- a/src/api/pipelineRuns.js
+++ b/src/api/pipelineRuns.js
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-import { getGenerateNamePrefixForRerun } from '@tektoncd/dashboard-utils';
+import {
+  getGenerateNamePrefixForNewRun,
+  getGenerateNamePrefixForRerun
+} from '@tektoncd/dashboard-utils';
 import deepClone from 'lodash.clonedeep';
 import { deleteRequest, get, patch, post } from './comms';
@@ -170,30 +173,46 @@ export function createPipelineRun({
   return post(uri, payload).then(({ body }) => body);
-export function rerunPipelineRun(pipelineRun) {
-  const { annotations, labels, name, namespace } = pipelineRun.metadata;
+export function generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pipelineRun, rerun) {
+  const { annotations, labels, name, namespace, generateName } =
+    pipelineRun.metadata;
   const payload = deepClone(pipelineRun);
   payload.apiVersion =
     payload.apiVersion || `tekton.dev/${getTektonPipelinesAPIVersion()}`;
   payload.kind = payload.kind || 'PipelineRun';
+  function getGenerateName() {
+    if (rerun) {
+      return getGenerateNamePrefixForRerun(name);
+    }
+    return generateName || getGenerateNamePrefixForNewRun(name);
+  }
   payload.metadata = {
-    annotations: annotations || {},
-    generateName: getGenerateNamePrefixForRerun(name),
-    labels: {
-      ...labels,
-      'dashboard.tekton.dev/rerunOf': name
-    },
+    annotations,
+    generateName: getGenerateName(),
+    labels,
+  if (rerun) {
+    payload.metadata.labels = {
+      ...labels,
+      'dashboard.tekton.dev/rerunOf': name
+    };
+  }
-  Object.keys(payload.metadata.labels).forEach(label => {
-    if (label.startsWith('tekton.dev/')) {
-      delete payload.metadata.labels[label];
-    }
-  });
+  if (payload.metadata.labels) {
+    Object.keys(payload.metadata.labels).forEach(label => {
+      if (label.startsWith('tekton.dev/')) {
+        delete payload.metadata.labels[label];
+      }
+    });
+  }
-  /*
+  if (payload.metadata.annotations) {
+    /*
     This is used by Tekton Pipelines as part of the conversion between v1beta1
     and v1 resources. Creating a run with this in place prevents it from actually
     executing and instead adopts the status of the original TaskRuns.
@@ -204,14 +223,27 @@ export function rerunPipelineRun(pipelineRun) {
     When v1beta1 has been fully removed from Tekton Pipelines we can revisit this
     and remove all remaining `tekton.dev/*` annotations.
-  */
-  delete payload.metadata.annotations['tekton.dev/v1beta1TaskRuns'];
-  delete payload.metadata.annotations[
-    'kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration'
-  ];
+    */
+    delete payload.metadata.annotations['tekton.dev/v1beta1TaskRuns'];
+    delete payload.metadata.annotations[
+      'kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration'
+    ];
+  }
+  Object.keys(payload.metadata).forEach(
+    i => payload.metadata[i] === undefined && delete payload.metadata[i]
+  );
   delete payload.status;
   delete payload.spec?.status;
+  return { namespace, payload };
+export function rerunPipelineRun(pipelineRun) {
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(
+    pipelineRun,
+    true
+  );
   const uri = getTektonAPI('pipelineruns', { namespace });
   return post(uri, payload).then(({ body }) => body);
diff --git a/src/api/pipelineRuns.test.js b/src/api/pipelineRuns.test.js
index 1be357ea6c..1eb805d810 100644
--- a/src/api/pipelineRuns.test.js
+++ b/src/api/pipelineRuns.test.js
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
+import yaml from 'js-yaml';
 import * as API from './pipelineRuns';
 import * as utils from './utils';
 import { rest, server } from '../../config_frontend/msw';
+import { generateNewPipelineRunPayload } from './pipelineRuns';
 it('cancelPipelineRun', () => {
   const name = 'foo';
@@ -326,3 +328,226 @@ it('startPipelineRun', () => {
+it('generate new pipeline run minimum for rerun', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace'
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, true);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  generateName: test-r-
+  labels:
+    dashboard.tekton.dev/rerunOf: test
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
+it('generate new pipeline run maximum for rerun', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace',
+      annotations: {
+        keya: 'valuea',
+        'kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration':
+          '{"apiVersion": "tekton.dev/v1beta1", "keya": "valuea"}'
+      },
+      labels: {
+        keyl: 'valuel',
+        key2: 'value2',
+        'tekton.dev/pipeline': 'foo'
+      },
+      uid: '111-233-33',
+      resourceVersion: 'aaaa'
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      },
+      params: [{ name: 'param-1' }, { name: 'param-2' }]
+    },
+    status: { startTime: '0' }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, true);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  annotations:
+    keya: valuea
+  generateName: test-r-
+  labels:
+    keyl: valuel
+    key2: value2
+    dashboard.tekton.dev/rerunOf: test
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  params:
+    - name: param-1
+    - name: param-2
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
+it('generate new pipeline run minimum', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace'
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, false);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  generateName: test-
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
+it('generate new pipeline run maximum', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      annotations: {
+        keya: 'valuea',
+        'kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration':
+          '{"apiVersion": "tekton.dev/v1beta1", "keya": "valuea"}'
+      },
+      labels: {
+        keyl: 'valuel',
+        key2: 'value2',
+        'tekton.dev/pipeline': 'foo'
+      },
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace',
+      uid: '111-233-33',
+      resourceVersion: 'aaaa'
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      },
+      params: [{ name: 'param-1' }, { name: 'param-2' }]
+    },
+    status: { startTime: '0' }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, false);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  annotations:
+    keya: valuea
+  generateName: test-
+  labels:
+    keyl: valuel
+    key2: value2
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  params:
+    - name: param-1
+    - name: param-2
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
+it('generate new pipeline run last applied configuration should be removed', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      annotations: {
+        'kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration':
+          '{"apiVersion": "tekton.dev/v1beta1", "keya": "valuea"}'
+      },
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace'
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, false);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  annotations: {}
+  generateName: test-
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
+it('generate new pipeline run tekton.dev labels should be removed', () => {
+  const pr = {
+    apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+    kind: 'PipelineRun',
+    metadata: {
+      name: 'test',
+      namespace: 'test-namespace',
+      labels: {
+        'tekton.dev/pipeline': 'foo',
+        'tekton.dev/run': 'foo'
+      }
+    },
+    spec: {
+      pipelineRef: {
+        name: 'simple'
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  const { namespace, payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(pr, false);
+  const expected = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  generateName: test-
+  labels: {}
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: simple
+  expect(namespace).toEqual('test-namespace');
+  expect(yaml.dump(payload)).toEqual(expected);
diff --git a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.js b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.js
index 3ca70e9fef..0bae70e01d 100644
--- a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.js
+++ b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.js
@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ import {
 } from '..';
 import {
+  generateNewPipelineRunPayload,
+  usePipelineRun,
 } from '../../api';
 import { isValidLabel } from '../../utils';
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ const initialState = {
   nodeSelector: [],
   params: {},
   paramSpecs: [],
-  pendingPipelineStatus: '',
+  pipelinePendingStatus: '',
   pipelineError: false,
   pipelineRef: '',
   pipelineRunName: '',
@@ -91,6 +93,11 @@ function CreatePipelineRun() {
     return urlSearchParams.get('pipelineName') || '';
+  function getPipelineRunName() {
+    const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+    return urlSearchParams.get('pipelineRunName') || '';
+  }
   function getNamespace() {
     const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
     return (
@@ -426,6 +433,36 @@ function CreatePipelineRun() {
   if (isYAMLMode()) {
+    const externalPipelineRunName = getPipelineRunName();
+    if (externalPipelineRunName) {
+      const { data: pipelineRunObject, isLoading } = usePipelineRun(
+        {
+          name: externalPipelineRunName,
+          namespace: getNamespace()
+        },
+        { disableWebSocket: true }
+      );
+      let payloadYaml = null;
+      if (pipelineRunObject) {
+        const { payload } = generateNewPipelineRunPayload(
+          pipelineRunObject,
+          false
+        );
+        payloadYaml = yaml.dump(payload);
+      }
+      const loadingMessage = intl.formatMessage({
+        id: 'dashboard.pipelineRun.loading',
+        defaultMessage: 'Loading PipelineRun…'
+      });
+      return (
+        <CreateYAMLEditor
+          code={payloadYaml || ''}
+          loading={isLoading}
+          loadingMessage={loadingMessage}
+        />
+      );
+    }
     const pipelineRun = getPipelineRunPayload({
       labels: labels.reduce((acc, { key, value }) => {
         acc[key] = value;
diff --git a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.test.js b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.test.js
index 272da4a9a4..5d95a327a8 100644
--- a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.test.js
+++ b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/CreatePipelineRun.test.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 import React from 'react';
-import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
+import { fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
 import { renderWithRouter } from '../../utils/test';
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import * as PipelineRunsAPI from '../../api/pipelineRuns';
 import * as PipelinesAPI from '../../api/pipelines';
 import * as ServiceAccountsAPI from '../../api/serviceAccounts';
+const submitButton = allByText => allByText('Create')[0];
 const pipelines = [
     metadata: {
@@ -110,14 +111,6 @@ describe('CreatePipelineRun', () => {
-  it('renders yaml mode', () => {
-    const { getByRole } = renderWithRouter(<CreatePipelineRun />, {
-      path: '/create',
-      route: '/create?mode=yaml'
-    });
-    expect(getByRole(/textbox/)).toBeTruthy();
-  });
   it('handles onClose event', () => {
     jest.spyOn(window.history, 'pushState');
     const { getByText } = renderWithRouter(<CreatePipelineRun />);
@@ -133,3 +126,101 @@ describe('CreatePipelineRun', () => {
+const pipelineRunRawGenerateName = {
+  apiVersion: 'tekton.dev/v1beta1',
+  kind: 'PipelineRun',
+  metadata: {
+    generateName: 'test-pipeline-run-name-',
+    namespace: 'test-namespace'
+  },
+  spec: {
+    pipelineSpec: {
+      tasks: [
+        {
+          name: 'hello',
+          taskSpec: {
+            steps: [
+              {
+                image: 'busybox',
+                name: 'echo',
+                script: '#!/bin/ash\necho "Hello World!"\n'
+              }
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+const expectedPipelineRun = `apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  name: run-1111111111
+  namespace: test-namespace
+  labels: {}
+  pipelineRef:
+    name: ''
+  status: ''`;
+const expectedPipelineRunOneLine = expectedPipelineRun.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '');
+const findNameRegexp = /name: run-\S+/;
+describe('CreatePipelineRun yaml mode', () => {
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    jest.clearAllMocks();
+    jest.spyOn(window.history, 'pushState');
+  });
+  it('renders yaml mode with namespace', async () => {
+    jest
+      .spyOn(PipelineRunsAPI, 'createPipelineRunRaw')
+      .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} }));
+    jest
+      .spyOn(PipelineRunsAPI, 'usePipelineRun')
+      .mockImplementation(() => ({ data: pipelineRunRawGenerateName }));
+    const { getByRole } = renderWithRouter(<CreatePipelineRun />, {
+      path: '/create',
+      route: '/create?mode=yaml&namespace=test-namespace'
+    });
+    expect(getByRole(/textbox/)).toBeTruthy();
+    let actual = getByRole(/textbox/).textContent;
+    actual = actual.replace(findNameRegexp, 'name: run-1111111111');
+    expect(actual.trim()).toEqual(expectedPipelineRunOneLine);
+  });
+  it('handle submit. yaml mode with pipelinerun and namespace', async () => {
+    jest
+      .spyOn(PipelineRunsAPI, 'createPipelineRunRaw')
+      .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} }));
+    jest
+      .spyOn(PipelineRunsAPI, 'usePipelineRun')
+      .mockImplementation(() => ({ data: pipelineRunRawGenerateName }));
+    const { queryAllByText } = renderWithRouter(<CreatePipelineRun />, {
+      path: '/create',
+      route:
+        '/create?mode=yaml&pipelineRunName=test-pipeline-run-name&namespace=test-namespace'
+    });
+    expect(submitButton(queryAllByText)).toBeTruthy();
+    fireEvent.click(submitButton(queryAllByText));
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect(PipelineRunsAPI.createPipelineRunRaw).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    });
+    expect(PipelineRunsAPI.createPipelineRunRaw).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+      expect.objectContaining({
+        namespace: 'test-namespace',
+        payload: pipelineRunRawGenerateName
+      })
+    );
+    await waitFor(() => {
+      expect(window.history.pushState).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.js b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.js
index 88f481da43..19e2d4b877 100644
--- a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.js
+++ b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.js
@@ -16,29 +16,41 @@ import {
-  InlineNotification
+  InlineNotification,
+  Loading
 } from 'carbon-components-react';
 import yaml from 'js-yaml';
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import CodeMirror from '@uiw/react-codemirror';
 import { StreamLanguage } from '@codemirror/language';
 import { yaml as codeMirrorYAML } from '@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/yaml';
 import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom-v5-compat';
 import { createPipelineRunRaw, useSelectedNamespace } from '../../api';
-export function CreateYAMLEditor({ code: initialCode = '' }) {
+export function CreateYAMLEditor({
+  code: initialCode,
+  loading = false,
+  loadingMessage = ''
+}) {
   const intl = useIntl();
   const navigate = useNavigate();
   const { selectedNamespace } = useSelectedNamespace();
-  const [{ code, isCreating, submitError, validationErrorMessage }, setState] =
+  const [{ isCreating, submitError, validationErrorMessage, code }, setState] =
-      code: initialCode,
       isCreating: false,
       submitError: '',
-      validationErrorMessage: ''
+      validationErrorMessage: '',
+      code: initialCode
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setState(state => ({
+      ...state,
+      code: initialCode
+    }));
+  }, [loading]);
   function validateNamespace(obj) {
     if (!obj?.metadata?.namespace) {
       return {
@@ -176,14 +188,25 @@ export function CreateYAMLEditor({ code: initialCode = '' }) {
-        <FormGroup legendText="">
-          <CodeMirror
-            value={code}
-            height="800px"
-            theme="dark"
-            extensions={[StreamLanguage.define(codeMirrorYAML)]}
-            onChange={onChange}
-          />
+        <FormGroup legendText="" className="tkn--codemirror--form">
+          <>
+            {loading && (
+              <div className="tkn--data-loading-overlay">
+                <Loading description={loadingMessage} withOverlay={false} />
+                <span className="tkn--data-loading-text">{loadingMessage}</span>
+              </div>
+            )}
+            {!loading && (
+              <CodeMirror
+                value={code}
+                height="800px"
+                theme="dark"
+                extensions={[StreamLanguage.define(codeMirrorYAML)]}
+                onChange={onChange}
+                editable={!loading}
+              />
+            )}
+          </>
@@ -191,7 +214,7 @@ export function CreateYAMLEditor({ code: initialCode = '' }) {
             defaultMessage: 'Create'
-          disabled={isCreating}
+          disabled={isCreating || loading}
             id: 'dashboard.actions.createButton',
diff --git a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.test.js b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.test.js
index 10516cf07c..5bb3b5888f 100644
--- a/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.test.js
+++ b/src/containers/CreatePipelineRun/YAMLEditor.test.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { CreateYAMLEditor } from './YAMLEditor';
 import * as PipelineRunsAPI from '../../api/pipelineRuns';
 const submitButton = allByText => allByText('Create')[0];
+const cancelButton = allByText => allByText('Cancel')[0];
 const pipelineRun = `
       apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
       kind: PipelineRun
@@ -211,4 +212,17 @@ describe('YAMLEditor', () => {
       expect(getByText(/Error creating PipelineRun/)).toBeTruthy();
+  it('during loading loading message should be displayed', () => {
+    const { getAllByText } = renderWithRouter(
+      <CreateYAMLEditor loading loadingMessage="wait. test is in progress" />
+    );
+    expect(getAllByText(/wait. test is in progress/)).toBeTruthy();
+  });
+  it('during loading button create should be disabled and button cancel should not', () => {
+    const { queryAllByText } = renderWithRouter(<CreateYAMLEditor loading />);
+    expect(submitButton(queryAllByText).disabled).toBe(true);
+    expect(cancelButton(queryAllByText).disabled).toBe(false);
+  });
diff --git a/src/containers/PipelineRun/PipelineRun.js b/src/containers/PipelineRun/PipelineRun.js
index 239253babe..99c59e4078 100644
--- a/src/containers/PipelineRun/PipelineRun.js
+++ b/src/containers/PipelineRun/PipelineRun.js
@@ -311,6 +311,14 @@ export /* istanbul ignore next */ function PipelineRunContainer() {
+  function editAndRun() {
+    navigate(
+      `${urls.pipelineRuns.create()}?mode=yaml&pipelineRunName=${
+        pipelineRun.metadata.name
+      }&namespace=${pipelineRun.metadata.namespace}`
+    );
+  }
   function pipelineRunActions() {
     if (isReadOnly) {
       return [];
@@ -328,6 +336,13 @@ export /* istanbul ignore next */ function PipelineRunContainer() {
           return isPending(reason, status);
+      {
+        actionText: intl.formatMessage({
+          id: 'dashboard.editAndRun.actionText',
+          defaultMessage: 'Edit and run'
+        }),
+        action: editAndRun
+      },
         actionText: intl.formatMessage({
           id: 'dashboard.startPipelineRun.actionText',
diff --git a/src/containers/PipelineRuns/PipelineRuns.js b/src/containers/PipelineRuns/PipelineRuns.js
index ef4ed82ec3..b5acbdaca7 100644
--- a/src/containers/PipelineRuns/PipelineRuns.js
+++ b/src/containers/PipelineRuns/PipelineRuns.js
@@ -172,6 +172,14 @@ export function PipelineRuns() {
+  function editAndRun(pipelineRun) {
+    navigate(
+      `${urls.pipelineRuns.create()}?mode=yaml&pipelineRunName=${
+        pipelineRun.metadata.name
+      }&namespace=${pipelineRun.metadata.namespace}`
+    );
+  }
   async function handleDelete() {
     const deletions = toBeDeleted.map(resource => deleteRun(resource));
@@ -206,6 +214,13 @@ export function PipelineRuns() {
           return isPending(reason, status);
+      {
+        actionText: intl.formatMessage({
+          id: 'dashboard.editAndRun.actionText',
+          defaultMessage: 'Edit and run'
+        }),
+        action: editAndRun
+      },
         actionText: intl.formatMessage({
           id: 'dashboard.startPipelineRun.actionText',
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_de.json b/src/nls/messages_de.json
index 848946c3fa..c0e38dcb59 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_de.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_de.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "{kind} löschen",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "{kind} nicht gefunden",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "{kind} nicht gefunden",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Fehler beim Laden von PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "PipelineRun kann nicht geladen werden",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "Details der PipelineRun können nicht geladen werden: {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "Keine Protokollausgabe",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "Das Protokoll kann nicht abgerufen werden",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRun nicht gefunden",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_en.json b/src/nls/messages_en.json
index d547b09c30..c7544efd37 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_en.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_en.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "Delete {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "Are you sure you would like to delete Run {name}?",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "Are you sure you would like to delete TaskRun {name}?",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "Edit and run",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "No matching {kind} found",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "No matching {kind} found",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "No matching {kind} found in namespace {selectedNamespace}",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Error loading PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "Cannot load PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "Unable to load PipelineRun: {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "Loading PipelineRun…",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "No log available",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "Unable to fetch log",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRun not found",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_es.json b/src/nls/messages_es.json
index d8cb6406f7..1d6c643b51 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_es.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_es.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "Suprimir {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "No se ha encontrado ninguna {kind}",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "No se ha encontrado ninguna {kind}",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Error al cargar PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "No se puede cargar PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "No se han podido cargar los detalles de PipelineRun: {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "No hay salida de registros",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "No se puede recuperar el registro",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "No se ha encontrado PipelineRun",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_fr.json b/src/nls/messages_fr.json
index 04521b5901..5fb686a5b7 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_fr.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_fr.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "Suppression des {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "{kind} introuvable",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "{kind} introuvable",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement de PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "Impossible de charger PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "Impossible de charger les détails de PipelineRun : {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "Aucune sortie de journal",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "Impossible d'extraire le journal",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRun introuvable",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_it.json b/src/nls/messages_it.json
index e371cf1581..46133b96d3 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_it.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_it.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "Elimina {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "Nessun {kind} trovato",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "Nessun {kind} trovato",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Errore nel caricamento dell'esecuzione pipeline",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "Impossibile caricare l'esecuzione pipeline",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "Impossibile caricare i dettagli dell'esecuzione pipeline: {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "Nessun output di log",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "Impossibile richiamare il log",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "Esecuzione pipeline non trovata",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_ja.json b/src/nls/messages_ja.json
index 15d3cc2adf..26439751d6 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_ja.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_ja.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "{kind}を削除",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "TaskRun {name}を削除してもよろしいですか?",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "すべてのNamespaceに{kind}がありません",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "{kind}がありません",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "{selectedNamespace} Namespaceに{kind}がありません",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "PipelineRunのロード中にエラーが発生しました",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "PipelineRunをロードできません",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "PipelineRunをロードできません:{reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "ログがありません",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "ログを取得できません",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRunが見つかりません",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_ko.json b/src/nls/messages_ko.json
index 2fe6ec6eab..da1d603847 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_ko.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_ko.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "{kind} 삭제",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "{kind}을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "{kind}을(를) 찾을 수 없음",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "PipelineRun 로드 중 오류 발생",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "PipelineRun을 로드할 수 없음",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "PipelineRun 세부사항을 로드할 수 없습니다. {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "로그 출력이 없음",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "로그를 페치할 수 없음",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRun을 찾을 수 없음",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_pt.json b/src/nls/messages_pt.json
index f0b30fe354..a771729234 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_pt.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_pt.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "Excluir o {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "Nenhum {kind} localizado",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "Nenhum {kind} localizado",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "Erro ao carregar o PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "Não é possível carregar PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "Não é possível carregar detalhes de PipelineRun: {reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "Nenhuma saída de log",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "Não é possível buscar o log",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "PipelineRun não localizado",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_zh-Hans.json b/src/nls/messages_zh-Hans.json
index 7cd4733752..850c1b2c20 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_zh-Hans.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_zh-Hans.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "删除 {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "您确定要删除 TaskRun {name} 吗",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "未找到 {kind}",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "未找到 {kind}",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "未找到 {kind}",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "加载 PipelineRun 时出错",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "无法加载 PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "无法加载 PipelineRun 详细信息:{reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "没有日志输出",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "无法访问日志",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "未找到 PipelineRun",
diff --git a/src/nls/messages_zh-Hant.json b/src/nls/messages_zh-Hant.json
index 971e301097..5c138ead92 100644
--- a/src/nls/messages_zh-Hant.json
+++ b/src/nls/messages_zh-Hant.json
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
     "dashboard.deleteResources.heading": "刪除 {kind}",
     "dashboard.deleteRun.body": "",
     "dashboard.deleteTaskRun.body": "",
+    "dashboard.editAndRun.actionText": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.allNamespaces": "找不到 {kind}",
     "dashboard.emptyState.clusterResource": "",
     "dashboard.emptyState.selectedNamespace": "找不到 {kind}",
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.error": "載入 PipelineRun 時發生錯誤",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failed": "無法載入 PipelineRun",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.failedMessage": "無法載入 PipelineRun 詳細資料:{reason}",
+    "dashboard.pipelineRun.loading": "",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logEmpty": "沒有日誌輸出",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.logFailed": "無法提取日誌",
     "dashboard.pipelineRun.notFound": "找不到 PipelineRun",