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Keithley TSP® Toolkit Beta

Please note, this extension is still in Beta. We expect there will be issues or improvements. We would greatly appreciate any feedback on the GitHub repo for this project.

The Keithley TSP® Toolkit is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides rich support for Keithley's Test Script Processor (TSP) technology to edit and execute scripts. The extension includes command-set documentation and language features such as syntax error detection and code navigation (provided by sumneko.lua) as well as code-completion suggestions, inline help, and TSP command documentation.

Installed Extensions

Keithley TSP Toolkit will automatically install the sumneko.lua extension to use all of the language features it provides.

Extensions installed through the marketplace are subject to the Marketplace Terms of Use.

Quick Start

  • Step 1. Connect your TSP-enabled Keithley instrument to your local network (LAN).

  • Step 2. Install the Keithley TSP Toolkit Visual Studio Code Extension.

  • Step 3. Open or create a folder for your TSP project.

    Open Folder

  • Step 4. Configure your project for your TSP-Link® instrument configuration.

  • Step 5. Edit and run your TSP scripts by right-clicking them in the file explorer, file tabs, or editor window and selecting "Send Script to Terminal"

    Send Script to Terminal

Usage Notes

When running scripts or commands via the terminal, errors are only fetched after the requested action completes. No new errors will be printed while the operation is in progress.

Useful Commands

Open the Command Pallette (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows or Linux), then type one of the following commands:

Command Description Shortcut
TSP: Open Terminal Opens a new terminal session to an instrument (be sure to close with .exit, see the Known Issues section below)
TSP: Send Script to Terminal Sends the script in the current editor window to the currently connected instrument

To see all available Keithley TSP Toolkit commands, open the Command Pallette and type TSP.

To see all available context-sensitive options, right-click on your active editor window while a *.tsp file is open:

Context-Sensitive Option Description
Send Script to All Terminals Send the current script to all the currently connected instruments with active terminals open
Send Script to Terminal Send the current script to the currently connected instrument

Configure Your Project

There are two ways to configure your project to have language features for your TSP-Link node network: Automatic or Manual. After completing either method, you will be shown relevant code completion suggestions, signature help, and documentation for the instruments in your TSP-Link network.

Automatic Configuration

If you are already connected to a physical instrument with your TSP-Link network configured, then it is possible to have TSP Toolkit automatically configure your project for you.

  1. Open any workspace folder in VSCode
  2. If your workspace folder does not already contain one, create a .tsp (for example my-tsp-file.tsp)
  3. Connect to your instrument using the discovery pane or the TSP: Open Terminal command.
  4. Right-click on the .vscode/tspConfig folder
  5. Select "Fetch TSP-Link Nodes for Connected Instrument"

Manual Configuration

  1. Open any workspace folder in VSCode
  2. If your workspace folder does not already contain one, create a .tsp (for example my-tsp-file.tsp)
  3. Open tspConfig/config.tsp.json
  4. Enter your instrument model name for the "self" attribute in the JSON.

Resources and Tutorials

Feature Details

The Keithley TSP Toolkit includes:

  • Language Features: Write your code with the assistance of autocompletion and syntax checking
  • Hover Help: Access detailed information on individual commands such as definition, accepted parameters, and usage examples
  • Command Interface: Send commands and interact directly with your instruments through the terminal
  • Instrument Autodiscovery: Discover available instruments on your local network
  • Instrument Firmware Upgrade: Remotely upgrade the instrument firmware

Supported Locales

The extension is currently only available in English.

Questions, Issues, Feature Requests, and Contributions

  • If you come across a problem with the extension, please file an issue
  • Contributions are always welcome! Please see our contributing guide for more details.
  • Any and all feedback is appreciated and welcome!
    • If someone has already filed an issue that encompasses your feedback, please leave a 👍/👎 reaction on the issue. Otherwise please start a new discussion
  • If you're interested in the development of the extension, your can read about our development process

Known Issues

As a beta product, we expect there to be some issues with this software and some features may not be completed. Below is a list of known issues. If you come across new issues, please let us know! See the next section for more information.

  • Saved instruments do not persist across VSCode sessions
  • Incomplete, incorrect, or missing command-sets, these items may be shown as errors in the editor, but will run on any instrument on which they exist. These commands may not be shown in completion suggestions or the completions may be incorrect.
    • All instruments
      • acal.*
      • beeper.*
      • dataqueue.*
      • display.*
      • eventlog.*
      • file.*
      • fs.*
      • lan.*
      • status.*
      • tsplink.*
      • tspnet.*
      • upgrade.*
      • userstring.*
    • 2600-series instruments
      • bit.*
      • errorqueue.*
      • io.*
      • serial.*
  • Discovery feature updates the settings.json and discovery pane too frequently. This causes tooltips to be closed too quickly and can also cause flickering.
  • Attempting to connect to an instrument multiple times with the different names, the second connection will fail, but the name will change.
  • Due to limitations in instrument firmware, script names longer than 27 characters will be truncated to 27 characters. If multiple scripts have names that are the same up to the 27th character, the second script will overwrite the first.
  • If a terminal is closed using the trashcan icon, the instrument connection is not closed correctly. In order to close the terminal so that the instrument connection is closed, type .exit into the terminal. It will close by itself after it cleans up the connection.
  • The list of instruments that support language features is limited to the following:
    • 2450
    • 2460
    • 2461
    • 2470
    • 2601B
    • 2602B
    • 2604B
    • 2611B
    • 2612B
    • 2614B
    • 2634B
    • 2635B
    • 2636B
    • DMM7510
  • Flashing firmware to the 3706A, 707B, 708B, and 2600-series instruments is not successful. This will NOT render the instrument inoperable, but will not complete successfully.