Test task INFIJOY
API for creating users connect them with creating relations and making friends.
# Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/temirlanamangaliyev/infijoy-test-task
# Step 2: Install dependencies
$ cd infijoy-test-task
$ npm install
# Step 3: Run app
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
API services covered with unit test, in order to run test simple run:
# unit tests
$ npm run test
To access the API documentation, run the API and visit http://localhost:3000/api. This will open Swagger on your local machine.
src: Contains the source code of the application.
authorization: files for authorization service
friends: files for friends service, including entity, dto and tests
interceptors: simple interceptors for intercepting user response data
relationships: files for relationships service, including entity, dto and tests
users: files for users service, including entity, dto and tests
middleware: holds logging middleware
test: Contains the unit tests for the application.
.env: environment variables
As database it is decided to use SQLite, due to its simplicity, in order to check data in db you can use vscode extension
Users ||--o{ Friends : has
Users ||--o{ Relationships : has
Friends }o--|| Relationships : belongs
Users {
dob DATE
address VARCHAR
description VARCHAR
createdAt DATE
Friends {
user_id INTEGER
friend_id INTEGER
createdAt DATE
deletedAt DATE
Relationships {
follower_id INTEGER
following_id INTEGER
createdAt DATE
deletedAt DATE
The Users entity has the following attributes: id, name, dob, address, description, and createdAt.
The Friends entity has the following attributes: id, user_id, friend_id, createdAt, and deletedAt.
The Relationships entity has the following attributes: id, follower_id, following_id, createdAt, and deletedAt.
The relationships are represented using arrows between the entities:
Users has a one-to-many relationship with Friends and Relationships. Friends and Relationships have a many-to-one relationship.
If two users follow each other, they become friends, but if one stops following API destroys friendship. Story of relations is saved as friendship between users.
Environment Variables The application requires the following environment variables to be set in .file, auth is implemented with guards:
Make sure to set these variables before running the application. For more comfortable testing guards is commented, if u want to check it set your own keys and API token
For logging it is decided to use embedded Logger of NestJS and TypeORM, I didnt dived API to develop or production