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990 lines (746 loc) · 35.4 KB

File metadata and controls

990 lines (746 loc) · 35.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.








[4.9.6] - 2024-06-04


  • Full support for Python 3.12.

[4.9.5] - 2024-05-30


  • Support to download and prepare datasets using the Parquet data format.

    builder = tfds.builder('fashion_mnist', file_format='parquet')
    ds = builder.as_dataset(split='train')
  • tfds.data_source is pickable, thus working smoothly with PyGrain. Learn more by following the tutorial.

  • TFDS plays nicely with Croissant. Learn more by following the recipe.






[4.9.4] - 2023-12-16


  • A new CroissantBuilder which initializes a DatasetBuilder based on a Croissant metadata file.
  • New conversion options between different bounding boxes formats.
  • Better support for HuggingfaceDatasetBuilder.
  • A script to convert a dataset from one format to another.



  • Python 3.9 support. TFDS now uses Python 3.10




[4.9.3] - 2023-09-08



  • Hugging Face datasets accept None values for any features. TFDS has no tfds.features.Optional, so None values are converted to default values. Those default values used to be 0 and 0.0 for int and float. Now, it's -inf as defined by NumPy (e.g., np.iinfo(np.int32).min or np.finfo(np.float32).min). This avoids ambiguous values when 0 and 0.0 exist in the values of the dataset. The roadmap is to implement tfds.features.Optional.


  • Python 3.8 support. As per NEP 29, TFDS now uses Python>=3.9.




[4.9.2] - 2023-04-13


  • [Experimental] A list of freeform text tags can now be attached to a BuilderConfig. For example:
        tfds.core.BuilderConfig(name="foo", tags=["foo", "live"]),
        tfds.core.BuilderConfig(name="bar", tags=["bar", "old"]),
    The tags are recorded with the dataset metadata and can later be retrieved using the info object:  # ["foo", "live"]
    This feature is experimental and there are no guidelines on tags format.





  • Fixed generated proto files (see issue 4858).


[4.9.1] - 2023-04-11






  • The installation on macOS now works (see issues 4805 and 4852). The ArrayRecord dependency is lazily loaded, so the TensorFlow-less path is not possible at the moment on macOS. A fix for this will follow soon.


[4.9.0] - 2023-04-04



  • Support for tensorflow=2.12.





[4.8.3] - 2023-02-27




  • Python 3.7 support: this version and future version use Python 3.8.



  • Flag ignore_verifications from Hugging Face's datasets.load_dataset is deprecated, and used to cause errors in tfds.load(huggingface:foo).


[4.8.2] - 2023-01-17


  • Python 3.7 support: this is the last version of TFDS supporting Python 3.7. Future versions will use Python 3.8.


  • tfds new and tfds build better support the new recommended datasets organization, where individual datasets have their own package under datasets/, builder class is called Builder and is defined within module ${dsname}


[4.8.1] - 2023-01-02


  • Added file valid_tags.txt to not break builds.
  • TFDS no longer relies on TensorFlow DTypes. We chose NumPy DTypes to keep the typing expressiveness, while dropping the heavy dependency on TensorFlow. We migrated all our internal datasets. Please, migrate accordingly:
    • tf.bool: np.bool_
    • tf.string: np.str_
    • tf.int64, tf.int32, etc: np.int64, np.int32, etc
    • tf.float64, tf.float32, etc: np.float64, np.float32, etc

[4.8.0] - 2022-12-21


  • [API] DatasetBuilder's description and citations can be specified in dedicated and CITATIONS.bib files, within the dataset package (see
  • Tags can be associated to Datasets, in the TAGS.txt file. For now, they are only used in the generated documentation.
  • [API][Experimental] New ViewBuilder to define datasets as transformations of existing datasets. Also adds tfds.transform with functionality to apply transformations.
  • Loggers are also called on tfds.as_numpy(...), base Logger class has a new corresponding method.
  • tfds.core.DatasetBuilder can have a default limit for the number of simultaneous downloads. can override it.
  • tfds.features.Audio supports storing raw audio data for lazy decoding.
  • The number of shards can be overridden when preparing a dataset: builder.download_and_prepare( Alternatively, you can configure the min and max shard size if you want TFDS to compute the number of shards for you, but want to have control over the shard sizes.






[4.7.0] - 2022-10-04


  • [API] Added TfDataBuilder that is handy for storing experimental ad hoc TFDS datasets in notebook-like environments such that they can be versioned, described, and easily shared with teammates.
  • [API] Added options to create format-specific dataset builders. The new API now includes a number of NLP-specific builders, such as:
  • [API] Added tfds.beam.inc_counter to reduce beam.metrics.Metrics.counter boilerplate
  • [API] Added options to group together existing TFDS datasets into dataset collections and to perform simple operations over them.
  • [Documentation] update, specifically:
    • New guide on format-specific dataset builders;
    • New guide on adding new dataset collections to TFDS;
    • Updated TFDS CLI documentation.
  • [TFDS CLI] Supports custom config through Json (e.g. tfds build my_dataset --config='{"name": "my_custom_config", "description": "Abc"}')
  • New datasets:
  • Updated datasets:
    • C4 was updated to version 3.1.
    • common_voice was updated to a more recent snapshot.
    • wikipedia was updated with the 20220620 snapshot.
  • New dataset collections, such as xtreme and LongT5


  • The base Logger class expects more information to be passed to the as_dataset method. This should only be relevant to people who have implemented and registered custom Logger class(es).
  • You can set DEFAULT_BUILDER_CONFIG_NAME in a DatasetBuilder to change the default config if it shouldn't be the first builder config defined in BUILDER_CONFIGS.




  • Various datasets
  • In Linux, when loading a dataset from a directory that is not your home (~) directory, a new ~ directory is not created in the current directory (fixes #4117).


[4.6.0] - 2022-06-01


  • Support for community datasets on GCS.
  • [API] tfds.builder_from_directory and tfds.builder_from_directories, see
  • [API] Dash ("-") support in split names.
  • [API] file_format argument to download_and_prepare method, allowing user to specify an alternative file format to store prepared data (e.g. "riegeli").
  • [API] file_format to DatasetInfo string representation.
  • [API] Expose the return value of Beam pipelines. This allows for users to read the Beam metrics.
  • [API] Expose Feature tf_example_spec to public.
  • [API] doc kwarg on Features, to describe a feature.
  • [Documentation] Features description is shown on TFDS Catalog.
  • [Documentation] More metadata about HuggingFace datasets in TFDS catalog.
  • [Performance] Parallel load of metadata files.
  • [Testing] TFDS tests are now run using GitHub actions - misc improvements such as caching and sharding.
  • [Testing] Improvements to MockFs.
  • New datasets.


  • [API] num_shards is now optional in the shard name.



  • Various datasets.
  • Dataset builders that are defined adhoc (e.g. in Colab).
  • Better DatasetNotFoundError messages.
  • Don't set deterministic on a global level but locally in interleave, so it only apply to interleave and not all transformations.
  • Google drive downloader.

[4.5.2] - 2022-01-31


  • [API] split=tfds.split_for_jax_process('train') (alias of tfds.even_splits('train', n=jax.process_count())[jax.process_index()]).
  • [Documentation] update.


  • Import bug on Windows (#3709).

[4.5.0] - 2022-01-25


  • [API] Better split API:
    • Splits can be selected using shards: split='train[3shard]'.
    • Underscore supported in numbers for better readability: split='train[:500_000]'.
    • Select the union of all splits with split='all'.
    • tfds.even_splits is more precise and flexible:
    • Return splits exactly of the same size when passed tfds.even_splits('train', n=3, drop_remainder=True).
    • Works on subsplits tfds.even_splits('train[:75%]', n=3) or even nested.
    • Can be composed with other splits: tfds.even_splits('train', n=3)[0] + 'test'.
  • [API] serialize_example / deserialize_example methods on features to encode/decode example to proto: example_bytes = features.serialize_example(example_data).
  • [API] Audio feature now supports encoding='zlib' for better compression.
  • [API] Features specs are exposed in proto for better compatibility with other languages.
  • [API] Create beam pipeline using TFDS as input with tfds.beam.ReadFromTFDS.
  • [API] Support setting the file formats in tfds build --file_format=tfrecord.
  • [API] Typing annotations exposed in tfds.typing.
  • [API] tfds.ReadConfig has a new assert_cardinality=False argument to disable cardinality.
  • [API] tfds.display_progress_bar(True) for functional control.
  • [API] DatasetInfo exposes .release_notes.
  • Support for huge number of shards (>99999).
  • [Performance] Faster dataset generation (using tfrecords).
  • [Testing] Mock dataset now supports nested datasets
  • [Testing] Customize the number of sub examples
  • [Documentation] Community datasets:
  • [Documentation] Guide on TFDS and determinism.
  • [RLDS] Support for nested datasets features.
  • [RLDS] New datasets: Robomimic, D4RL Ant Maze, RLU Real World RL, and RLU Atari with ordered episodes.
  • New datasets.


  • Python 3.6 support: this is the last version of TFDS supporting Python 3.6. Future versions will use Python 3.7.


  • Misc bugs.

[4.4.0] - 2021-07-28


  • [API] PartialDecoding support, to decode only a subset of the features (for performances).
  • [API] tfds.features.LabeledImage for semantic segmentation (like image but with additional info.features['image_label'].name label metadata).
  • [API] float32 support for tfds.features.Image (e.g. for depth map).
  • [API] Loading datasets from files now supports custom tfds.features.FeatureConnector.
  • [API] All FeatureConnector can now have a None dimension anywhere (previously restricted to the first position).
  • [API] tfds.features.Tensor() can have arbitrary number of dynamic dimension (Tensor(..., shape=(None, None, 3, None))).
  • [API] tfds.features.Tensor can now be serialised as bytes, instead of float/int values (to allow better compression): Tensor(..., encoding='zlib').
  • [API] Support for datasets with None in tfds.as_numpy.
  • Script to add TFDS metadata files to existing TF-record (see doc).
  • [TESTING] tfds.testing.mock_data now supports:
    • non-scalar tensors with dtype tf.string;
    • builder_from_files and path-based community datasets.
  • [Documentation] Catalog now exposes links to KnowYourData visualisations.
  • [Documentation] Guide on common implementation gotchas.
  • Many new reinforcement learning datasets. ### Changed
  • [API] Dataset generated with disable_shuffling=True are now read in generation order.


  • File format automatically restored (for datasets generated with tfds.builder(..., file_format=)).
  • Dynamically set number of worker threads during extraction.
  • Update progress bar during download even if downloads are cached.
  • Misc bug fixes.

[4.3.0] - 2021-05-06


  • [API]['train'].num_shards to expose the number of shards to the user.
  • [API] tfds.features.Dataset to have a field containing sub-datasets (e.g. used in RL datasets).
  • [API] dtype and tf.uint16 support in tfds.features.Video.
  • [API] DatasetInfo.license field to add redistributing information.
  • [API] .copy, .format methods to GPath objects.
  • [Performances] tfds.benchmark(ds) (compatible with any iterator, not just, better colab representation).
  • [Performances] Faster tfds.as_numpy() (avoid extra tf.Tensor <> np.array copy).
  • [Testing] Support for custom BuilderConfig in DatasetBuilderTest.
  • [Testing] DatasetBuilderTest now has a dummy_data class property which can be used in setUpClass.
  • [Testing] add_tfds_id and cardinality support to tfds.testing.mock_data.
  • [Documentation] Better tfds.as_dataframe visualisation (Sequence, ragged tensor, semantic masks with use_colormap).
  • [Experimental] Community datasets support. To allow dynamically import datasets defined outside the TFDS repository.
  • [Experimental] Hugging-face compatibility wrapper to use Hugging-face datasets directly in TFDS.
  • [Experimental] Riegeli format support.
  • [Experimental] DatasetInfo.disable_shuffling to force examples to be read in generation order.
  • New datasets.


  • Many bugs.

[4.2.0] - 2021-01-06


  • [CLI] tfds build to the CLI. See documentation.
  • [API] tfds.features.Dataset to represent nested datasets.
  • [API] tfds.ReadConfig(add_tfds_id=True) to add a unique id to the example ex['tfds_id'] (e.g. b'train.tfrecord-00012-of-01024__123').
  • [API] num_parallel_calls option to tfds.ReadConfig to overwrite to default AUTOTUNE option.
  • [API] tfds.ImageFolder support for tfds.decode.SkipDecoder.
  • [API] Multichannel audio support to tfds.features.Audio.
  • [API] try_gcs to tfds.builder(..., try_gcs=True)
  • Better tfds.as_dataframe visualization (ffmpeg video if installed, bounding boxes,...).
  • [TESTING] Allow max_examples_per_splits=0 in tfds build --max_examples_per_splits=0 to test _split_generators only (without _generate_examples).
  • New datasets.


  • [API] DownloadManager now returns Pathlib-like objects.
  • [API] Simpler BuilderConfig definition: class VERSION and RELEASE_NOTES are applied to all BuilderConfig. Config description is now optional.
  • [API] To guarantee better deterministic, new validations are performed on the keys when creating a dataset (to avoid filenames as keys (non-deterministic) and restrict key to str, bytes and int). New errors likely indicates an issue in the dataset implementation.
  • [API] tfds.core.benchmark now returns a pd.DataFrame (instead of a dict).
  • [API] tfds.units is not visible anymore from the public API.
  • Datasets updates.



  • Configs for all text datasets. Only plain text version is kept. For example: multi_nli/plain_text -> multi_nli.


  • [API] Datasets returned by tfds.as_numpy are compatible with len(ds).
  • Support 0-len sequence with images of dynamic shape (Fix #2616).
  • Progression bar correctly updated when copying files.
  • Better debugging and error message (e.g. human readable size,...).
  • Many bug fixes (GPath consistency with pathlib, s3 compatibility, TQDM visual artifacts, GCS crash on windows, re-download when checksums updated, ...).

[4.1.0] - 2020-11-04


  • It is now easier to create datasets outside TFDS repository (see our updated dataset creation guide).
  • When generating a dataset, if download fails for any reason, it is now possible to manually download the data. See doc.
  • tfds.core.as_path to create pathlib.Path-like objects compatible with GCS (e.g. tfds.core.as_path('gs://my-bucket/labels.csv').read_text()).
  • verify_ssl= option to to disable SSH certificate during download.
  • New datasets. ### Changed
  • All dataset inherit from tfds.core.GeneratorBasedBuilder. Converting a dataset to beam now only require changing _generate_examples (see example and doc).
  • _split_generators should now returns {'split_name': self._generate_examples(), ...} (but current datasets are backward compatible).
  • Better pathlib.Path, os.PathLike compatibility: dl_manager.manual_dir now returns a pathlib-Like object. Example: python text = (dl_manager.manual_dir / 'downloaded-text.txt').read_text() Note: Other, .extract,... will return pathlib-like objects in future versions. FeatureConnector,... and most functions should accept PathLike objects. Let us know if some functions you need are missing.
  • --record_checksums now assume the new dataset-as-folder model.


  • tfds.core.SplitGenerator, tfds.core.BeamBasedBuilder are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • BuilderConfig are now compatible with Beam datasets #2348
  • tfds.features.Images can accept encoded bytes images directly (useful when used with img_name, img_bytes = dl_manager.iter_archive('')).
  • Doc API now show deprecated methods, abstract methods to overwrite are now documented.
  • You can generate imagenet2012 with only a single split (e.g. only the validation data). Other split will be skipped if not present.

[4.0.1] - 2020-10-09


  • tfds.load when generation code isn't present.
  • GCS compatibility.

[4.0.0] - 2020-10-06


  • Dataset-as-folder: Dataset can now be self-contained module in a folder with checksums, dummy data,... This simplify implementing datasets outside the TFDS repository.
  • tfds.load can now load dataset without using the generation class. So tfds.load('my_dataset:1.0.0') can work even if MyDataset.VERSION == '2.0.0' (See #2493).
  • TFDS CLI (see for detail).
  • tfds.testing.mock_data does not require metadata files anymore!
  • tfds.as_dataframe(ds, ds_info) with custom visualisation (example).
  • tfds.even_splits to generate subsplits (e.g. tfds.even_splits('train', n=3) == ['train[0%:33%]', 'train[33%:67%]', ...].
  • DatasetBuilder.RELEASE_NOTES property.
  • tfds.features.Image now supports PNG with 4-channels.
  • tfds.ImageFolder now supports custom shape, dtype.
  • Downloaded URLs are available through MyDataset.url_infos.
  • skip_prefetch option to tfds.ReadConfig.
  • as_supervised=True support for tfds.show_examples, tfds.as_dataframe.
  • tfds.features can now be saved/loaded, you may have to overwrite FeatureConnector.from_json_content and FeatureConnector.to_json_content to support this feature.
  • Script to detect dead-urls.
  • New datasets.


  • tfds.as_numpy() now returns an iterable which can be iterated multiple times. To migrate: next(ds) -> next(iter(ds)).
  • Rename tfds.features.text.Xyz -> tfds.deprecated.text.Xyz.


  • DatasetBuilder.IN_DEVELOPMENT property.
  • tfds.core.disallow_positional_args (should use Py3 *, instead).
  • Testing against TF 1.15. Requires Python 3.6.8+.


  • Better archive extension detection for dl_manager.download_and_extract.
  • Fix tfds.__version__ in TFDS nightly to be PEP440 compliant
  • Fix crash when GCS not available.
  • Improved open-source workflow, contributor guide, documentation.
  • Many other internal cleanups, bugs, dead code removal, py2->py3 cleanup, pytype annotations,...
  • Datasets updates.

[3.2.1] - 2020-08-12


  • Issue with GCS on Windows.

[3.2.0] - 2020-07-10


  • [API] tfds.ImageFolder and tfds.TranslateFolder to easily create custom datasets with your custom data.
  • [API] tfds.ReadConfig(input_context=) to shard dataset, for better multi-worker compatibility (#1426).
  • [API] The default data_dir can be controlled by the TFDS_DATA_DIR environment variable.
  • [API] Better usability when developing datasets outside TFDS: downloads are always cached, checksums are optional.
  • Scripts to help deployment/documentation (Generate catalog documentation, export all metadata files, ...).
  • [Documentation] Catalog display images (example).
  • [Documentation] Catalog shows which dataset have been recently added and are only available in tfds-nightly nights_stay.
  • [API] tfds.show_statistics(ds_info) to display FACETS OVERVIEW. Note: This require the dataset to have been generated with the statistics.



  • tfds.load('image_label_folder') in favor of the more user-friendly tfds.ImageFolder.


  • Fix deterministic example order on Windows when path was used as key (this only impacts a few datasets). Now example order should be the same on all platforms.
  • Misc performances improvements for both generation and reading (e.g. use __slot__, fix parallelisation bug in, ...).
  • Misc fixes (typo, types annotations, better error messages, fixing dead links, better windows compatibility, ...).

[3.1.0] - 2020-04-29


  • [API] tfds.builder_cls(name) to access a DatasetBuilder class by name
  • [API] info.split['train'].filenames for access to the tf-record files.
  • [API] tfds.core.add_data_dir to register an additional data dir.
  • [Testing] Support for custom decoders in tfds.testing.mock_data.
  • [Documentation] Shows which datasets are only present in tfds-nightly.
  • [Documentation] Display images for supported datasets.


  • Rename tfds.core.NamedSplit, tfds.core.SplitBase -> tfds.Split. Now tfds.Split.TRAIN,... are instance of tfds.Split.
  • Rename interleave_parallel_reads -> interleave_cycle_length for tfds.ReadConfig.
  • Invert ds, ds_info argument orders for tfds.show_examples.


  • tfds.features.text encoding API. Please use tensorflow_text instead.


  • num_shards argument from tfds.core.SplitGenerator. This argument was ignored as shards are automatically computed.
  • Most ds.with_options which where applied by TFDS. Now use default.


  • Better error messages.
  • Windows compatibility.

[3.0.0] - 2020-04-16


  • DownloadManager is now pickable (can be used inside Beam pipelines).
  • tfds.features.Audio:
    • Support float as returned value.
    • Expose sample_rate through info.features['audio'].sample_rate.
    • Support for encoding audio features from file objects.
  • More datasets.


  • New image_classification section. Some datasets have been move there from images.
  • DownloadConfig does not append the dataset name anymore (manual data should be in <manual_dir>/ instead of <manual_dir>/<dataset_name>/).
  • Tests now check that all urls has registered checksums. To opt-out, add SKIP_CHECKSUMS = True to your DatasetBuilderTestCase.
  • tfds.load now always returns tf.compat.v2.Dataset. If you're using still using tf.compat.v1:
    • Use rather than ds.make_one_shot_iterator().
    • Use isinstance(ds, tf.compat.v2.Dataset) instead of isinstance(ds,


  • The tfds.features.text encoding API is deprecated. Please use tensorflow_text instead.
  • num_shards argument of tfds.core.SplitGenerator is currently ignored and will be removed in the next version.


  • Legacy mode tfds.experiment.S3 has been removed
  • in_memory argument has been removed from as_dataset/tfds.load (small datasets are now auto-cached).
  • tfds.Split.ALL.


  • Various bugs, better error messages, documentation improvements.

[2.1.0] - 2020-02-25


  • Datasets expose info.dataset_size and info.download_size.
  • Auto-caching small datasets.
  • Datasets expose their cardinality num_examples = (Requires tf-nightly or TF >= 2.2.0)
  • Get the number of example in a sub-splits with: info.splits['train[70%:]'].num_examples


  • All datasets generated with 2.1.0 cannot be loaded with previous version (previous datasets can be read with 2.1.0 however).


  • in_memory argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

[2.0.0] - 2020-01-24


  • Several new datasets. Thanks to all the contributors!
  • Support for nested tfds.features.Sequence and tf.RaggedTensor
  • Custom FeatureConnectors can override the decode_batch_example method for efficient decoding when wrapped inside a tfds.features.Sequence(my_connector).
  • Beam datasets can use a tfds.core.BeamMetadataDict to store additional metadata computed as part of the Beam pipeline.
  • Beam datasets' _split_generators accepts an additional pipeline kwargs to define a pipeline shared between all splits.


  • The default versions of all datasets are now using the S3 slicing API. See the guide for details.
  • shuffle_files defaults to False so that dataset iteration is deterministic by default. You can customize the reading pipeline, including shuffling and interleaving, through the new read_config parameter in tfds.load.
  • urls kwargs renamed homepage in DatasetInfo


  • Python2 support: this is the last version of TFDS that will support Python 2. Going forward, we'll only support and test against Python 3.
  • The previous split API is still available, but is deprecated. If you wrote DatasetBuilders outside the TFDS repository, please make sure they do not use experiments={tfds.core.Experiment.S3: False}. This will be removed in the next version, as well as the num_shards kwargs from SplitGenerator.


  • Various other bug fixes and performance improvements. Thank you for all the reports and fixes!

[1.3.0] - 2019-10-21


  • Misc bugs and performance improvements.

[1.2.0] - 2019-08-19



  • Add shuffle_files argument to tfds.load function. The semantic is the same as in builder.as_dataset function, which for now means that by default, files will be shuffled for TRAIN split, and not for other splits. Default behaviour will change to always be False at next major release.
  • Most datasets now support the new S3 API (documentation).
  • Support for uint16 PNG images.


  • AFLW2000-3D
  • Amazon_US_Reviews
  • binarized_mnist
  • BinaryAlphaDigits
  • Caltech Birds 2010
  • Coil100
  • DeepWeeds
  • Food101
  • MIT Scene Parse 150
  • RockYou leaked password
  • Stanford Dogs
  • Stanford Online Products
  • Visual Domain Decathlon


  • Crash while shuffling on Windows
  • Various documentation improvements

[1.1.0] - 2019-07-23



  • in_memory option to cache small dataset in RAM.
  • Better sharding, shuffling and sub-split.
  • It is now possible to add arbitrary metadata to tfds.core.DatasetInfo which will be stored/restored with the dataset. See tfds.core.Metadata.
  • Better proxy support, possibility to add certificate.
  • decoders kwargs to override the default feature decoding (guide).


  • downsampled_imagenet.
  • patch_camelyon.
  • coco 2017 (with and without panoptic annotations).
  • uc_merced.
  • trivia_qa.
  • super_glue.
  • so2sat.
  • snli.
  • resisc45.
  • pet_finder.
  • mnist_corrupted.
  • kitti.
  • eurosat.
  • definite_pronoun_resolution.
  • curated_breast_imaging_ddsm.
  • clevr.
  • bigearthnet.

[1.0.2] - 2019-05-01


  • Apache Beam support.
  • Direct GCS access for MNIST (with tfds.load('mnist', try_gcs=True)).
  • More datasets.
  • Option to turn off tqdm bar (tfds.disable_progress_bar()).


  • Subsplit do not depends on the number of shard anymore (#292).
  • Various bugs.

[1.0.1] - 2019-02-15



  • Bug #52 that was putting the process in Eager mode by default.

[1.0.0] - 2019-02-14


  • 25 datasets.
  • Ready to be used tensorflow-datasets.