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Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

This page provides a very brief, high-level introduction to what graph neural networks are, from the perspective of their application in practice.

What is a Graph?

You can model very many domains of the world as entities and their relationships. "Nodes" are used to represent various types of entities, and "edges" represent their relationships as links between them. These structures are called "graphs" (as mathematical objects) or "networks" (as real-world phenomena). Their properties are studied in Graph Theory and Network Science.

For example, a log of historical transactions may involve nodes of type "customer" and "merchant", and edges of type "purchase". Each of the entities can be associated with features. A customer could have a location, a credit score, and a credit card, which itself has a history of payments. The edges also can have feature information associated with them as well, for instance, the amount, date, and time of day of the transaction.

Homogeneous Graphs

Many graphs have a single type of entity and edges between them. A classic example of this is a social network: nodes are persons and edges are their friendship relations.

Homogeneous graphs are often used to learn summary representations that represent the local information near and around each node. These representations are then used as inputs to regular deep learning models.

Heterogeneous Graph and Relational Tables

Relational models such as those found in database tables can be mapped to graphs. Each of the tables defines a type of node, and references across the tables can be instantiated as edges. Our previous example of, a database with a table of customers and a table of merchants with transactions between them would define two sets of nodes and a set of directed edges from customers to merchants:

Heterogeneous models are general and flexible and can be applied nearly anywhere, with a pretty straightforward mapping of real-world entities to model structure.

Graph Neural Networks

Graphs have been used in learning tasks for a long time. Algorithms that create clusters of nodes on existing graphs are well-established and label propagation algorithms that trickle information between nodes have been around for decades. But how do we use graphs with neural networks?

A Graph Neural Network (GNN) maintains a vector of floating-point numbers for each node, called the node state, which is similar to the vector of neuron activations in a classic neural network. The input features of each node are transformed into its initial state. The specifics of this transformation can vary a lot, ranging from a simple normalization and encoding (as required for any neural network) up to running a sophisticated, trained encoder (e.g., to embed words or images).

The essence of a Graph Neural Network is to update node states with a trainable function applied to the states of a node and its neighbors in the graph. The research literature has described this in various ways, including "message passing" along edges from sender to receiver nodes, or as a "graph convolution" to emphasize the use of the same trainable weights for updating an arbitrary number of nodes. "Graph nets" generalize this to an approach with states held for nodes, edges, and the graph as a whole.

TF-GNN expresses one round of state updates for a simple GNN as follows:

  1. Node states are broadcast onto outgoing and/or incoming edges.
  2. Each edge computes a value (a "message") from broadcast node states and/or its own features, possibly using a neural network.
  3. At each node, the values of incoming (or outgoing) edges are pooled, using a fixed function (e.g., average) or a trained attention model.
  4. Each node performs a state update, possibly using a neural network.

This happens in parallel over all the nodes and edges. This process can be repeated for multiple rounds and allows for the propagation and combination of information as it flows across the graph. At every step, its representation can be transformed by a neural network or a fixed function. Finally, classification and/or regression over nodes, edges or the entire graph is possible by reading out the relevant state(s) and sending them through a final neural network, the prediction head.

The neural networks involved have trainable weights. These are shared across the different locations in the graph within one round (like a convnet uses the same convolution kernel at each pixel), potentially even across rounds. However, heterogeneous graphs typically get separate weights for their distinct sets (types) of nodes and edges.

The resulting model – encoder(s) for input features, a GNN with one or more rounds of state updates, and prediction head(s) – is trained end-to-end as usual by using backpropagation to compute gradients of some prediction loss with respect to the trainable weights.

The Problem with Irregularity

Standard deep neural networks are served well by a Tensor datatype and the kind of data-parallel, large-scale matrix multiplications offered on it by the usual software-hardware stack for deep learning.

In contrast, graph neural networks encounter irregular shapes and data flow in a number of places.

  • Each training example of a GNN is a graph with a different number of nodes or edges, leading to ragged feature shapes when training examples are batched.
  • Even within one example, input features themselves can have irregular shapes from one node (or edge) to the next. This is similar to the challenges in sequence or NLP data, but here it happens in addition to the variable number of nodes/edges.
  • The incidence of edges to nodes and hence the dataflow between them is not fixed, but defined differently by the input data of each example.

The tfgnn.GraphTensor type helps to address all these. It is the unified container type for graph data for all stages of a TensorFlow program: from the results of the data preparation tools included with this library, along the entire TensorFlow input pipeline that processes them, and then through the GNN model itself. It uses the tf.RaggedTensor class to represent irregular inputs and supports their incremental transformation to uniformly shaped tf.Tensor representations inside the GNN model, including padding to fixed sizes if needed (usually for Cloud TPUs). It provides broadcast and pool operations along the graph using the endpoints it stores for each edge.

Two strengths of GraphTensor are often ignored in GNN research: the need to encode and represent multiple features for each node and/or edge (which is necessary for categorical features and computed embeddings), and first-class support for heterogeneous models (which extends the reach of GNNs substantially).

Scaling Up

In practice, many graphs are very large (e.g., a large social network may have billions of nodes) and may not fit in memory. The approach this library uses in the case of large graphs is to sample neighborhoods around nodes which we want to train over (say, nodes with associated ground truth labels), and stream these sampled subgraphs from the filesystem into the TensorFlow training code. The node of interest is the root node of the sampled subgraph. Such an approach was described in the literature for GraphSAGE.

About edge direction

A tfgnn.GraphTensor (whether in memory or serialized) stores directed edges, connecting a source to a target node. The source node and target node are the endpoints of the edge. By convention, GraphTensors that represent sampled subgraphs have their edges directed away from the root. That is to say, the edge's source endpoint was found before the edge itself, and then the sampling has proceeded from source to target.

However, a GNN model can use edges in either direction: the user can select either the source or target node as the receiver node of a convolution (that is, the endpoint whose state gets updated with a message sent along the edge); the other endpoint becomes the sender node. In a sampled subgraph, convolutions often have the source nodes of edges (those closer to the root) as their receivers.

More Information and Research

In the field of research on deep learning, graph neural networks are currently enjoying an unprecedented amount of attention and popularity. Their generality promises a broad level of application and new techniques and variants are appearing fast. This library intends to bridge the gap between research and application by providing a flexible platform which also supports aspects only required from practitioners (e.g., categorical features on nodes that allow one to also train embeddings). Please consult the various workshops on GNNs for more details.

Here are a few papers surveying the development of the field and the various methods that have been published:

For more comprehensive introduction to the field at large, see