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This file is a catalogue of jacotest test cases. Entries appear in alphabetic order.

Name Subject
array-list-iterator java.util.ArrayList and java.util.Iterator
arrays-1 Access time of array elements of type byte, char, int, float, double, and String
atomic-integer java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
beetlejuice Loop stability of byte to String conversions
big-integer java.math.BigInteger tests #1
big-integer-2 java.math.BigInteger tests #2
big-integer-3 java.math.BigInteger tests #3
blockchain Create a blockchain, amend it, and validate it
blocking-queues-2-3-5 Solve the 2,3,5 problem; blocking queues
blum-blum-shub Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) Algorithm for PseudoRandom Number Generation
bohr-atom Compute properties of the Bohr model of the atom
casting Casting between primitive variable types
catch-8-survivor try-catch 8 levels deep
charset-encoding java.nio.charset.Charset, InputStreamReader.getEncoding()
cmath-in-java-source class Complex
crypto-salsa salsa 2.0 cryptography
db-sqlite SQLITE with a JDBC
dedupe-hacked "Looks for duplicate files based on CRC-32 file sizes and checksums" from @platypusguy
desi DES algorithm in Java
desi-reduced Call functions of an object from outside and inside the object
elliptic-1 Elliptic cryptography #1
elliptic-2 Elliptic cryptography #2
emission-line-spectra Emission line spectra from an element table
emission-line-spectra-nofuncs Less complex emission-line-spectra
enigma-machine Alan Turing's Enigma Machine
enum-inside Enumerated type inside main class
enum-outside Enumerated type outside main class
ex-catch-assertion-error Cause and catch an assertion error
ex-catch-big-integer Same as ex-catch-assertion-error but using java.math.BigInteger
ex-catch-called-func-parseint Cause a NumberFormatException inside a called function and catch it in the caller function
ex-catch-idiv Loop stability of catching division by zero
ex-catch-multi-frame Throw and catch several types of exceptions at various function-call levels
ex-catch-null-ptr Cause and catch a null pointer exception
ex-catch-parseint Loop stability of causing and catching a NumberFormatException
ex-catch-plus-jj catch NumberFormatException in a called function + use the JJ technique for dumping statics
ex-catch-user-ex Cause and catch a user-defined exception
ex-finally Cause and catch a NumberFormatException + finally processing
ex-finally-2 Loop stability of causing and catching a NumberFormatException + finally processing
ex-multilevel Causing and catching a NumberFormatException + finally processing at multiple try-catch levels
fits Read and process a FITS file
floor-div-mod-mix For int and long: floor, div, mod using try-catch
hashed-map java.util.HashMap
hashed-set java.util.HashSet
hex-decode-numeric Loop stability of decoding numeric values
hexxed java.util.HexMap
http-client-server Simple non-secure web client and server
https-client-getter Simple secure web GET
iface-with-default-func Simple interface
iinc-iadd-isub Exercise IINC, IADD, and ISUB
imageio-output Simple writing to a PNG file
Integer-all java.lang.Integer
io_file_create_delete Create and delete a file
JACOBIN-0161-0229-classes Class methods inside and outside the main class
JACOBIN-0161-instantiate-class Class methods in a file separate from the main class
JACOBIN-0211-pbcrypto Password-based cryptography using AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
JACOBIN-0212-bit-shifting Shifting bits of integers part 1
JACOBIN-0217-multidim-2d 2D matrices
JACOBIN-0217-multidim-3d 3D matrices
JACOBIN-0227-string-array Simple array of Strings
JACOBIN-0231-stats Statistical mean, standard deviation, and correlation plus a square root algorithm (Babylonian)
JACOBIN-0234-0240-0241-array-length Simple array length calculations
JACOBIN-0236-bitwise Shifting bits of integers part 2
JACOBIN-0236-minus-signs Algebraic signs of integers
JACOBIN-0237-nil-printlns System.out.println with no arguments
JACOBIN-0251-array-type-perf Loop stability of various types of arrays part 1
JACOBIN-0263-gc Loop stability of various types of arrays part 2
JACOBIN-0279-simple-switch Simple integer-based switch
JACOBIN-0281-get-property System.getProperty for several arguments
JACOBIN-0288-aastore-field-type Simple AASTORE test
JACOBIN-0290-string-length String lengths and related functions
JACOBIN-0293-drem DREM test
JACOBIN-0310-vector-survivor Simple vector of Integer objects
JACOBIN-0311-for-loop-G-pop PUSH/POP stability
JACOBIN-0314-java-lang-math java/lang/Math
JACOBIN-0314-java-lang-strictmath java/lang/StrictMath
JACOBIN-0314-loop-survival Stress test with multiple object and primitive types
JACOBIN-0319-println-object System.out.println(object) with several types of objects
JACOBIN-0322-default-locale java.util.Locale
JACOBIN-0325-super-1 Objects of superclasses #1
JACOBIN-0325-super-2 Objects of superclasses #2
JACOBIN-0329-nonfinals Finals vs nonfinals
JACOBIN-0337-static-inits Static initializer blocks
JACOBIN-0369-simplified-0290 String lengths and related functions, simplified for analysis
JACOBIN-0386-0387-strings-again Strings and byte arrays
JACOBIN-0393-pot-pourri Formatting simple types
JACOBIN-0393-two-strings Formatting simple types in another way
JACOBIN-0433-HexFormat java.util.HexFormat
JACOBIN-0434-short-value Short values
JACOBIN-0435-format-int-as-hex Format integers in hex
JACOBIN-0476-arraycopy System.arraycopy
JACOBIN-0587-statics-survival Statics
jarring Create and use functions from a jar
java17-enhancements Java 17 enhancements to the previous release
java-logging java.util.logging
jj-field-static xxxxx
jj-field-static-2 xxxxx
kalman-filtering xxxxx
lambdas-maps xxxxx
linked-list xxxxx
math-in-java-source xxxxx
merkletrees xxxxx
miller-rabin-test xxxxx
mobile-5g-aka xxxxx
mobile-snow-v xxxxx
natives-double xxxxx
natives-float xxxxx
nbody xxxxx
nbody-lite xxxxx
nio-charset xxxxx
nth-root xxxxx
numbers-chars-strings xxxxx
packaging-1 xxxxx
packaging-2 xxxxx
paillier-cryptosystem xxxxx
parent-child-process xxxxx
parse-int xxxxx
perf-base-instantiate xxxxx
playfair xxxxx
random-1 xxxxx
recursion xxxxx
rsa-mini xxxxx
rsa-unrandom xxxxx
salesman xxxxx
scimark2 xxxxx
sha3 xxxxx
sieve xxxxx
sockets xxxxx
solitairgraphy xxxxx
specrel xxxxx
stack-walk xxxxx
stringbuffer-append xxxxx
stringbuffer-delete xxxxx
stringbuffer-dynamic xxxxx
stringbuffer-insert xxxxx
stringbuffer-misc xxxxx
stringbuffer-perf xxxxx
stringbuffer-replace xxxxx
stringbuilder-append xxxxx
stringbuilder-delete xxxxx
stringbuilder-dynamic xxxxx
stringbuilder-insert xxxxx
stringbuilder-misc xxxxx
stringbuilder-replace xxxxx
stringer-1 xxxxx
stringer-2 xxxxx
stringer-3 xxxxx
stringer-4 xxxxx
stringer-5 xxxxx
stringer-valueof xxxxx
stringtokenizer xxxxx
switcheroo xxxxx
switcheroo-2 xxxxx
taylor-series xxxxx
taylor-series-2 xxxxx
threading xxxxx
tiffy xxxxx
tls-one-way xxxxx
two-fish xxxxx
two-pass xxxxx
vectors xxxxx
vector-survivor-2 xxxxx
walker xxxxx
wide xxxxx
zippy xxxxx