Scrape all informations you whant of linkedIn profile's. 🚀
Work since 📅 08/22/2021
With lnkds you can scrapp all profile's informations you whant with your li_at
token provided by your linkedin cookie.
$ lnkds --help
lnkds 0.1.2
Teddy F. <[email protected]>
This doc string acts as a help message when the user runs '--help' as do all doc strings on fields
<LI_AT> "li_at" from LinkedIn Cookie
-h, --help Print help information
-v, --verbose A level of verbosity, and can be used multiple times
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
profile A subcommand to Get LinkedIn profile (basic informations, experiences,
certificates, ...)
Scrape a full linkedin profile with basic informations, experiences, educations, certifications, skills, projects and organizations.
$ lnkds <AQE...> profile <tf...> --help
A subcommand to Get LinkedIn profile (basic informations, experiences, certificates, ...)
lnkds <LI_AT> profile <USER>
<USER> User account you whant to parse
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
- Experiences:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Position"
- Experiences_groups:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.PositionGroup"
- Medias:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.treasury.TreasuryMedia"
- Profile:
"publicIdentifier": "teddyfontaine"
+"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile"
- Educations:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Education"
- Certifications:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Certification"
- Skills:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Skill"
- Projects:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Project"
- Organizations:
"$type": "com.linkedin.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Organization"
This project support @release-it
with 2 plugins @release-it/keep-a-changelog
and @release-it/bumper
$ sudo npm install -g release-it
$ sudo npm install -g @release-it/keep-a-changelog
$ sudo npm install -g
$ git clone [email protected]:tfSheol/lnkds.git
$ cd lnkds
# Prefere to use makefile for it
$ release-it
🚀 Let's release lnkds (currently at 0.1.1)
* add changelog support
? Select increment (next version): patch (0.1.2)
- This api can't getted over 18 experiences.
- Rework code architecture 👀
- Implementation of user experiences
- Implementation of user experiences by groups
- Implementation of experiences medias
- Implementation of user profile
- Implementation of user educations
- Implementation of user certifications
- Implementation of user skills
- Implementation of user projects
- Implementation of user organizations