The FHIR Endpoint Manager is a service that coordinates the data capture and retrieval for FHIR endpoints.
The FHIR Endpoint Manager reads the following environment variables:
These variables must be set on your system
LANTERN_CHPLAPIKEY: The key necessary for accessing CHPL
Default value: <none>
You can obtain a CHPL API key here.
LANTERN_DBUSER_READONLY: The database user that the application will use to read from the database.
Default value: none. This value is not used within the code. Suggested value: 'lantern_ro'
LANTERN_DBPASSWORD_READONLY: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_DBUSER_READONLY.
Default value: none. This value is not used within the code. Suggested value: 'postgrespassword_ro'
LANTERN_DBUSER_READWRITE: The database user that the application will use to read or write to the database.
Default value: none. This value is not used within the code. Suggested value: 'lantern_rw'
LANTERN_DBPASSWORD_READWRITE: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_DBUSER_READWRITE.
Default value: none. This value is not used within the code. Suggested value: 'postgrespassword_rw'
These variables can use the default values in development. These should be set on the production system.
LANTERN_DBHOST: The hostname where the database is hosted.
Default value: localhost
LANTERN_DBPORT: The port where the database is hosted.
Default value: 5432
LANTERN_DBUSER: The database user that the application will use to read and write from the database.
Default value: lantern
LANTERN_DBPASSWORD: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_DBUSER.
Default value: postgrespassword
LANTERN_DBNAME: The name of the database being accessed.
Default value: lantern
LANTERN_DBSSLMODE: The level of SSL certificate verification that is performed. For a production system, this should be set to 'verify-full'.
Default value: disable
LANTERN_QHOST: The hostname where the queue is hosted.
Default value: localhost
LANTERN_QPORT: The port where the queue is hosted.
Default value: 5672
LANTERN_QUSER: The user that the application will use to read and write from the queue.
Default value: capabilityquerier
LANTERN_QPASSWORD: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_QUSER.
Default value: capabilityquerier
LANTERN_QUERY_NUMWORKERS: The number of workers to use to parallelize processing of the capability statements and version responses.
Default value: 10
LANTERN_CAPQUERY_QRYINTVL: The length of time between performing batch queries of endpoints for their capability statements. This is in minutes.
Default value: 1380 (23 hours)
LANTERN_EXPORT_NUMWORKERS: The number of workers to use to parallelize creating the JSON export file and the JSON archive file.
Default value: 25
LANTERN_EXPORT_DURATION: The amount of time given to a worker (in seconds) to get a URL's history data from the database for the JSON export file and the JSON archive file.
Default value: 240
LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD: The length of time (in minutes) determining how old a fhir_endpoints_info_history entry has to be in order to be considered for pruning. Only entries equal to or older than this threshold will undergo pruning.
Default value: 43800 (~ 30 days)
When testing, the FHIR Endpoint Manager uses the following environment variables:
LANTERN_TEST_DBUSER instead of LANTERN_DBUSER: The database user that the application will use to read and write from the database.
Default value: lantern
LANTERN_TEST_DBPASSWORD instead of LANTERN_DBPASSWORD: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_TEST_DBUSER.
Default value: postgrespassword
LANTERN_TEST_DBNAME instead of LANTERN_DBNAME: The name of the database being accessed.
Default value: lantern_test
LANTERN_TEST_QUSER instead of LANTERN_QUSER: The user that the application will use to read and write from the queue.
Default value: capabilityquerier
LANTERN_TEST_QPASSWORD instead of LANTERN_QPASSWORD: The password for accessing the database as user LANTERN_QUSER.
Default value: capabilityquerier
The Endpoint Manager includes many packages with distinct purposes.
Creates an archive of the data from the fhir_endpoints, fhir_endpoints_info and vendors tables in a JSON format.
Creates a model for capability statements and makes specific attributes of a capability statement queryable within the code. Can parse DSTU2, STU3, and R4 capability statements.
Queries the CHPL service for CHPL product information and stores in the database.
Manages the configuration variables for all of the Endpoint Manager services.
Links endpoints to organizations, either by the NPI ID (preferred), or by the organization name.
Handles the object models and database storage for the endpoint information that Lantern is gathering.
Contains parsers for the different endpoint list formats that Lantern takes in. Selects the correct endpoint list parser and adds the endpoint list information to the database.
Adds a list of endpoints to the database.
Contains helpful functions that are used commonly throughout the project, such as a string array contains function and a fail on error function.
Prunes the fhir_endpoints_info_history table to remove consecutive duplicate endpoint entries older than the 2x the LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD environment variable and deletes any associated validation table entries.
Creates a JSON export file by formatting the data from the fhir_endpoints_info and fhir_endpoints_info_history tables into a JSON file formatted as specified in the shinydashboard/lantern/
Reads in a CSV file of NPPES data. You can find the latest monthly export of NPPES data here:
Gets current list of endpoints and sends each one to the capabilityquerier queue. It continues to repeat this action every time the query interval period has passed.
Creates a model for smart responses so they can be parsed and analyzed.
Contains helpful functions used in testing throughout the project.
Creates a model for the versions operator response and makes the version and default version information easily accessible within the code.
Contains the code needed for creating, starting, and stopping workers used to parallelize processing.
The first time you run something, you may need to do the following in the directory where the main.go file is located:
go get ./... # You may have to set environment variable GO111MODULE=on
go mod download
The Endpoint Manager main function is currently a stub function. You will see that the endpointmanager is running if you see "Started the endpoint manager." in as the output.
Endpoint Manager functionality long term will rely on the lantern message queue (RabbitMQ) and the PostgreSQL database being available.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd
go run main.go
The commands below assume that you are starting in the root directory of the Lantern backend project.
Creates an archive of the data from the fhir_endpoints, fhir_endpoints_info and vendors tables between the given dates in a JSON format and saves it to the given 'file' name.
Primarily uses the archivefile
cd endpointmanager/cmd/archivefile
go run main.go <start date> <end date> <file name>
Queries the CHPL service for the CHPL list of endpoint lists and stores in a JSON file.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/CHPLpopulator
go run main.go <CHPL Endpoint List URL> <JSON file to save CHPL Endpoint List>
Queries the CHPL service for CHPL product information and stores in the database.
Primarily uses the chplquerier
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/chplquerier
go run main.go
Queries the CHPL service for the CHPL list of endpoint lists and checks to see if the list has been updated. If it has, the CHPL endpoint list JSON file in the resources/prod_resources
is updated with these changes, and file is created with all the updated CHPL endpoint list URLs listed to be used by the automated cron job CHPL update check to send an email with these URLs.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/CHPLupdatecheck
go run main.go <CHPL Endpoint List URL> <JSON file to save CHPL Endpoint List>
Checks if the number of endpoints in the fhir_endpoints table is greater than what could be queried in the query interval and displays a warning if it is.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/datavalidation
go run main.go
Copies the entire contents of endpoint_export view into a csv which will be written to /tmp.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/endpointexporter
go run main.go
Links endpoints to organizations, either by the NPI ID (preferred), or by the organization name.
Primarily uses the endpointlinker
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/endpointlinker
go run main.go
Or to run with printed linker results and information:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/endpointlinker
go run main.go --verbose
Parses a JSON file of endpoints and adds them to the database.
Primarily uses the fhirendpointquerier
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/endpointpopulator
go run main.go <path to endpoint json file>
Queries an endpoint list URL whose endpoint list is contained within an HTML table and uses web sraping to pull the endpoints out of the table and save them into a JSON file in the Lantern endpoint list format.
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/endpointwebscraper
go run main.go <Endpoint list name> <Endpoint list URL> <JSON file name to save endpoint list to>
Prunes the fhir_endpoints_info_history table to remove consecutive duplicate endpoint entries older than the pruning threshold environment variable.
Primarily uses the historypruning
cd endpointmanager/cmd/historypruning
go run main.go
Creates a JSON export file by formatting the data from the fhir_endpoints_info and fhir_endpoints_info_history tables into a given specification.
Primarily uses the jsonexport
cd endpointmanager/cmd/jsonexport
go run main.go <export JSON file name>
Reads in a CSV file of NPPES organization data. You can find the latest monthly export of NPPES data here:
Primarily uses the nppesquerier
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/nppesorgpopulator
go run main.go <path to nppes org csv file>
Reads in a CSV file of NPPES contact (endpoint) data. You can find the latest monthly export of NPPES data here:
Primarily uses the nppesquerier
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/nppescontactpopulator
go run main.go <path to nppes contact csv file>
Gets current list of endpoints sends each one to the capabilityquerier queue. It continues to repeat this action every time the query interval period has passed.
Primarily uses the sendendpoints
To run, perform the following commands:
cd endpointmanager/cmd/sendendpoints
go run main.go
The Endpoint Manager expects the format of an endpoint source list to be in one of the formats below:
Cerner Endpoint Sources (JSON):
"endpoints": [
"name": <name of the organization>,
"baseUrl": <location of the FHIR endpoint>,
"type": <endpoint type>
Lantern Endpoint Sources (JSON):
"Endpoints": [
"URL": <location of the FHIR endpoint>,
"OrganizationName": <name of the organization>,
"NPIID": <organization npi id>
FHIR Bundle of FHIR Endpoint Resources (JSON):
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"entry": [
"resource": {
"name": <name of the organization>,
"managingOrganiation": { "display": <text for resource>, "reference": <organization name> },
"address": <location of the FHIR endpoint>
NPPES Endpoint pfile (CSV):
"NPI","Endpoint Type","Endpoint Type Description","Endpoint","Affiliation","Endpoint Description","Affiliation Legal Business Name","Use Code","Use Description","Other Use Description","Content Type","Content Description","Other Content Description","Affiliation Address Line One","Affiliation Address Line Two","Affiliation Address City","Affiliation Address State","Affiliation Address Country","Affiliation Address Postal Code"
To add a new endpoint list, add an entry to the EndpointResourcesList.json file located in the resources/prod_resources directory with the endpoint name, the name the endpoint source file will be saved as, and the endpoint URL. If the format does not match any of those listed above in the expected endpoint formats, add a new parser. See lantern-back-end/endpointmanager/pkg/fetcher/cernerlist.go, lantern-back-end/endpointmanager/pkg/fetcher/epiclist.go, or lantern-back-end/endpointmanager/pkg/fetcher/lanternlist.go for examples of the interface which endpoint list parsers need to adhere to.
To manually add a link between an endpoint and npi organization after the linker algorithm has been run, add the endpoint url and the npi id of the organization you want to link to the linkerMatchesAllowlist.json file. To manually remove a link between an endpoint and npi organization, add the linked endpoint url and the npi id of the organization you want to remove from the database to the linkerMatchesBlocklist.json file. Both files are found in the resources/prod_resources directory, and expect the following format:
"endpointURL": <url of endpoint>,
"organizationID":<npi id of organization string>
Note: The npi organizationID should be a string
The history pruning algorithm is run every 23 hours using a cron job (more details on how to set up in main README). The pruning algorithm will iterate over all of the fhir_endpoint_info_history entries for each distinct FHIR endpoint URL that have entered_at dates that are older than the time determined by subtracting the LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD from the current time, and also have entered_at dates that are newer than the current time minus the LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD times 2. Having a lower limit of the LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD times 2 ensures that the algorithm does not repeat all of the pruning checks on the same entries after every 23 hours, but that it also does not miss any entries that have not yet been pruned. The LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD, which set to one month by default, ensures that there is always data newer than the LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD that is not pruned, since an entry has to be older than the threshold in order to be considered for pruning.
The pruning algorithm will remove any consecutive duplicate entries in the fhir_endpoint_info_history table. A fhir_endpoint_info_history entry is considered a duplicate if there is an older consecutive entry that that has the same stored information for the endpoint's TLS version, MIME types, and SMART response, and if the newer entry's stored capability statement only differs by fields included in a list of ignored fields, such as the field. If a fhir_endpoint_info_history entry is found to be a duplicate of an older consecutive entry, it is deleted from the table, and this continues until only the oldest of the consecutive duplicated entries remains. This pruning strategy is advantageous in that there will always be a duration of at least LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD minutes worth of queries in the history table for each endpoint, therefore Lantern can inspect LANTERN_PRUNING_THRESHOLD minutes worth of data to see how every endpoint responded within each query interval while still saving storage space by removing duplicate data or data which only differs in the values reported for fields in the ignored fields set. Keeping all entries containing any unique data allows Lantern to keep track of how each endpoint has changed over long periods of time.