- Fix for SPI.xfer crashes python after 3 calls
- Added a retry to reading for the analog inputs to avoid a bug where reading back and forth between two analog inputs would cause the resource to be unavailable every 16 scans (zthorson)
- Updated the build_path to be more selective over what paths it chooses (zthorson)
- Update Debian installation instructions in README (justinledwards)
- Increase the size of the buffer used for storing device tree names (SaintGimp)
- UART - Include UART overlays, and compile upon installation
- UART - Rename UART overlays
- Adafruit_I2C - Remove readU16Rev and readS16Rev
- Adafruit_I2C - Updated readU16/readS16 for correct 16-bit reads
- Fix SPI memory leaks
- Clean up of PWM code (bit-hacker, jwcooper)
- Remove UART debug statements
- Add polarity as optional fourth parameter to PWM.start(). Valid values are 0 and 1. Default is still 0.
- Fix for actually setting the polarity in start.
- Add new unit tests to check that the polarity is being set properly, and valid values passed in.
- Fix PWM duty cycle so 0 is off and 100 is on. Set polarity to 0 by default.
- Give extra buffer space in export, and unexport functions for gpio that are more than 2 digits (Chris Desjardins)
- Add new test case for 3 digit gpio (Chris Desjardins)
- Fix for test_direction_readback. gpio_get_direction wasn't properly null terminating the direction string (Chris Desjardins)
- Fix GPIO.gpio_function to work with the IO name (zthorson)
- Fix IOErrors not getting raised when fopen fails while loading overlays into device tree (bradfordboyle, jwcooper)
- Add new UART tests
- Remove the gpio parameter from callbacks (cdesjardins)
- Bump version due to pypi issues
- New UART module to export UART overlays
- Alpha support for SPI
- Add small delay after loading any device tree overlays
- Fix direction for event detection code
- Fix for segmentation faults on add_event_detect
- Fix for ADC Segmentation Faults
- Temp remove overlay compilation. Ubuntu failures.
- Refactor and clean up adc and pwm
- Fix tests for Adafruit_BBIO rename
- Include Adafruit_I2C.py as top-level module
- Rename from BBIO to Adafruit_BBIO to reduce library conflicts and confusion.
- Support for pip and easy_install
- ADC enabled
- PWM enabled
- Initial Commit
- GPIO mostly working
- Initial GPIO unit tests
- PWM in progress