This is an announcement from notion2md developer, echo.
First, thank you for all your interest in notion2md project. I never knew that this project gets stars over 100. I really want to say that this is thanks to all your interest and contriubtion to notion2md.
And I want to apologize for my late respond to the issues and pull requests. As a college student, it was hard for me to focus fixing issues and study college materials at the same time. Sorry to you all developers that have waited fixing issues and futher update in notion2md
For this reason, I want to expand my personal project to the group project that developers who have interest in notion2md. Since there are lots of notion users, and our notion2md has full potential to support notion users need.
I want to give this access to those who made an issue or pull request at least one time(including future issue or pull request)
If you have interest in participating in this project as collaborator, please make an issue on this page with your brief bio. I will give you access to this project.
And once again thank you and I hope this project gets bigger and bigger.