// Task: Swap all odd and even bits
// Tips: get the number with all odd bits and all even bits first and then or them together.
uint32_t swapOddEven(uint32_t target) {
return ((target & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((target & 0x55555555) << 1);
int main(void) {
// test 1:
uint32_t test1 = 0xa;
printf("%x\n", swapOddEven(test1));
// test 2:
uint32_t test2 = 0x5;
printf("%x\n", swapOddEven(test2));
// test 3:
uint32_t test3 = 0xff;
printf("%x\n", swapOddEven(test3));
// test 4:
uint32_t test4 = 0xaa;
printf("%x\n", swapOddEven(test4));
return 0;