The library revolves around the idea that you can define a godd enough graph where nodes are tables with filters and vertices are meaningful relations of filtering. For instance, we can define the following schema (it comes from the dataseed/MassaliaSchema folder in the repo, which is used for integration tests in the repo) :
data Plant
= Plant
{ id :: UUID,
name :: Text,
createdAt :: LocalTime,
checkDate :: Day,
description :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving instance SQLRecord (Paginated PlantFilter) Plant
data PlantFilter = PlantFilter
{ id :: Maybe GQLFilterUUID,
name :: Maybe GQLFilterText,
checkDate :: Maybe GQLFilterDay
( Show,
data Truck
= Truck
{ id :: UUID,
vehicleId :: Text
deriving (Show, Generic, Eq)
deriving instance SQLRecord (Paginated TruckFilter) Truck
data TruckFilter
= TruckFilter
{ id :: Maybe GQLFilterUUID,
vehicleId :: Maybe GQLFilterText
deriving (Show, Generic, SQLFilter)
instance SQLFilterField TruckFilter where
filterStruct opts selection val = case selection of
"exists_truck" -> Just $ handleExistFilter True opts selection val
"not_exists_truck" -> Just $ handleExistFilter False opts selection val
_ -> Nothing
handleExistFilter isExist = existsOrNotPrimitive isExist filterInside actualFilter
filterInside = True
actualFilter fatherTableName =
( mempty
{ _select = pure "1",
_from = Just "truck",
_where = Just condition
condition = ("truck" ° "plant_id") <> "=" <> (ftn ° "id")
ftn = fromText fatherTableName