For a complete list of all Rare Pepe Artists visit
Mike (@myrarepepe) / Total Cards: 6
The original creator of the first three Rare Pepe Cards (RAREPEPE, GOXPEPE, SHITCOINCARD) and member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists. On September 13th, 2016, he dropped the first cards into the Counterparty XCP/Rare Pepe chatroom for free. -
Joe Looney (@wasthatawolf) / Total Cards: 13
Joe Looney is a member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists and the creator of the Rare Pepe Wallet, a tool that makes it possible to buy, sell, trade, edition, gift, and destroy Rare Pepes. -
Shawn Leary (@shawnleary) / Total Cards: 15
Member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists. -
DanDarkPill / Total Cards: 26
Creator of iconic dank cards such as the famous Putin Set and some of the most iconic fine arts cards PICASSOPEPE, VANGOUGHPEPE, MATISSEPEPE, DALIPEPE and MIROPEPE. -
Mr Hansel (@bettidlomas) / Total Cards: 31
Rare Scrilla (@ScrillaVentura) / Total Cards: 26
DaVinci9 (@DavinciNine) / Total Cards: 21
20 animated Japanese-watercolor Pepe by the celebrated artist DaVinci9 sold for 26,000 PEPECASH at the first Rare Digital Art Festival, aka “RARE AF”. -
Luca (Rare_Luca) / Total Cards: 19
Eazy_B (@Easy_to_the_b) / Total Cards: 39
Robness (@robnessofficial) / Total Cards: 5
John Villar / Total Cards: 82
Member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists. -
Theo Goodman (@theog__) / Total Cards: 12
Member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists. Theo Goodman is also a speaker, moderator, master of ceremony and auctioneer at various events, as well as a writer, musician, and host of the “Late Night with Theo Goodman” podcast. -
Artnome (@Artnome) / Total Cards: 3
J-Dog (@jdogresorg) / | JDog / Total Cards: 3
Member of the OG Rare Pepe Scientists. -
Matt Furie (@Matt_Furie) / Total Cards: 1
The original creator of Pepe the frog. Finally completing the Rare Pepe saga, Matt Furie completed the card reserved for him, FEELSGOODMAN (Series 20 - 1/500). -
Django Bits (@djangobits) / Total Cards: 15
Early contributor with Pepes like DANKVADER, PEPEALASSAD, MARVINPEPE, HEISENPEPE, ERDOPEPEGAN and others. Created the artwork for Shawn Leary's FSMPEPE. Also created KARPEPELES which was submitted to the first Rarepepe Thread on Bitcointalk on September 13, 2013. This first threat was later closed, as Mike did perceive it's creation and posting as a highjack to his idea. This was the first time a Rarepepe was created by somebody else than Mike. In 2022, KARPEPELES was submitted to Series 0 of the Fake Rare Directory.