The glyph SVGs in this repository are often based on model from the JSesh Glyph library, notably those made by S.J.P. Thomas (see
S.J.P. Thomas, the original author of the glyphs allows for the following usages:
- It is ok to use the hieroglyph SVGs in JSesh (
- It is ok to distribute the hieroglyph SVGs as part of the JSesh glyph library.
- It is ok to use the hieroglyph SVGs for publications (paper, databases, web sites).
- It is ok to modify the hieroglyph SVGs for the same purposes.
- It is not allowed to use the hieroglyph SVGs in/for other hieroglyphic word processors than with JSesh.
For the time being, the same rules apply for the glyph SVGs build by the TLA team.