- Fixed: Empty database query caused SyntaxErrorException, thanks to Rico Sonntag
- Stabilizations
- Fixed backend bugs when editing pages and content elements on pages without site configuration
- Symfony command to perform a batch translation in TYPO3 v13
- Number of translations per run limited to the maximum defined number
- Now with TYPO3 v13 support
- Compatibility of event listeners for PageTsConfig up to TYPO3 v13 established
- Added the option to select a source language for DeepL translations in the page configuration. Otherwise, when translating individual words, the source language is often incorrectly recognized, thx to Schorsch.
- Added a new backend module "Batch Translation", which enables automatic translation of pages and content elements. This feature streamlines the localization process, improving efficiency when managing multilingual content.
- Added a symfony command/scheduler task to process scheduled translations. This allows for automated handling of translations based on predefined plans, ensuring timely updates and improved workflow automation.
- The news extension loaded condition did not work due to an incorrect extension key, thx to SventB
- Improved translations with tag_handling in DeepL
- Bugfix a variable usage exception that was thrown caused by editing elements on the root page
- Fixed Exception on DataHandler if no page or root page is selected
- Translation mechanism restructured and errors in the translation process fixed
- Fixed installation with Extension Manager from TER to use DeepL Vendor Files with TYPO3 autoloader (https://forge.typo3.org/issues/102443)
- PHP 8 bugfixes & translation stabilizations
- TYPO3 v12 support
- Fixed field names in site configuration
- PHP 8 bugfixes & stabilizations