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File metadata and controls

553 lines (297 loc) · 18.9 KB

Security and Automation Features

Testing and TODO

  1. Audit all final file ownership on target dse nodes (ctool comparable sys.)

Ubuntu 18.04 - pyton pip etc

Need universe added to ubuntu repos:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

then add universe at the end of each line, like this:

deb bionic main universe deb bionic-security main universe deb bionic-updates main universe


Need to validate generated root -> intemidiaries -> top level cert order via openssl validate() function, appears to be an incorrect order, current workaround is to force truststore/keystore acceptance.


Need to test against Windows AD with DSE mixed LDAP/Internal mode.

HEAP allication

  1. See new params in group_vars/all: [heap_xms] and [heap_xmx] - always set them both to the same value to avoid runtime memory allocation issues.

No load systems will need 4GB heaps, development and staging should have 8GB heaps and load testing/production systems should have 20GB heaps.


Ports - TODO ❌

AWS Datastax internal security group: need to allow all nodes to communicate on all ports due to AlwaysOnSQL using random ports to connect to other analytic nodes. Not allowing this means AlwaysOnSQL service only starts up on the local node.

 ingress {
    from_port = 0
    protocol = "-1"
    to_port = 0
    security_groups = ["${}"]

Ansible Configuration

move id_rsa_aws to ansible.cfg

And remove from all bash references e.g. etc.

Ansible Vault

Shift sensitive passwords to ansible vault - TODO ❌

vars: /ansible/group_vars/all

Primary sanity check and early exit from Ansible process

If data exists in the configured DSE data directory exit the entire process ! - COMPLETE ✔️

On Ansible startup via and if data exists in the configured DSE data directory the entire BASH script will exit. This will protect against overwriting an existing running cluster in the case of creating a new cluster via and will also stop overwriting an existing running node in the case of

Called by playbooks: dse_install.yml, add_node_install.yml and opsc_install.yml

role: role: dse_test_for_data_directory

DSE cluster Transport Encryption

-> playbook: dse_security.yml

Generate self signed root certificate for DSE - COMPLETE ✔️

This is the default certificate generation process.

This method generates a self-signed root certificate and then uese that root certificate to sign certificates for each node, each node has a CN that matches it's resolvable FQDN e.g.,

role: security_create_root_certificate

CA signed WILDCARD certificate as root certificate * - COMPLETE ✔️

This method takes a CA signed WILDCARD certificate and treats it as a root certificate, using it to sign individual certificates for each node, each node has a CN that matches it's resolvable FQDN e.g.,

Setting up SSL certificates

CA signed certificates (1x supplied for each node e.g, ) - ON HOLD

No requirement as yet for this feature.

This method takes a pre-ordered CA supplied certificate for each node.

Create DSE truststores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_create_truststores

Create DSE keystores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_create_keystores

Distribute DSE truststores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_distribute_truststores

Distribute DSE keystores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_distribute_keystores

Client -> Node - COMPLETE ✔️

Encrypting Client -> Node SSL

role: security_client_to_node

Node -> Node - COMPLETE ✔️

Internode Ecryption

role: security_node_to_node

CQLSH -> Node (local and remote) - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_client_to_node

DSE cluster Unified Authentication

-> playbook: dse_authentication.yml

Activate DSE cluster Unified Authentication - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_auth_activate_internal

DSE cluster Authorisation and Roles

-> playbook: dse_authorisation_roles.yml

Superuser role replacement via unencrypted driver call - COMPLETE ✔️

Used also by

role: /ansible/roles/security_cassandra_change_superuser

Superuser role replacement via encrypted SSL driver call - ON HOLD

Currently commented out, working on SSL usage of librabry/

Used by dse_authorisation_roles.yml

role: /ansible/roles/security_cassandra_change_superuser

Security table replication - COMPLETE ✔️

role: /ansible/roles/security_keyspaces_configure

DSE Disk Encryption (TDE)

Transparent data encryption

  • TODO ❌

Opscenter Transport Encryption

-> playbook: opsc_security.yml

Create opscenter keystores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_opsc_create_keystores

Create opscenter truststores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_opsc_create_truststores

Distribute opscenter truststores - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_opsc_distribute_truststores

Browser -> Opscenter web (HTTPS) - COMPLETE ✔️

Opscenter Enabling HTTPS

role: security_opsc_configure

Configure seperate opscenter storage cluster - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_opsc_cluster_configure

Configure Opscenter -> Agent encryption at OPSC SERVER level - COMPLETE ✔️

Enabling SSL/TLS for OpsCenter and Agent communication - Package Installs

role: security_opsc_configure

Configure Opscenter -> Agent encryption at Agent level - COMPLETE ✔️

Enabling SSL/TLS for OpsCenter and Agent communication - Package Installs

role: security_opc_agent_fetch_keystore role: security_opc_agent_distribute_keystore role: security_opc_agent_activate_ssl

Configure OPSC SERVER -> DSE encryption and OPSC DSECORE -> DSE encryption - ON HOLD

Connect to DSE with client-to-node encryption in OpsCenter and the DataStax Agents

Various roles including:

  1. security_create_keystores
  2. security_create_truststores
  3. security_opsc_create_keystores
  4. security_opsc_create_truststores
  5. security_opsc_cluster_configure

Opscenter Authentication

playbook: opsc_authentication.yml

Activate Opscenter internal authentication - COMPLETE ✔️

role: /ansible/roles/security_opsc_configure

Activate OPSC DSECore Unified Authentication - COMPLETE ✔️

role: /ansible/roles/security_auth_activate_internal

Opscenter Authorisation and Roles

-> playbook: opsc_authorisation_roles.yml

Replace Opscenter weak default user - COMPLETE ✔️

role: /ansible/roles/security_opsc_change_admin

Replace OPSC DSECore weak superuser - COMPLETE ✔️

role: /ansible/roles/security_change_superuser

Spark Transport Encryption

-> playbook: spark_security.yml

To Activate

Browser -> Spark UI - COMPLETE ✔️

The Spark web UI by default uses client-to-cluster encryption settings to enable SSL security in the web interface.

dse submit - COMPLETE ✔️

No transport phase.

Spark driver (app) -> DSE - COMPLETE ✔️

Encryption between the Spark driver and DSE is configured by enabling client encryption in cassandra.yaml

role: security_client_to_node

Spark master -> worker - COMPLETE ✔️

Encryption between Spark nodes, including between the Spark master and worker, is configured by enabling Spark security in dse.yaml.

role: security_spark_configure

Spark driver (app) -> executors - COMPLETE ✔️

Encryption between the Spark driver and executors in client applications is configured by enabling Spark security in the application configuration properties, or by default in /etc/dse/spark/spark-defaults.conf

role: security_spark_configure

Spark executor -> DSE nodes - COMPLETE ✔️

Client-to-node encryption protects data in flight for the Spark Executor to DSE database connections by establishing a secure channel between the client and the coordinator node.

role: security_client_to_node

Client -> AlwaysOnSQL port (DSE 6.0+ only) - TEST ❓

Enabling SSL for AlwaysOn SQL

Uses the same keystore and trustore as client->node and node->node encryption.

role: security_spark_alwaysonsql_configure

Spark Authentication

-> playbook: spark_authentication

Activate Spark Authentication - COMPLETE ✔️

role: security_spark_auth_activate

Activate AlwaysOnSQL Authentication - TODO ❌

Using authentication with AlwaysOn SQL

Shares common role with AlwaysOnSQL transport encryption:

role: security_spark_alwaysonsql_configure

Spark Authorization and Roles

-> playbook: spark_authorisation_roles.yml


  1. This playbook is here as a convenience, currently empty it could be used to automate user/role creation.
  2. This role is currently commented out in the script

Create a Spark role and user? Limit spark jobs by user?

Spark Systems Configuration

Configure and activate DSEFS on Spark nodes - COMPLETE ✔️:

role: spark_dsefs_configure

Cleanup Spark worker directory regularly - COMPLETE ✔️: spark.worker.ops settings to clear out directory

role: spark_worker_cleanup_configure

Configure Spark worker log rolling - COMPLETE ✔️:

role: spark_worker_log_rolling_configure

Configure AlwaysOnSQL Worker and Executor Cores / RAM etc - COMPLETE ✔️:

role: spark_alwaysonsql_configure

Spark Disk Encryption

Spark disk encryption of driver temp files and shuffle files on disk (only available DSE 6.0 onwards) - TODO ❌

role: security_spark_auth_activate/templates/spark_defaults.conf

Graph Transport Encryption

-> - COMPLETE ✔️

Enable SSL client-to-node encryption on the DSE Graph node by setting the client_encryption_options.

role: security_client_to_node

Graph Authentication

-> - COMPLETE ✔️

Allow only authenticated users to access DSE Graph data by enabling DSE Unified Authentication on the transactional database.

role: security_auth_activate_internal

Graph Authorisation and Roles

-> playbook: graph_authorisation_roles.yml

Limit access to graph data by defining roles for DSE Graph keyspaces and tables, see Managing access to DSE Graph keyspaces.


  1. This playbook is here as a convenience, currently empty it could be used to automate user/role creation.
  2. This role is currently commented out in the script

Configure credentials in the DSE Graph remote.yaml

Providing credentials for DSE Graph

Search Transport Encryption

-> - COMPLETE ✔️

Encrypt connections using SSL between HTTP clients and CQL shell to with client-to-node encryption on the DSE Search node.

role: security_client_to_node

Search Authentication

-> - COMPLETE ✔️

Perform index management tasks with the CQL shell by DSE Unified Authentication.

role: security_auth_activate_internal

Search Authorisation and Roles

-> playbook: search_authorisation_roles.yml

Use role-based access control (RBAC) for authenticated users to provide search index related permissions.


  1. This playbook is here as a convenience, currently empty it could be used to automate user/role creation.
  2. This role is currently commented out in the script

JMX Transport Encryption

-> playbook: jmx_security.yml - TODO ❌

Setting up SSL for nodetool, dsetool, and dse advrep Securing jConsole SSL

JMX Unified Authentication

-> playbook: jmx_authentication.yml

Enable JMX Authentication Support Link

Activate JMX Authentication - COMPLETE ✔️

JMX authenticationis set up in TerraDSE to pass thru to DSE Unified Authentication

Managing JMX Access Control to MBeans

role: /ansible/roles/security_jmx_auth_activate

Tools: nodetool, dse, dse client-tool, dsetool, advrep - TEST ❌

Passes -> JMX Authentication -> DSE Unified Authentication

A username / password pair is required once JMX Authentication activated

CQLSH and .cqlshrc file creation and distribution - TODO ❌


  1. Needs to be optional with default of false, hardened environments would not accept deployment of credentials on nodes.
  2. Need a DSE Unified Authentication account/password stored in clear text in a ~/.cqlshrc file on each node in /home/ec2-user/.cqlshrc
  3. Can't be a DSE admin account, needs to be a read-only account?

Better approach to CQLSH/cqlshrc, DSE/.dserc, Spark shell etc is use Datastax Studio for all CQL/Gremlin/SparkSQL

LDAP Authentication


Defining an LDAP scheme

Creating roles for LDAP mode

Read the following link if using mixed authentication (e.g. internal AND LDAP/AD authentcation):

"Prevent unintentional role assignment when a group name or user name is found in multiple schemes. When a role has execute permission on a scheme, the role can only be applied to users that authenticated against that scheme."

Binding a role to an authentication scheme

Audit Logging

Enabling data auditing in DataStax Enterprise

Configuring audit logging

Formats of DataStax Enterprise logs

default location for audit log: /var/log/cassandra/audit/audit.log default location for logback.xml: /etc/dse/cassandra/logback.xml

In logback.xml we can control log rotation.

role: security_audit_logging_configure - COMPLETE ✔️

Add a new node to an existing DC within an existing cluster

Terraform provision new node via - TESTING NOW ❓

Modify hosts via - TESTING NOW ❓

Run ansible via - TODO ❌

Works for initial creation of datacenters, probably doesn't work for adding a new node to a datacenter that has been added later, has no concept of node type for dse_name_2 datacenter name, needs flowing block:


Bring up a new DC within an existing cluster


This new DC could have various reasons for existing:

  1. A duplicate DC type, i.e. a second Spark DC in a cluster with an existing Spark DC (both in the same DC)
  2. A new DC type, i.e. a new Graph DC in a cluster with C* and Spark DC's only
  3. A backup DC i.e. a new Graph DC in AZ2 in a cluster with an existing Graph DC in AZ1
  4. A geographically seperate replicated edge DC

For STATIC INVENTORY (hosts file):

xxx private_ip=xxx private_dns=ip-10-200-175-160.datastax.lan seed=true dc=dse_graph_2 dc_type=dse_graph rack=RAC1 vnode=1 initial_token=
xxx private_ip=xxx private_dns=ip-10-200-175-164.datastax.lan seed=true dc=dse_graph_2 dc_type=dse_graph rack=RAC1 vnode=1 initial_token=
xxx private_ip=xxx private_dns=ip-10-200-175.163.datastax.lan seed=false dc=dse_graph_2 dc_type=dse_graph rack=RAC1 vnode=1 initial_token=


For DYNAMIC INVENTORY the above configuration will be generated off differences in tfstate_current and tf_state_latest.

Bring up a replacement node in a specific DC in an existing cluster

Replace a node in a DC. - ON HOLD

OpsCenter DSE cluster backup automation


  1. Schema automation needs to run prior to backup automation.

-> playbook: opsc_backups_configure.yml

Inject DSE cluster backup location into OpsCenter via API call - TESTING NOW ❓

role: /ansible/roles/opsc_backups_configure

Inject DSE cluster backup schedule into OpsCenter via API call - TESTING NOW ❓

role: /ansible/roles/opsc_backups_configure

OpsCenter services automation

-> playbook: opsc_services_configure.yml

Activate OpsCenter repair service - TESTING NOW ❓

role: /ansible/roles/opsc_services_configure

DSE Best Practice configurations and DSE Operations

Optimise Linux OS general settings for DSE - COMPLETE ✔️

Recreate file based handler for reload of syscrtl

role: dse_osparam_change

Optimise Linux OS SSD settings - COMPLETE ✔️

role: dse_osparam_ssd_change