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File metadata and controls

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Exercise: Create custom form control

Native HTML form controls are usually very good at what they are doing. They are accessible and are well supported in modern browsers. However, sometimes we want to build more sophisticated controls, or simply reuse existing form logic. That's where custom form controls come into play.


You might have noticed that ContactsCreatorComponent and ContactsEditorComponent are very similar. A lot of logic is redundant, which is usually a good sign to refactor things. Let's start with small steps and refactor all address related fields into a custom form control, so it can be reused in both components, without reimplementing them more than once.


  1. Create a new component AddressInputComponent using Angular CLI
$ ng g c address-input
  1. Change its template to render address related form fields:
<fieldset [formGroup]="form" fxLayout="column">
  <mat-input-container fxFlex>
    <input matInput placeholder="Street" (blur)="propagateTouch()" formControlName="street">
  <mat-input-container fxFlex>
    <input matInput placeholder="Zip" (blur)="propagateTouch()" formControlName="zip">
  <mat-input-container fxFlex>
    <input matInput placeholder="City" (blur)="propagateTouch()" formControlName="city">
  <mat-select placeholder="Country" (blur)="propagateTouch()" formControlName="country">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let country of countries" [value]="">{{ }}</mat-option>
  1. Import ControlValueAccessor, FormGroup, FormBuilder and NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR from @angular/forms
  2. Create a multi provider for the token NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR that registers AddressInputComponent using forwardRef() and useExisting provider strategy
  3. Make AddressInputComponent implement OnInit and ControlValueAccessor
  4. Inject FormBuilder instance into AddressInputComponent
  5. Create a form in ngOnInit() that has all the form controls the template needs
  6. Implement writeValue(address: Address)
  7. Implement registerOnChange(fn) and registerOnTouched(fn)
  8. Subscribe to form value changes and call your registerd change handler whenever the form emits a change
  9. Call onTouched handler whenever any of the form controls emit a blur event
  10. Use AddressInputComponent in ContactsCreatorComponent and ContactsEditorComopnent