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File metadata and controls

213 lines (140 loc) · 4.62 KB



  • easy packages is used to call the packages related with FireFlutter like easyuser, easychat, easy_forum, etc.

Building as a core developer

  • Create your own example app with example/lib/main.[feature].dart. Don't touch others app.

How to use

Usually, you will need to add these packages blow into pubspec.ymal to develop an app (or another package).

easy_helpers: latest
easy_locale: latest
easy_storage: latest
easy_user: latest

These packages are compatible among easy packages. You can simply add only one package to pubspec.yaml like easychat to add the chat function to your app.

Coding convention



  • Starting must be START(xxxx)
  • End must be END(())
  • End with options should be BUTTONS>Many options]. For instance, after create a post, the app will show post deatil screen where the user can choose many options. And the process is finished when the post is created, then use this.
  • Process must be WORK[xxxx]
  • Create, Save, Update, Delete, or anything that need Database work must be SAVE[(CREATE|UPDATE|DELETE)]
  • Subroutines, or the next screen, dialog should be displayed with NEXT_SCREEN[[List screen xxx]].

Model and Service class

Model class does

  • serialization/deserialization
  • basic crud of the model data
  • helper functions of the entity itself. Not other entities of the same model.
  • encapsulating the refs.

Service class does

  • something that are related with the model(entity) or the service can handle for the whole function(feacher).
  • showing screens
  • search & listing data
  • initialization, listening, etc.

Data listing

Use FirestoreQueryBuilder or FirebaseDatabaseQueryBuilder. Use query builder all the time.


There is no english version of documents. So, write all the document in the source code. The comment int source code will turn into dartdoc when it is deployed into


Unit test

Do the unit test as Flutter does.

Widget test

Do the widget test as Flutter does.

House test

This is a special test for house only. This is because it's not easy to test while connection with Firebase.


  • initialize
void main() async {
  runApp(const MyApp());
  • t
'name'.t // 결과: 이름
  • tr
final translationTexts = {
    'apple': {
        'en': {
            'zero': '{name} has no apple.',
            'one': '{name} has one apple.',
            'many': '{name} has {n} apples.',


  key: 'apple',
  locale: 'en',
  value: {
    'zero': '{name} has no apple.',
    'one': '{name} has one apple.',
    'many': '{name} has {n} apples.',

int n = 0;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J'}, form: n), 'J has no apple.');
n = 1;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J'}, form: n), 'J has one apple.');
n = 3;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J', 'n': n}, form: n), 'J has 3 apples.');


Friend Logic

  • All friend relation data is saved in the documents right under friends documents.
  • The id of the document is the uid of the user.
  • Each document has sent, received, mutal, rejected fields and each field is an array of uid string.
  • If A request to B, then the firestore structure will be
  /A { sent: [B] }
  /B { received: [A] }
  • If B accepts A's request, the database will be like below
    • If A accepts B, then B should be removed from sent or receieved fields and move to mutual field.
  /A { mutual: [B] }
  /B { mutual: [A] }
  • If C request to D, and D rejected,
  /C {sent: [D]},
  /D {rejected: [C]},
  • If C request to A, and A rejected
  /A {mutual: [B], rejected: [C]}
  /C {sent: [A, D]}
  • If D request to A, and A accepts
  /A {mtual: [B, D], rejected: [C]}
  /D {mutual: [A], rejected: [C]}