diff --git a/layouts/partials/_inline-svg.html b/layouts/partials/_inline-svg.html
index 5706e4c..32a3189 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/_inline-svg.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/_inline-svg.html
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
{{/* .src could also be a resource */}}
{{ $svg := .src }}
{{ $srcIsString := eq (printf "%T" .src) "string" }}
-{{ $classes := slice }}
+{{ $path := "" }}
{{ if $srcIsString }}
- {{ $path := strings.TrimSuffix ".svg" .src }}
+ {{ $path = strings.TrimSuffix ".svg" .src }}
{{ $svg = resources.Get (printf "%s.svg" $path) }}
- {{ $classes = slice (path.Base $path) }}
{{ else }}
- {{ $path := strings.TrimSuffix ".svg" .src.Name }}
- {{ $classes = slice (path.Base $path) }}
+ {{ $path = strings.TrimSuffix ".svg" .src.Name }}
{{ end }}
+{{ $id := .id | default (print "svg-" (path.Base $path)) }}
+{{ $role := .role | default "img" }}
+{{ $classes := slice }}
{{/* If src doesn't exist in the site, fallback to icon set */}}
{{ if and (not $svg) $srcIsString }}
@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@
{{ $markup := "" }}
{{ with $svg }}
- {{ $svg = $svg | minify }}
{{ $markup = $svg.Content }}
{{ $classes = $classes | append "svg-inline" }}
@@ -34,29 +34,50 @@
{{ range $k, $v := $ }}{{ $s.Set $k $v }}{{ end }}
{{ $s.Delete "src" }}
{{ $s.Delete "title" }}
+ {{ $s.Set "id" $id }}
+ {{ $s.Set "role" $role }}
{{ $s.Set "class" (delimit $classes " ") }}
+ {{ $attributes := slice }}
- {{/* Override markup with passed title */}}
+ {{/* Assemble markup for passed title */}}
+ {{ $patternSvgTagOpen := `" (printf "
%s" .) }}
+ {{ $titleId := print "title-" $id }}
+ {{ $markupTitle = printf `%s` $titleId . }}
+ {{ $ariaLabelledby := $.ariaLabelledby | default $titleId }}
+ {{ $attributes = $attributes | append (printf `aria-labelledby="%s"` $ariaLabelledby) }}
+ {{/* Remove possibly existing title tag (that immediately follows the svg tag) from SVG */}}
+ {{ $markup = replaceRE (print $patternSvgTag `\s*][\s\S]*?(?:)`) "$1$2" $markup 1 }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{/* Assemble markup for passed desc */}}
+ {{ $markupDesc := "" }}
+ {{ with $.desc }}
+ {{ $descId := print "desc-" $id }}
+ {{ $markupDesc = printf `%s` $descId . }}
+ {{ $ariaDescribedby := $.ariaDescribedby | default $descId }}
+ {{ $attributes = $attributes | append (printf `aria-describedby="%s"` $ariaDescribedby) }}
+ {{/* Remove possibly existing desc tag (that immediately follows the svg tag) from SVG */}}
+ {{ $markup = replaceRE (print $patternSvgTag `\s*][\s\S]*?(?:)`) "$1$2" $markup 1 }}
{{ end }}
+ {{/* Add title and desc markup to SVG */}}
+ {{ $replacement := print "$1$2" $markupTitle $markupDesc }}
+ {{ $markup = replaceRE $patternSvgTag $replacement $markup 1 }}
{{/* Override markup with passed attributes */}}
- {{ $attributes := slice }}
{{ range $k, $v := $s.Values }}
- {{ $matches := findRE (printf `%s=".*?"` $k) $markup 1 }}
- {{ if len $matches }}
- {{ $markup = replace $markup (index $matches 0) "" 1 }}
- {{ end }}
+ {{ $pattern := printf `(%s) %s="[\s\S]*?"` $patternSvgTagOpen $k }}
+ {{ $markup = replaceRE $pattern "$1" $markup 1 }}
{{ $attributes = $attributes | append (printf `%s="%s"` $k $v) }}
{{ end }}
- {{ $pattern := `