≡ browsingData API
Use the chrome.browsingData API to remove browsing data from a user's local profile.
.. rst-class:: api-main-section
.. api-member:: :name: :permission:`browsingData` Clear recent browsing history, cookies, and related data
.. rst-class:: api-permission-info
The permission browsingData is required to use messenger.browsingData.*
.. rst-class:: api-main-section
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears various types of browsing data stored in a user's profile.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`) .. api-member:: :name: ``dataToRemove`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.DataTypeSet`) The set of data types to remove.
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears websites' appcache data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's cache.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's cookies and server-bound certificates modified within a particular timeframe.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's list of downloaded files (not the downloaded files themselves).
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears websites' file system data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's stored form data (autofill).
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's history.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears websites' IndexedDB data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears websites' local storage data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears the browser's stored passwords.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears plugins' data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Clears websites' WebSQL data.
.. api-header:: :label: Parameters .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`)
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Reports which types of data are currently selected in the 'Clear browsing data' settings UI. Note: some of the data types included in this API are not available in the settings UI, and some UI settings control more than one data type listed here.
.. api-header:: :label: Return type (`Promise`_) .. api-member:: :type: object .. api-member:: :name: ``dataRemovalPermitted`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.DataTypeSet`) All of the types will be present in the result, with values of :code:`true` if they are permitted to be removed (e.g., by enterprise policy) and :code:`false` if not. .. api-member:: :name: ``dataToRemove`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.DataTypeSet`) All of the types will be present in the result, with values of :code:`true` if they are both selected to be removed and permitted to be removed, otherwise :code:`false`. .. api-member:: :name: ``options`` :type: (:ref:`browsingData.RemovalOptions`) .. _Promise: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise
.. api-header:: :label: Required permissions - :permission:`browsingData`
.. rst-class:: api-main-section
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
A set of data types. Missing data types are interpreted as false.
.. api-header:: :label: object .. api-member:: :name: [``cache``] :type: (boolean, optional) The browser's cache. Note: when removing data, this clears the *entire* cache: it is not limited to the range you specify. .. api-member:: :name: [``cookies``] :type: (boolean, optional) The browser's cookies. .. api-member:: :name: [``downloads``] :type: (boolean, optional) The browser's download list. .. api-member:: :name: [``formData``] :type: (boolean, optional) The browser's stored form data. .. api-member:: :name: [``history``] :type: (boolean, optional) The browser's history. .. api-member:: :name: [``indexedDB``] :type: (boolean, optional) Websites' IndexedDB data. .. api-member:: :name: [``localStorage``] :type: (boolean, optional) Websites' local storage data. .. api-member:: :name: [``passwords``] :type: (boolean, optional) Stored passwords. .. api-member:: :name: [``pluginData``] :type: (boolean, optional) Plugins' data. .. api-member:: :name: [``serverBoundCertificates``] :type: (boolean, optional) Server-bound certificates. .. api-member:: :name: [``serviceWorkers``] :type: (boolean, optional) Service Workers.
.. api-section-annotation-hack::
Options that determine exactly what data will be removed.
.. api-header:: :label: object .. api-member:: :name: [``cookieStoreId``] :type: (string, optional) Only remove data associated with this specific cookieStoreId. .. api-member:: :name: [``hostnames``] :type: (array of string, optional) Only remove data associated with these hostnames (only applies to cookies and localStorage). .. api-member:: :name: [``originTypes``] :type: (object, optional) An object whose properties specify which origin types ought to be cleared. If this object isn't specified, it defaults to clearing only "unprotected" origins. Please ensure that you *really* want to remove application data before adding 'protectedWeb' or 'extensions'. .. api-member:: :name: [``extension``] :type: (boolean, optional) Extensions and packaged applications a user has installed (be _really_ careful!). .. api-member:: :name: [``protectedWeb``] :type: (boolean, optional) Websites that have been installed as hosted applications (be careful!). .. api-member:: :name: [``unprotectedWeb``] :type: (boolean, optional) Normal websites. .. api-member:: :name: [``since``] :type: (`Date <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date>`__, optional) Remove data accumulated on or after this date, represented in milliseconds since the epoch (accessible via the :code:`getTime` method of the JavaScript :code:`Date` object). If absent, defaults to 0 (which would remove all browsing data).