Run the command:
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=X.Y.0-SNAPSHOT -f plugins/de.fraunhofer.ipa.ros.parent/
This will upgrade the pom.xml and MANIFEST.MF of all the repositories.
Open in eclipse the file de.fraunhofer.ipa.ros.feature/feature.xml and under Overview press the button Synchronize and choose the second option Copy versions from plug-in, feature and fragment manifest
Push to this GitHub repository the status
From the menu File select Export and choose the option Deployable features from Plug-in Development category. Select the de.fraunhofer.ipa.ros.feature Feature and give a path for destination (e.g. ~/Desktop/export)
The resulted folders and files have to be copied to the updatesite/latest folder fo the Update Site server and the site.xml file updated to point the new version.
Tag the current point of the history with the release number previously given (X.Y.0). Optionally upgrade the exported files as a zip.