- Python >= 3.8
python3 --version
- Create virtual environment
mkdir -p ~/.virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenv/jenkinscfg
- Activate virtual environment
source ~/.virtualenv/jenkinscfg/bin/activate
- Install Python packages required for development
Only do this while the virtual environment is active.
pip install -e '.[dev]'
- Execute the unpackaged jenkinscfg CLI
Only do this while the virtual environment is active.
python3 src/jenkinscfg/cli.py update --dry-run <jobs_path>
Perform a linter check via:
make lint
Perform a test run via:
make test
make test.unit
make test.integration
To run a particular test run the following and specify the test function:
pytest -s -vvv -k test_function_xyz