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File metadata and controls

113 lines (74 loc) · 4.31 KB


A scratch area for collaborating on Frictionless data transforms.

Initial design objective:

  • A simple framework that allows a transformation to be applied to reshape a Frictionless data package.
  • Attention to detail on documentation
  • Ability to use different transforms
  • Runnable on "laptop scale" data (v1)

It currently consists of two scripts:

  • ft
  • f2sqlite


Clone the repository, create a Python virtual environment, then install the package:

$ pip install --editable . 

How to use

ft: Whole pipeline

To run the pipeline, you'll need:

  • an input package (to be transformed)
  • a transformation directory (contains the transformation scripts)
$ ft <input_package_path> <transform_dir_path> <output_package_path>

For example with the included sample data:

$ cd datasets/periodic_table
$ ft data/raw/datapackage.json transforms data/processed/

The transformation directory may contains:

  • multiple numbered (execution order) SQL scripts, with a .sql extension
  • a file that must implement a single function: postprocess_database(connection)

f2sqlite: Data package to sqlite conversion script

$ f2sqlite data/raw/datapackage.json data/interim/periodic_table.sqlite3

Run in Docker

The ft and f2sqlite scripts can also be run in Docker if you don't have a Python ecosystem available:

  • First, clone this repository

  • Then, build the ft the Docker image (to be done only once after each code change):

    $ docker build -t ft .

  • You can then run the scripts (only the local mnt subdirectory is accessible to the Docker container). Small bash scripts are provided to make things simpler:

    $ ./ft-docker mnt/sample_input_packages/periodic-table/datapackage.json mnt/sample_transform_dir mnt/output_package $ ./f2sqlite-docker sample_input_packages/periodic-table/datapackage.json mnt/mydb.sqlite3

If the bash scripts don't work for you (e.g. on Windows), you'll have to use longer commands:

$ docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/mnt:/usr/src/app/mnt ft /usr/src/app/mnt/sample_input_packages/periodic-table/datapackage.json /usr/src/app/mnt/sample_transform_dir /usr/src/app/mnt/output-package    

Development notes

Lessons learned

  • Thanks to the frictionless ecosystem, it's straightforward to load a tabular data package into SQLite (and to apply transformations there). It seems less straightforward for the last step (get data back from SQLite) to a self-contained data package. Possible approaches:
  • A datapackage pipeline tool already exists, would it work for us?
  • It seems datapackage-py is getting replaced by the Frictionless Framework. Looks like a great option for the future, but it currently appears under heavy development (not much documentation, changing API, not yet battle-tested, ...)

Pending questions (move to GitHub issues)

  • intermediate (for data transformation/reshape) format ? SQLite for the first POC. PostgreSQL might be more scalable and available "for free" thanks to (which relies on SQLAlchemy). A Python/Pandas transformation feature can be easily implemented: no data transformation needed, so it's just a matter a defining a clean interface (parameters and return value of a transformation function?)
  • What about logging and error reporting:
    • it would be good that the tool reports messages in both human-readable (for interactive use) and machine-readable (to use in non interactive pipelines) format.
    • basic: return code of the CLI tool (O if transformation was successful)
    • meaningful warning/error messages.
    • should the data transformation code (SQL at first) be also able to emit its own warning and errors? How to capture those?


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