A runbook style document for project owners to have some consistency in the process used to make a new release and set expectations for contributors.
Each release will see an increment in the version number acording to SEMVER
- Update VERSION in Makefile, Chart.yaml and values.yaml to the intended release version. Check the CHANGELOG.md references the right version and date.
- Run make alltests
- Run make e2e or helm.install & e2e.quick
- Publish the image to dockerhub (currently).
- Commit go.mod and go.sum
- Create a tag = VERSION
- Create a release with the chart as a release artifact.
- As the first commit after release update VERSION in Makefile, version in Chart.yaml, heading in CHNAGELOG.md, and tag in values.yaml with the suffix 'next' such that so that further commits are clearly contributions to the next release. Consequently installers from source helm should check out the release tag commit to find the appropriate image by default.