- Improves tests for checking when an item is active.
- Drops support for Python 2.6.
- Adds new property to MenuEntryMixin which allows the user to retrieve the current active item from the MenuEntryMixin's tree. (#43)
- Modifies project structure to be in line with other newer Invenio project packages. This includes renaming files to match with files in other projects, revising structures of certain files and adding more tools for testing. (#42)
- Fixes incompatibility with pytest>=2.8.0 which removed the method consider_setuptools_entrypoints(). (#41)
- Updates to the new standard greeting phrase
- Flask-Classy support and automatic detection of parameters for url_for. (#33)
- Improves how the default active state of items is determined. (#32)
- Adds .dockerignore excluding among others Python cache files. This solves a problem when using both tox and docker to run the test suite on the same host. (#29)
- New method has_active_child(recursive=True) in MenuEntryMixin. (#25)
- Fixed documentation of blueprint example. (#21)
- Configuration for Docker and demo app. (#22 #29)
- Fixed template example and added code block types. (#14)
- The Flask-Menu extension is now released under more permissive Revised BSD License. (#12)
- New support for additional keyword arguments stored as MenuItem attributes. (#19)
- Richer quick-start usage example. (#16)
- Support for Python 3.4. (#6)
- Documentation improvements. (#3)
- Initial public release.