project: ALaDyn src_dir: ./src output_dir: ./html/doc_ford exclude_dir: ./src/depot include: /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include/mpi summary: A High-Accuracy PIC Code for the Maxwell-Vlasov Equations author: The ALaDyn Collaboration author_description: project_github: project_download: github: email: media: ./media docmark: ! predocmark: > docmark_alt: # predocmark_alt: < display: public protected private source: true graph: true search: true warn: false license: gfdl version: {!./docs/!} page_dir: ./docs/pages favicon: ./media/site_icon.png coloured_edges: true print_creation_date: true creation_date: %Y-%m-%d
Papers published by the ALaDyn Collaboration
@warning ALaDyn code is fully maintained and tested. Anyway, if while using it you find any bug affecting the code or if you simply have questions, please feel free to open an issue in the GitHub page. @endwarning
Copyright on the code is by the ALaDyn Collaboration.