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Henrique Lechner edited this page Jul 3, 2019 · 4 revisions

DOSBox is an x86 PC DOS-emulator for running old DOS games or programs.

GameHub does support DOSBox.

Table of Contents


To use the DOSBox on your GameHub make sure that you have the DOSBox installed on your linux distribution.

If not, here is the command to install it on Ubuntu or Arch Linux:

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install dosbox
    • Make sure you have the Universe repositories enabled
  • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S dosbox

Add a DOSBox Game to GameHub

Add the game to the List

Click on the top right "+" button:


Name: This name will be displayed on GameHub, choose whatever name you want

Executable: Choose any file on your DOSBox game folder

Arguments: left it empty

Directory: Don't worry, it will be filled after you choose a file on executable field

Then click on Add Game Button

Enable DOSBox on it

Once added, go to game properties (right click on the game > Properties): image

  • Enable the Force Compatibility Mode
  • Select the DOSBox on Compatibility layer.

That's it, you are ready to play.

Note: if DOSBox do not shows on the Compatibility layer, make sure DOSBox is properly installed and inside $PATH and also the game directory must contain the .conf file, if not, see Add a config file to the DOSBox game.

Add a config file to the DOSBox Game

Most of games packed with DOSBox already have the DOSBox config file, if the DOSBox is already on the Compatibility layer list you can skip this.

GameHub does require a .conf file in the game directory, but if you want to add a pure DOS game to the GameHub you need to create a .conf yourself:

Create the file:

Open the terminal, go to the DOS game directory and run dosbox:

$ dosbox

On dosbox run the following command:

Z:\> config -wc dosbox.conf

Configure the conf file:

Open the dosbox.conf file with your preferred text editor.

The last lines will look like this:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.

After these lines is important to add the mount points and the file to be executed.

The game Pizza Tycoon would have these lines:

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