Gauge is a first class command line tool. This means that you can operate entirely from the command line. Or, if you prefer to use an IDE then Gauge also has excellent integration with multiple IDEs.
Gauge has first-class command line support. With gauge :doc:`installed <installing>`, list the flags supported by running.
The command-line interface works across platforms. On GNU/Linux and OSX,
you can use any terminal. On Windows, you can use cmd
or Powershell.
Since Flags get added/deprecated with versions, it is recommended to get this reference via gauge
gauge --help
To create or initialize a Gauge project use run
gauge --init
For details, see how to :ref:`create a Gauge project <create_a_project>`.
Inside a Gauge project, you can execute your tests by invoking gauge
with path to :ref:`specifications <spec_syntax>`. By convention, specifications are stored in the the ./specs/
sub-directory in the project root.
The syntax is:
gauge [options] <path-to-specs>
The gauge
command-line utility allows multiple ways to specify the
specifications to be executed. A valid path for executing tests can be
path to directories that contain specifications or path to specification
files or path to scenarios or a mix of any of these three methods.
To execute all the tests in a given folder specs
, use
gauge specs/
This will give a colored console output with details of the execution as well an execution summary.
A single scenario of a specification can be executed by specifying the
line number in the span of that scenario in the spec. To execute a
Admin Login
scenario in the following spec use
gauge specs/login_test.spec:4
Admin Login
* User must login as "admin"
* Navigate to the configuration page
This executes only the scenario present at line number 4
Admin Login
in login_test.spec
. In the above spec, specifying
line numbers 4-7 will execute the same scenario because of the span.
Multiple scenarios can be executed selectively as follows :
gauge specs/helloworld.spec:4 specs/helloworld.spec:7
These scenarios can also belong to different specifications.
You can also specify a specific :ref:`scenario <scenario_syntax>` or a list of scenarios to execute. To execute scenarios, gauge
takes path to a specification file, followed by a colon and a zero-indexed number of scenarios.
For example, to execute the second scenario of a specification file
named spec1.spec
, you would do:
gauge specs/spec1.spec:1
To specify multiple scenarios, add multiple such arguments. For example,
to execute the first and third scenarios of a specification file named
, you would do:
gauge specs/spec1.spec:0 specs/spec1.spec:2
You can specify a single directory in which specifications are stored. Gauge scans the directory and picks up valid specification files.
For example:
gauge specs/
You can also specify multiple directories in which specifications are stored. Gauge scans all the directories for valid specification files and executes them in one run.
For example:
gauge specs-dir1/ specs-dir2/ specs-dir3/
You can specify path to a specification files. In that case, Gauge executes only the specification files provided.
For example, to execute a single specification file:
gauge specs/spec1.spec
Or, to execute multiple specification files:
gauge specs/spec1.spec specs/spec2.spec specs/spec3.spec
By default, gauge
reports at the specification level when executing
tests. You can enable verbose, step-level reporting by using the
flag. For example:
gauge --verbose specs/
This occurs if the spec file doesn't follow the expected :ref:`specifications <spec_syntax>` syntax or parameters could not be resolved.
[ParseError] hello_world.spec : line no: 25, Dynamic parameter <product> could not be resolved
If the spec file has a step that does not have an implementation in the projects programming language there will be a validation error.
Appropriate underlying code implementation has to be provided for all the steps in the specs to be executed.
login.spec:33: Step implementation not found. login with "user" and "p@ssword"
If the language specific plugin for the project has not been installed then the execution will fail.
- A data table is defined in markdown table format in the beginning of the spec before any steps.
- The data table should have a header row and one or more data rows
- The header names from the table can be used in the steps within
angular brackets
< >
to refer a particular column from the data table as a parameter. - On execution each scenario will be executed for every data row from the table.
- Table can be easily created in IDE using template
table:<no of columns>
, and hitTab
. - Table parameters are written in Multi-markdown table formats.
Table driven execution
|id| name |
|1 |vishnu |
|2 |prateek |
|3 |navaneeth|
* Say "hello" to <name>
Second Scenario
* Say "namaste" to <name>
In the above example the step uses the name
column from the data
table as a dynamic parameter.
Both Scenario
and Second Scenario
are executed first for the
first row values 1, vishnu
and then consecutively for the second and
third row values from the table.
By default, scenarios in a spec are run against all the data table rows.
It can be run against selected data table rows with flag
and specifying the row numbers against which the
scenarios should be executed. If there are multiple row numbers, they
should be separated by commas.
gauge --table-rows "1" specs/hello.spec
gauge --table-rows "1,4,7" specs/hello.spec
Range of table rows can also be specified, against which the scenarios are run.
gauge --table-rows "1-3" specs/hello.spec
This executes the scenarios against table rows 1, 2, 3.
Tags allow you to filter the specs and scenarios quickly for execution. To execute all the specs and scenarios which are labelled with certain tags, use the following command.
gauge --tags tag1,tag2 specs
gauge --tags "tag1, tag2" specs
This executes only the scenarios and specifications which are tagged
with tag1
and tag2
In the above spec, if all the scenarios tagged with "search" and "admin" should be executed, then use the following command:
gauge --tags "search & admin" SPEC_FILE_NAME
Tags can be selected using expressions. Examples:
Tags | Selects specs/scenarios that |
!TagA |
do not have TagA |
TagA & TagB |
have both TagA and TagB . |
TagA & !TagB |
have TagA and not TagB . |
TagA | TagB |
have either TagA or TagB . |
(TagA & TagB) | TagC |
have either TagC or both TagA and TagB |
!(TagA & TagB) | TagC |
have either TagC or do not have both TagA and TagB |
(TagA | TagB) & TagC |
have either [TagA and TagC ] or [TagB and TagC ] |
Specs can be executed in parallel to run the tests faster and distribute the load.
This can be done by the command:
gauge --parallel specs
gauge -p specs
This creates a number of execution streams depending on the number of cores of the machine and distribute the load among workers.
The number of parallel execution streams can be specified by -n
gauge --parallel -n=4 specs
This creates four parallel execution streams.
Note: The number of streams should be specified depending on number of CPU cores available on the machine, beyond which it could lead to undesirable results. For optimizations, try parallel execution using threads.
In parallel execution, every stream starts a new worker process. This can be optimized by using multithreading instead of processes. This uses only one worker process and starts multiple threads for parallel execution.
To use this, Set enable_multithreading env var to true. This property can also be added to the default/custom env.
enable_multithreading = true
- Thread safe test code.
- Language runner should support multithreading.
Note: Currently, this feature is only supported by Java langauge runner/plugin.
Specifications can be distributed into groups and --group
| -g
flag provides the ability to execute a specific group.
This can be done by the command:
gauge -n=4 -g=2 specs
This creates 4 groups (provided by -n flag) of specification and selects the 2nd group (provided by -g flag) for execution.
Specifications are sorted by alphabetical order and then distributed into groups, which guarantees that every group will have the same set of specifications, no matter how many times it is being executed.
gauge -n=4 -g=2 specs
gauge -n=4 -g=2 specs
The above two commands will execute the same group of specifications.
This features allows you to dynamically allocate your specs to streams during execution instead of at the start of execution.
This allows Gauge to optimise the resources on your agent/execution environment. This is useful because some specs may take much longer than other, either because of the number of scenarios in them or the nature of the feature under test
The following command will assign tests lazily across the specified number of streams:
gauge -n=4 --strategy="lazy" specs
gauge -n=4 specs
Say you have 100 tests, which you have chosen to run across 4 streams/cores; lazy assignment will dynamically, during execution, assign the next spec in line to the stream that has completed it's previous execution and is waiting for more work.
Lazy assignment of tests is the default behaviour.
Another strategy called eager
can also be useful depending on need.
In this case, the 100 tests are distributed before execution, thus
making them an equal number based distribution.
gauge -n=4 --strategy="eager" specs
Note: The 'lazy' assignment strategy only works when you do NOT use the -g flag. This is because grouping is dependent on allocation of tests before the start of execution. Using this in conjunction with a lazy strategy will have no impact on your test suite execution.
Specifications can be distributed into groups and --group
| -g
flag provides the ability to execute a specific group.
This can be done by the command:
gauge -n=4 -g=2 specs
This creates 4 groups (provided by -n
flag) of specification and
selects the 2nd group (provided by -g
flag) for execution.
Specifications are sorted by alphabetical order and then distributed into groups, which guarantees that every group will have the same set of specifications, no matter how many times it is being executed.
gauge -n=4 -g=2 specs
The above two commands will execute the same group of specifications.
- To get additional information about the current specification, scenario and step executing, an additional ExecutionContext parameter can be added to the :ref:`hooks <execution_hooks>` method.
public void loginUser(ExecutionContext context) {
String scenarioName = context.getCurrentScenario().getName();
// Code for before scenario
public void performAfterSpec(ExecutionContext context) {
Specification currentSpecification = context.getCurrentSpecification();
// Code for after step
This feature is not yet
supported in Gauge-CSharp. Please refer to for updates.
before_spec do |execution_info|
puts execution_info.inspect
after_spec do |execution_info|
puts execution_info.inspect
- You can specify tags for which the execution :ref:`hooks <execution_hooks>` can run. This will ensure that the hook runs only on scenarios and specifications that have the required tags.
// A before spec hook that runs when tag1 and tag2
// is present in the current scenario and spec.
@BeforeSpec(tags = {"tag1, tag2"})
public void loginUser() {
// Code forbefore scenario
// A after step hook runs when tag1 or tag2
// is present in the currentscenario and spec.
// Default tagAggregation value is Operator.AND.
@AfterStep(tags = {"tag1", "tag2"}, tagAggregation = Operator.OR)
public void performAfterStep() {
// Code for after step
// A before spec hook that runs when tag1 and tag2
// is present in the current scenario and spec.
[BeforeSpec("tag1, tag2")]
public void LoginUser() {
// Code for before scenario
// A after step hook runs when tag1 or tag2
// is present in the current scenario and spec.
// Default tagAggregation value is Operator.AND.
[AfterStep("tag1", "tag2")]
public void PerformAfterStep() {
// Code for after step
# A before spec hook that runs when
# tag1 and tag2 is present in the current scenario and spec.
before_spec({tags: ['tag2', 'tag1']}) do
# Code for before scenario
# A after step hook runs when tag1 or tag2 is present in the current scenario and spec.
# Default tagAggregation value is Operator.AND.
after_spec({tags: ['tag2', 'tag1'], operator: 'OR'}) do
# Code for after step
Tags cannot be specified on @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite hooks
Gauge provides templates that can be used to bootstrap the process of initializing a Gauge project along with a suitable build dependency tool, webdriver etc.
To list all the Gauge project templates available, run the following command:
gauge --list-templates
These templates can also be found in Bintray Gauge Templates.
Say you want to initialize a Gauge project with Java as language for
writing test code and Selenium as driver of choice. You can quickly
setup such project which is ready to start writing tests with selenium
by using java_maven_selenium
Gauge template.
To initialize a Gauge project with a template, choose a name from the
list shown on running gauge --list-templates
and pass that name as
an argument when initializing the Gauge project.
For example, to create a Gauge project with the java_maven_selenium
template, you need to run this command:
gauge --init java_maven_selenium
This template creates a Gauge project with Maven as build tool and the
selenium Webdriver. This will download the Gauge template
and setup your project with useful sample code.
Now, you can start writing :ref:`Specifications <spec_syntax>` and execute them.
Multiple Step names for the same implementation. The number and type of parameters for all the steps names must match the number of parameters on the implementation.
There may be situations where while authoring the specs, you may want to express the same functionality in different ways in order to make the specs more readable.
User Creation
Multiple Users
* Create a user "user 1"
* Verify "user 1" has access to dashboard
* Create another user "user 2"
* Verify "user 2" has access to dashboard
In the scenario named Multiple Users, the underlying functionality of the first and the third step is the same. But the way it is expressed is different. This helps in conveying the intent and the functionality more clearly. In such situations like this, step aliases feature should be used so that you can practice DRY principle at code level, while ensuring that the functionality is expressed clearly.
public class Users {
@Step({"Create a user <user_name>", "Create another user <user_name>"})
public void helloWorld(String user_name) {
// create user user_name
public class Users {
[Step({"Create a user <user_name>", "Create another user <user_name>"})]
public void HelloWorld(string user_name) {
// create user user_name
step 'Create a user ','Create another user ' do |user_name|
// create user user_name
User Creation
* User creates a new account
* A "welcome" email is sent to the user
Shopping Cart
* User checks out the shopping cart
* Payment is successfully received
* An email confirming the "order" is sent
In this case, the underlying functionality of the last step (sending an email) in both the scenarios is the same. But it is expressed more clearly with the use of aliases. The underlying step implementation could be something like this.
public class Users {
@Step({"A <email_type> email is sent to the user", "An email confirming the <email_type> is sent"})
public void helloWorld(String email_type) {
// Send email of email_type
public class Users {
[Step({"A <email_type> email is sent to the user", "An email confirming the <email_type> is sent"})]
public void HelloWorld(string email_type) {
// Send email of email_type
step 'A email is sent to the user', 'An email confirming the is sent' do |email_type|
email_service.send email_type
Gauge provides you the ability to re-run only the scenarios which failed
in previous execution. Failed scenarios can be run using the
flag of Gauge.
Say you run gauge specs
and 3 scenarios failed, you can run re-run
only failed scenarios instead of executing all scenarios by following
gauge --failed
This command will even set the flags which you had provided in your previous run. For example, if you had executed command as
gauge --env="chrome" --verbose specs
and 3 scenarios failed in this run, the gauge --failed
command sets
the --env
and --verbose
flags to corresponding values and
executes only the 3 failed scenarios. In this case gauge --failed
equivalent to command
gauge --env="chrome" --verbose specs <path_to_failed_scenarios>
Gauge allows you to rephrase a step across the project. To rephrase a step run:
gauge --refactor "old step <name>" "new step name"
Here <
and >
are used to denote parameters in the step.
Parameters can be added, removed or changed while rephrasing.
This will change all spec files and code files (for language plugins that support refactoring).
Let's say we have the following steps in our spec
* create user "john" with id "123"
* create user "mark" with id "345"
Now, if we now need to add an additional parameter, say last name
to this step we can run the command:
gauge --refactor "create user <name> with id <id>" "create user <name> with <id> and last name <watson>"
This will change all spec files to reflect the change.
* create user "john" with id "123" and last name "watson"
* create user "mark" with id "345" and last name "watson"
On initialization of a gauge project for a particular language a project skeleton is created with the following files
environment variable holds the path in which the Gauge project is created.
├── env
│ └── default
│ └──
├── manifest.json
├── specs
└── example.spec
The env directory contains multiple environment specific directories. Each directory has .property files which define the environment variables set during execution for that specific environment.
A env/default directory is created on project initialization which contains the default environment variables set during execution.
Learn more about :ref:`managing environments <environments>`.
The specs directory contains all :ref:`spec <spec_syntax>` files for the project. They are the business layer specifications written in simple markdown format.
A simple example spec (example.spec) is created in the specs directory to better understand the format of specifications.
Learn more about :ref:`spec <spec_syntax>`.
The manifest.json contains gauge specific configurations which includes the information of plugins required in the project.
After project initialization, the manifest.json
will have the
following content.
"Language": "<language>",
"Plugins": [
- language : Programming language used for the test code. Gauge uses the corresponding language runner for executing the specs.
- Plugins : The gauge plugins used for the project. Some plugins are used by default on each gauge project. The plugins can be added to project by running the following command :
gauge --add-plugin <plugin-name>
Example :
gauge --add-plugin xml-report
After running the above command, the manifest.json would have the following content:
"Language": "<language>",
"Plugins": [
When creating a new Gauge C# project, the csharp specific project files created in the project are:
├── foo.csproj
├── foo.sln
├── manifest.json
├── packages.config
├── StepImplementation.cs
├── env
│ └───default
└───<Nuget Package Binaries>
│ AssemblyInfo.cs
For nuget
. Contains the dependencies for Gauge. One can add more to
this list, depending on your project needs.
Contains the implementations for the sample steps defined in
This defines default configurations for gauge csharp runner plugin. Currently the configuration parameters are:
- The path to the gauge reports directory. Should be either relative to the project directory or an absolute pathoverwrite_reports
- Set as false if gauge reports should not be overwritten on each execution. A new time-stamped directory will be created on each execution. This istrue
by default.
The java specific project files create in the project are:
├── libs
└── src
└── test
└── java
├── env
└── default
This contains the additional java dependencies for the project.
Src directory contains the classes the test code including step implementations.
This defines configurations for java runner plugin. See :doc:`configuration` for more details.
The ruby specific project files create in the project are:
├── env
│ └── default
│ └──
└── step_implementations
└── step_implementation.rb
This contains all the .rb
files with the test code including step implementations in ruby
This defines configurations for ruby runner plugin.
The listed IDE plugins are available for gauge to make writing specs and test code simpler.
- Intellij IDEA
- Visual Studio
Gauge projects can be created and executed from Intellij IDEA. The plugin can be downloaded from the JetBrains plugin repository.
This plugin currently supports only Gauge with Java.
Plugin can be installed by downloading from Jetbrains plugin repository.
Steps to install Gauge Intellij IDEA plugin from IDE:
Open the Settings dialog (e.g. ⌘ Comma).
In the left-hand pane, select Plugins.
On the Plugins page that opens in the right-hand part of the dialog, click the Install JetBrains plugin or the Browse repositories button.
In the dialog that opens, search for Gauge. Right-click on Gauge and select Download and Install.
Confirm your intention to download and install the selected plugin.
Click Close.
Click OK in the Settings dialog and restart IntelliJ IDEA for the changes to take effect.
Note: The plugin you have installed is automatically enabled. When necessary, you can disable it as described in Enabling and Disabling plugins.
To install plugin by downloading it manually or to update plugin, follow the steps here.
Create a new Gauge project and start writing your tests.
Explore all the :ref:`features of Gauge Intellij IDEA plugin <intellij-features>` now!
Nightly builds are also available in IntelliJ plugin repository.
- Follow the
to add
channel to IntelliJ Idea. - Add the following repository URL
- File -> New Project.
- Choose 'Gauge'
- Choose the project location and java sdk
- Finish
Note: If gauge-java
is not installed, it will download it for the
first time.
- File -> New Project
- Choose
- Select
Create from Archetype
- Select the gauge archetype -
- If the
archetype is not added selectAdd Archetype
- Enter GroupId: com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven
- Enter ArtifactId: gauge-archetype-java
- Enter Version: 1.0.1 or the latest version number from
- Enter the
for your project. - Enter
Project Name
and finish - The project will be created in batch mode, watch the console for progress.
- After project creation
close and re-open the project
to enable auto-complete features. - Enable
for the project. UnderFile > Settings > Maven > Importing
, mark the checkboxImport Maven projects automatically
See :ref:`gauge-maven-plugin <maven>` for more details on using the gauge maven plugin.
Gauge specs are in Markdown syntax. This plugin highlights Specifications, Scenarios, Steps and Tags.
Steps with missing implementation are also highlighted.
Steps present in the current project can be listed by invoking the auto
completion pop up ctrl+space
after the '*'. After choosing a step,
it gets inserted with parameters highlighted, you can press tab
cycle between the parameters and edit them.
If you have an unimplemented step in the spec file, it will be annotated saying 'undefined step'. A smart tag appears when you hover on the step. Clicking the smart tag opens the quick fix pop up. The destination of the implementation can be chosen, either a new class or from a list of existing classes. It will then generate the step with required annotation and parameters.
Jump from Step text to it's implementation.
Usage: right Click
-> Go to
-> Declaration
- A specification file can be formatted easily using the keyboard
shortcut of Spec Format in the action menu
This formats the specification including indentation of tables and steps.
- Specs can be executed by
right click -> Run spec
. - Execute all specs inside a directory by
right click -> Run specifications
A single scenario can be executed by doing a right click on the scenario
which should be executed and choosing the scenario.
right click -> run -> Scenario Name
Note: If the right click is done in context other than that of scenario, by default, first scenario will be executed.
To run multiple specifications in parallel
- Right click on the
directory and selectCreate Specifications
option. - In the new Run configuration select
In Parallel
options. This will distribute specs execution based on number of cores the machine has. - You can also specify the
Number of parallel execution streams
. This is optional
Select parallel nodes based on current systems performance. For example on a 2 core machine select upto 4 parallel streams. A very large number may affect performance.
- Select
. Now you can run this new configuration for parallel execution of specs.
Debugging can be performed the same way spec execution works.
- Right click on a specification or specs directory -> Debug. Execution will halt on marked breakpoints.
You can edit the run configuration to make changes to: * The scenario or spec file to be executed * The environment to run against * Add a tag filter to the execution * Choose the number of parallel streams
right click -> Refactor -> Rename
on a step to rephrase it.- The parameters will be in
< >
in the rephrase dialog. They can be reordered,removed or new parameters can be added. - The rephrase change will reflect across all the specs in the project.
right click -> Find Usages
on step/concept to see the usages.
- In the editor, select the steps to be transformed into a concept.
- On the main menu or on the context menu of the selection, choose Refactor | Extract to Concept or press ⌥⌘C.
- In the Extract Concept dialog box that opens
- Specify the concept name with parameters to be passed from the usage. For Example: Say "hello" to "gauge".
- Select the file name from the spec file dropdown list or specify the new file name/path relative to the project.
- Click OK.
- The selected steps will be replaced with the specified concept name.
# Additional Usability features
The intellij idea gauge plugin comes with more features to simplify writing specifications.
- You can right-click in under any directory in the specs directory and create a new :ref:`specification <spec_syntax>` or :ref:`concept <concept_syntax>` file. They will be created with a template to get you started.
- To easily create markdown tables in specification(.spec) or concept(.cpt) files you can use predefined table templates specifying the number of columns needed.
For example, to create a table with 4 columns type
Then fill the column names in the template.
- To write the specification heading in markdown, you can use the predefined heading template.
Then fill the specification name in the template.
- Scenario heading in markdown can be easily written using the predefined scenario heading template.
Then fill the scenario name in the template.
- A specification file, written in markdown can be viewed as an HTML preview.
This is a spec file in markdown.
On click of the HTML Preview
tab at the bottom of the editor, it
shows the HTML equivalent preview of spec file.
Since specs are written in markdown, they can be converted to HTML using any markdown to HTML convertors.
Gauge projects can be created and executed in Visual Studio using the Visual Studio plugin for Gauge. This plugin can be installed from Visual Studio Gallery.
- Open Visual Studio Extension Manager from
->Extensions and Updates
. - Go to
Visual Studio Gallery
and search forGauge VS2013
. - Click on
and selectInstall
option. - Restart Visual Studio in order for the changes to take effect.
The extension resides on the Visual Studio Gallery.
- Go to
->New Project
. - Choose
Gauge Test Project
under Visual C# Test category.
- Choose the Project location and Project Name.
- Click
This should setup a new Gauge project, and add the required meta data for Gauge to execute this project.
Alternately, you can create a Gauge project from command-line as:
mkdir <project_name>
cd <project_name>
gauge --init csharp
This creates <project_name>.sln
file which can be opened with Visual
Gauge specs are in Markdown syntax. This plugin highlights Specifications, Scenarios, Steps and Tags.
Steps with missing implementation are also highlighted.
This plugin hooks into VisualStudio Intellisense, and brings in autocompletion of Step text. The step texts brought in is a union of steps already defined, concepts defined, and step text from implementation.
Hint: Hit Ctrl + Space to bring up the Intellisense menu.
If you have an unimplemented step in the spec file, it will be get highlighted with a red underline. Hover over towards the end of step text to get the Smart Tag to implement it. On clicking the Smart Tag a pop up opens. The destination of the implementation can be chosen, either a new class or from a list of existing classes. It will then generate the step with required annotation and parameters.
Jump from Step text to it's implementation.
Usage: Right Click
-> Go to Declaration
or hit F12
- A specification file can be formatted easily using
Right Click
->Format File
This formats the specification including indentation of tables and steps.
Refer MSDN Documentation on Unit Test Explorer for all features of Unit Test Explorer.
When you build the test project, all the test scenarios appear in Test Explorer. If Test Explorer is not visible, choose Test on the Visual Studio menu, choose Windows, and then choose Test Explorer.
- To run all the scenarios in a solution, choose Run All.
- To run all the scenarios of a specification, choose Run... and then choose the group on the menu.
- To run one or more scenarios, select the individual scenarios that you want to run, open the context menu for a selected scenario and then choose Run Selected Tests.
If individual scenarios have no dependencies that prevent them from being run in any order,
turn on parallel test execution with the toggle button on the toolbar.
If you want to use the parallel run of Gauge please refer the :ref:`command line parallel execution <parallel_execution>`.
The pass/fail bar at the top of the Test Explorer window is animated as the scenarios run. At the conclusion of the run, the pass/fail bar turns green if all tests passed or turns red if any test failed.
As you run, write, and rerun your tests, Test Explorer displays the results in default groups of Failed Tests, Passed Tests, Skipped Tests and Not Run Tests. You can change the way Test Explorer groups your tests. You can perform much of the work of finding, organizing and running tests from the Test Explorer toolbar.
Groups of scenarios by specification, tags that are defined.
This Test Explorer feature can be used as mentioned in Search and filter the test list of Visual Studio documentation.
Debugging can be performed the same way spec execution works.
Right click
-> Debug Selected Tests
on a scenario(s) in the Test explorer. Execution
will halt on marked breakpoints.
right click
on a step to rephrase it.- The parameters can also be reordered,removed or new parameters can be added.
- The rephrase change will reflect across all the specs in the project.
- Right click on a step -> Find All References
- You can right-click on
directory or any nested directory, chooseAdd
->New Item
-> Go toGauge
underVisual C# Items
. - Choose
file type. - Enter file name and click