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A dotnet implementation of unsigned 128-bit integers Todd Lewis Sat Jul 6 02:51:07 PM -03 2024

dotnet uint128_t


Implements 128-bit integers for dotnet. This is generally intended to operate as an integer type, so notably, they are mutable. This is unusual for struct types but normal for integers, which are also struct types.

UInt128 is fast at everything except division and modulo; for those operations, we just convert to BigInteger, do the operation, and convert back. Large number division is tricky, it's expensive no matter how you do it, and it's not really the intended use case for this datatype anyway. Feel free to submit a good implementation if you are like numerics.

Testing and usage

To test the code, go to test/ and run dotnet test. To see details of each test, run XUNIT_DEBUG=Debug dotnet test. Consider changing the settings "parallelizeAssembly" and "parallelizeTestCollections" in test/xunit.runner.json to see the results in order.


  • It's strange that BigInteger doesn't implement IConvertible; maybe we should add it

Thoughts on hardware implementations

The initial implementation is pure C#, but these can potentially be hardware-accelerated. The developer would then import BrickAbode.UInt128_x86 or BrickAbode.UInt128_arm, and the UInt128 class would work the same.

Operation SSE2 (x86/x64) ARM64
Addition (+) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.Add System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.Add
Subtraction (-) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.Subtract System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.Subtract
Multiplication (*) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.MultiplyLow System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.Multiply
Bitwise AND (&) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.And System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.And
Bitwise OR (` `) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.Or
Bitwise XOR (^) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.Xor System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.Xor
Bitwise NOT (~) System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Sse2.Not System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm.Arm64.Not


High-level test objectives

- public static UInt128 operator +(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator -(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator *(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator /(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator %(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator +(UInt128 a) => a;
- public static UInt128 operator -(UInt128 a) => throw new NotImplementedException("Unary negation is not implemented for UInt128 due to its unsigned nature.");
- public static UInt128 operator ++(UInt128 a)
- public static UInt128 operator --(UInt128 a)
- public static UInt128 operator &(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator |(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator ^(UInt128 a, UInt128 b)
- public static UInt128 operator ~(UInt128 a)
- public static UInt128 operator <<(UInt128 a, int shift)
- public static UInt128 operator >>(UInt128 a, int shift)
- public int CompareTo(object? obj)
- public int CompareTo(UInt128 other)
- public bool Equals(UInt128 other)
- public override bool Equals(object? obj)
- public static bool operator ==(UInt128 left, UInt128 right) => left.Equals(right);
- public static bool operator !=(UInt128 left, UInt128 right) => !(left == right);
- public override int GetHashCode()
- public override string ToString() => ToString(null, null); // default
- public string ToString(string? format, IFormatProvider? formatProvider)
- string IConvertible.ToString(IFormatProvider? provider) => ToString();
- TypeCode IConvertible.GetTypeCode() => TypeCode.Object;
- char IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider? provider) => (char)low;
- DateTime IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider? provider)
- bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider? provider) => high != 0 || low != 0;
- byte IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider? provider) => (byte)low;
- decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider? provider) => (decimal)ToBigInteger(this);
- float IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider? provider) => (float)ToBigInteger(this);
- double IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider? provider) => (double)ToBigInteger(this);
- short IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider? provider) => (short)low;
- sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider? provider) => (sbyte)low;
- int IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider? provider) => (int)low;
- long IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider? provider) => (long)low;
- ushort IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider? provider) => (ushort)low;
- uint IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider? provider) => (uint)low;
- ulong IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider? provider) => low;
- object IConvertible.ToType(Type conversionType, IFormatProvider? provider)

Test plan outline

Test Case Description Method Input Values Expected Outcome
Add leading to high increment + a = (1<<63) + 1, b = (1<<63) - 1 1<<64
Add resulting in max value + a = UInt128.MaxValue - 1, b = 1 UInt128.MaxValue
Add overflow (wrap around) + a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = 1 0
Subtract with zero result - a = 1<<64, b = 1<<64 0
Subtract leading to high decrement - a = 1<<64, b = 1 (1<<64) - 1
Subtract underflow (wrap around) - a = 0, b = 1 UInt128.MaxValue
Multiply leading to high component * a = 1<<32, b = 1<<32 1<<64
Multiply with overflow (wrap around) * a = (1<<64) - 1, b = 2 2*(1<<64) - 2 (with potential overflow handling)
Divide with no remainder / a = 1<<64, b = 1<<32 1<<32
Divide with maximum value / a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = 1 UInt128.MaxValue
Divide resulting in minimum value / a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = UInt128.MaxValue 1
Modulus with no remainder % a = 1<<64, b = 1<<32 0
Modulus with remainder % a = (1<<65) + 1, b = 1<<64 1
Unary Plus with max value + a = UInt128.MaxValue UInt128.MaxValue
Unary Negation not implemented - a = 123 NotImplementedException
Increment just below high component ++ a = (1<<64) - 1 1<<64
Increment at max value (wrap around) ++ a = UInt128.MaxValue 0
Decrement from high component -- a = 1<<64 (1<<64) - 1
Decrement at zero (wrap around) -- a = 0 UInt128.MaxValue
Bitwise AND with differing bits & a = 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0, b = 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F 0
Bitwise OR with complementary bits ` ` a = 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0, b = 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F
Bitwise XOR with identical values ^ a = 0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBB, b = 0xAAAAAAAABBBBBBBB 0
Bitwise NOT on max value ~ a = UInt128.MaxValue 0
Left shift across boundary << a = 1, shift = 64 1<<64
Right shift across boundary >> a = 1<<64, shift = 64 1
CompareTo identical values CompareTo a = UInt128.MaxValue, obj = UInt128.MaxValue 0
CompareTo less than CompareTo a = 0, other = UInt128.MaxValue <0 (negative value)
Equals with identical objects Equals a = UInt128.MaxValue, obj = UInt128.MaxValue true
Operator equality on identical values == left = UInt128.MaxValue, right = UInt128.MaxValue true
Operator inequality on different values != left = UInt128.MaxValue, right = 0 true
Convert to byte with truncation IConvertible.ToByte a = 256 0 (or specific handling of truncation)
Convert to DateTime from Unix epoch IConvertible.ToDateTime a = 0 DateTime corresponding to Unix epoch
Convert to bool from zero IConvertible.ToBoolean a = 0 false
Convert to bool from non-zero IConvertible.ToBoolean a = 123 true
Convert to double with large value IConvertible.ToDouble a = (1<<64) Equivalent double value
Convert to BigInteger with max value ToBigInteger a = UInt128.MaxValue BigInteger equivalent to UInt128.MaxValue
Convert to unsupported type IConvertible.ToType a = 123, type = typeof(SomeUnsupportedType) InvalidCastException
Hash code consistency GetHashCode a = UInt128.MaxValue Consistent hash code for equal values
String representation for zero ToString a = 0 "0"
Parse method validity with max value Parse (if applicable) str = "UInt128.MaxValue" UInt128.MaxValue
Parse method error on invalid input Parse (if applicable) str = "invalid" Throw format exception
TypeCode verification IConvertible.GetTypeCode a = any UInt128 value TypeCode.Object
Conversion to unsupported type IConvertible.ToType conversionType = typeof(UnsupportedType) InvalidCastException
Convert to char with truncation IConvertible.ToChar a = 256 Resulting char or exception on invalid conversion
Convert to DateTime beyond range IConvertible.ToDateTime a = UInt128.MaxValue Exception due to out-of-range value
Conversion to double precision loss IConvertible.ToDouble a = (1<<100) Double value with precision loss
Convert to sbyte with truncation IConvertible.ToSByte a = 256 Truncated value or exception
Increment from max low to min high ++ a = (1UL << 63) - 1 1UL << 63
Decrement across high-low boundary -- a = 1UL << 63 (1UL << 63) - 1
Bitwise AND with zero & a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = 0 0
Bitwise OR to max value ` ` a = 0, b = UInt128.MaxValue
Bitwise XOR self to zero ^ a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = UInt128.MaxValue 0
Bitwise NOT to invert ~ a = 0 UInt128.MaxValue
Left shift by zero << a = 1, shift = 0 1
Right shift by zero >> a = 1 << 64, shift = 0 1 << 64
Left shift by max bits << a = 1, shift = 127 1UL << 127
Right shift by max bits >> a = 1UL << 127, shift = 127 1
Compare identical values CompareTo(UInt128) a = UInt128.MaxValue, other = UInt128.MaxValue 0
Compare different values CompareTo(UInt128) a = 1, other = 2 <0
Equality of identical values Equals(UInt128) a = UInt128.MaxValue, other = UInt128.MaxValue true
Inequality of different values != left = 1, right = 2 true
Convert to byte without loss IConvertible.ToByte a = 255 255
Convert to decimal large value IConvertible.ToDecimal a = UInt128.MaxValue Decimal equivalent of UInt128.MaxValue
Convert to float with precision loss IConvertible.ToSingle a = UInt128.MaxValue Float with precision loss
Convert to double with precision loss IConvertible.ToDouble a = UInt128.MaxValue Double with precision loss
Convert to int without loss IConvertible.ToInt32 a = 2147483647 2147483647
Convert to int with overflow IConvertible.ToInt32 a = UInt128.MaxValue Exception or truncated value
Convert to ulong without loss IConvertible.ToUInt64 a = UInt64.MaxValue UInt64.MaxValue
Convert to unsupported type IConvertible.ToType a = 123, conversionType = typeof(DateTime) InvalidCastException
Convert to DateTime within range IConvertible.ToDateTime a = 621355968000000000 (Unix epoch) DateTime equivalent to Unix epoch
Convert to bool from maximum value IConvertible.ToBoolean a = UInt128.MaxValue true
Convert to char from single digit IConvertible.ToChar a = 65 'A'
Conversion leads to precision loss in decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal a = (1UL << 127) + (1UL << 126) Decimal with potential precision loss
Convert to short with overflow IConvertible.ToInt16 a = 32768 Exception or truncated value
Convert to sbyte with overflow IConvertible.ToSByte a = 128 Exception or truncated value
Convert to int16 without loss IConvertible.ToInt16 a = 32767 32767
Convert to int64 from high value IConvertible.ToInt64 a = 1UL << 63 1UL << 63
Convert to uint16 without loss IConvertible.ToUInt16 a = 65535 65535
Convert to uint32 without loss IConvertible.ToUInt32 a = UInt32.MaxValue UInt32.MaxValue
Convert from high boundary to ulong IConvertible.ToUInt64 a = UInt64.MaxValue UInt64.MaxValue
Convert to BigInteger without loss Custom conversion to BigInteger a = UInt128.MaxValue BigInteger equivalent of UInt128.MaxValue
Convert to type, expecting same instance IConvertible.ToType a = 123, conversionType = typeof(UInt128) Instance of UInt128 with value 123
Convert to float from zero value IConvertible.ToSingle a = 0 0.0f
Convert to double from zero value IConvertible.ToDouble a = 0 0.0
Convert to ulong max without loss IConvertible.ToUInt64 a = UInt64.MaxValue UInt64.MaxValue
GetHashCode consistency with same value GetHashCode a = UInt128.MaxValue, b = UInt128.MaxValue Same hash code for both
GetHashCode difference for distinct values GetHashCode a = 0, b = 1 Different hash codes
ToString default format ToString a = 123 "123"
ToString with format specifier ToString(string, IFormatProvider) a = 123, format = "X" Hexadecimal string representation