Releases: tmbRandy/GrieferGames-Addon-by-TMB
Releases · tmbRandy/GrieferGames-Addon-by-TMB
- Added command /pay ** which is the opposite of /pay *. This command will divide the pay amount by the player count and execute a /pay * command.
- If you send a /tpa or /tpahere from one of your accounts to another, the receiving account will automatically execute /tpaccept.
- The command /dks will calculate how to stack your items to get the wanted amount od double chests.
- The command /fahndung will search for a player and switch from CB to CB until the wanted player was found.
- A new widget now shows how long your fly potion will be active.
- You can now hide the big scoreboard of GrieferGames by replacing it with a smaller widget, that shows you the important ingame info.
- We added a widget to show you the countdown until the next item clear.
- A nearby widget shows you the name of the players around you.
- You can now automatically set the hopper settings just by opening the hopper menu.
- We added an item shifter which allows you to shift all your items from or to a chest (as the original shifting function of Minecraft doesn't work if you play with a newer version than 1.8.9 on GrieferGames.
- Now you can see the plot borders on CB Nature and Extreme with a visual line.
- We fixed the item saver, which didn't work in the previous version due to a bug in LabyMod.
- You can now skip the lobby as when you join.
Plotswitch now works only on GrieferGames. This is so important, that LabyMod had to deny the previous version.