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SBAB event-store library

Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing is a powerful architectural pattern that records all changes made to an application’s state, in the sequence in which the changes were originally applied. This sequence serves as both the system of record where current state can be sourced from, and an audit log of everything that happened within the application over its lifetime.

The base principle works by modelling the current state as a series of events:

Event flow

The current state is reached by sequentially processing all events, starting from the first event and proceeding to the last. Business logic is implemented using commands, which follow these logical steps:

  1. When an action needs to be performed that will update (mutate) the data managed by the system, a command is sent to the system.
  2. The command is then passed to a command handler.
  3. The command handler checks whether the command can be applied, considering the current state of the aggregate and the business rules of the domain.
  4. If the command cannot be applied to the given state, an exception is thrown.
  5. If the command is accepted, the command handler may return zero, one, or more events. These events represent the state changes caused by the command.

Command handler

The complete model can be described by combining the following two steps:

  1. Derive the current state, given all the events that has happened so far.
  2. Apply a command based on the current state to generate one or more new events.

Full model

Note that the very first command for a new aggregate will be given an empty (null) state as an argument. This is the case when no previous events exist for the given aggregate when a command should be applied.

This library implements support for this by passing the first event, named Event1 in the image above to the RootStateProjector onEvent method. This method then returns a class that is implements the DomainState interface that is capable to updating the state, one event at a time, until the current state is reached:

Event impl flow

The Spring bean implementing the RootStateProjector interface takes an event (the first in the event stream) as an argument and returns an initial state in the form of a class that implements the DomainState interface.

This library features a reflective RootStateProjector implementation. It identifies all constructors with a single Event parameter within classes that implement the DomainState interface, and utilizes the first one it discovers. To specify the root package of the domain events, set the events-domain-package property in Spring. You can also implement your own RootStateProjector if you need more control over the process.

This DomainState class must implement the onEvent method, that is responsible for handling each event.

The CommandService.apply or CommandService.applyList is then used to execute commands on the current state. This is done by implementing the update function that takes the current state as input and returns an event or a list of events. Such a function is implemented as a command handler. For example:

class DepositMoneyCommandHandler(private val account: Account?) {
   fun handle(command: DepositMoneyCommand): MoneyDepositedEvent {
      checkNotNull(account) { "Account not found" }
      require(command.depositAmount > 0) { "Amount to deposit cannot be zero or negative" }
      return MoneyDepositedEvent(command.accountId, command.depositAmount)

The command handler can then be executed using the command service apply or applyList function:

@Operation(summary = "Deposit money to an account")
fun depositMoneyToAccount(
   @Schema(example = "b4e37836-049b-40d3-b872-330d863fc2b9", required = true)
   @PathVariable("accountId") accountId: AccountId,
   @RequestBody request: DepositMoneyRequest
) {
   val command = request.toCommand(accountId)
   commandService.apply(command.accountId) { account -> DepositMoneyCommandHandler(account).handle(command) }

Use apply if exactly one event should be created or applyList if zero to many events should be created by the command.

Note that all events used by this library should use the Avro format and the schema-registry. When used correctly, you should be able to serialize and deserialize all events to and from the event-store with full support for automatic upcasting when events are updated.

Spring support

When an event is successfully saved to the event store, both the event and the full EventEntity is published to the Spring ApplicationEventPublisher. This means that you can listen for events using the @TransactionalEventListener annotation. For local development using an in-mem H2 database, use the dev profile to publish events to kafka. This is done by setting the following application property: publish-events: true

The event listeners can typically be used for the following:

  • Start or stop a BPMN process
  • Send a Kafka message to external services

This library also sets the HTTP headers aggregate-id and revision when used in a Servlet based environment (not WebFlux). The revision number will be the highest number that was saved to the database in the transaction.

Use the built-in EventsService.getEvents() to read all events from the event-store in json format.

If events written to the central Oracle database should be published to Kafka, then use a kafka connector as in the account-events.json example.


This library has internal support for handling concurrent commands for the same aggregate. A unique database constraint (aggregate_unique_constraint) for the aggregate_id and revision combination will prevent one of the concurrent commands to generate events with the same revision number. Retries will then be performed for the command that failed to write to the database. The command handler will then be given the new state that the concurrent running command caused.

Demo app

The spring-boot-event-store is the deployable part of a multi-module build. All other modules are libraries and services that demonstrates how to structure, build and run a complete example for an event-driven architecture.


This library is based on Spring. To use, follow the steps below:

  • Import this library as a maven dependency
  • Annotate the Spring main class with @Import(EventsourcingConfiguration::class)
  • Create a Spring service/bean that implements the RootStateProjector interface
  • Create one or more domain state classes that implements the DomainState interface
  • Include the eventsourcing-changelog.yaml file to the local liquibase changelog:
  - include:
      file: classpath:/se/sbab/credit/eventsourcing/db/liquibase/eventsourcing-changelog.yaml

NOTE: Some versions of Liquibase has problems referring to a relative file included in the java classpath. This functionality has been tested using liquibase-core version 4.22.0.

  • Add the schema registry config to Spring application.yml file:
          url: http://localhost:8081
      auto.register.schemas: true
events-payload-topic: account-events
  • Add the publish-events: true property to the application.yml file to publish events to Kafka when using the dev profile in your local environment without the use of Kafka Connect.
  • Configure the jdbc.batch_size if the command handlers returns more than one event:
          batch_size: 20

The batch size should match the max number of events returned from a single command handler.

Generate statistics to validate batch inserts using this configuration (used during development):

        generate_statistics: true

More info regarding batch inserts can be found here.

NOTE: The example schema registry config above is for local development using a local Kafka setup. The auto.register.schemas property should be set to false outside local development. Registration of new events in the schema registry should be done before usage in any shared environments. The following schema-registry properties should be used:

  • strategy: TopicRecordNameStrategy
  • compatibility: BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE

Using the TopicRecordNameStrategy means that different event types are allowed for the same topic.

The BACKWARD_TRANSITIVE compatibility guarantees that all events previously saved to the event-store can be read when using the latest version of the event jar file.

It is also possible to use an in memory mock schema registry schema.registry.url=mock://localhost:8081 for local testing. The events-payload-topic value is the Kafka topic name that the Avro serializer will use to find the Subject using the TopicRecordNameStrategy.

When using an Oracle database, the aggregate_id column is mapped to a RAW type. The helper functions uuid_to_raw and raw_to_uuid added by this library can be used to mitigate this problem:

WHERE AGGREGATE_ID = uuid_to_raw('b4e37836-049b-40d3-b872-330d863fc2b9');

This library will also create a database view named EVENTS_VIEW that can be used:

WHERE AGGREGATE_ID = 'b4e37836-049b-40d3-b872-330d863fc2b9';


1 b4e37836-049b-40d3-b872-330d863fc2b9 1 2023-02-21 12:01:33,011803000 1 (BLOB)
2 b4e37836-049b-40d3-b872-330d863fc2b9 2 2023-02-21 12:01:33,097938000 2 (BLOB)

Note that the EVENTS_VIEW column AGGREGATE_ID is of type VARCHAR2 and cannot use the unique index based on the RAW AGGREGATE_ID and REVISION. This may lead to reduced performance for select statements when searching for a particular AGGREGATE_ID as in the example above.

NOTE: This library has ony been tested with Kotlin

Local Kafka and Zipkin

Use the official docker-compose cp-all-in-one to spawn a local kafka cluster.

Listen on kafka topics:


kcat -b localhost:9092 -t account-events -s value=avro -r http://localhost:8081 -f "Headers: %h\n Key: %k\n Payload: %s\n\n"


kcat -b localhost:9092 -t account-query-events -s value=avro -r http://localhost:8081 -f "Headers: %h\n Key: %k\n Payload: %s\n\n"