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File metadata and controls

109 lines (73 loc) · 3.56 KB

olander's dotfiles

Quick and dirty fork from thoughtbot/dotfiles to better keep track of my dotfiles. I should probably use the the *.local convention instead further down the line, but since I am not working with team dotfiles, this will suffice for now.


Install dependencies via Homebrew:

brew install rcm vim git tmux ctags curl ripgrep bat eth-p/software/bat-extras git-delta

Or on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install vim git zsh gcc tmux exuberant-ctags curl ripgrep bat -y
chsh -s $(which zsh)


Clone onto my computer:

git clone

(And remember to keep my fork updated).

Install rcm:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/thoughtbot.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rcm

Install the dotfiles:

env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup

This command will create symlinks for config files in my home directory.

I can safely run rcup multiple times to update.


Since we don't have rcm on Windows, we'll just focus on what's important and get my configuration files installed in a rather patchwork manner.

Run the following in a PowerShell with administrative rights:

git clone $HOME\dotfiles
cmd /c mklink _vimrc "$HOME\dotfiles\vimrc"
cmd /c mklink _gvimrc "$HOME\dotfiles\gvimrc"
cmd /c mklink .vimrc.bundles "$HOME\dotfiles\vimrc.bundles"
cmd /c mklink /D .vim "$HOME\dotfiles\vim"
mkdir $HOME\vimfiles\undo
mkdir $HOME\vimfiles\autoload
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile "$HOME\vimfiles\autoload\plug.vim"
gvim -u "$HOME\.vimrc.bundles" +PlugInstall +PlugClean! +qa

zsh Configurations

Additional zsh configuration can go under the ~/.zsh/configs directory. This has two special subdirectories: pre for files that must be loaded first, and post for files that must be loaded last.

For example, ~/.zsh/configs/pre/virtualenv makes use of various shell features which may be affected by my settings, so load it first:

# Load the virtualenv wrapper
. /usr/local/bin/

Setting a key binding can happen in ~/.zsh/configs/keys:

# Grep anywhere with ^G
bindkey -s '^G' ' | grep '

Some changes, like chpwd, must happen in ~/.zsh/configs/post/chpwd:

# Show the entries in a directory whenever you cd in
function chpwd {

This directory is handy for combining dotfiles from multiple teams; one team can add the virtualenv file, another keys, and a third chpwd.

The ~/.zshrc.local is loaded after ~/.zsh/configs.

vim Configurations

Similarly to the zsh configuration directory as described above, vim automatically loads all files in the ~/.vim/plugin directory. This does not have the same pre or post subdirectory support that our zshrc has.

This is an example ~/.vim/plugin/c.vim. It is loaded every time vim starts, regardless of the file name:

# Indent C programs according to BSD style(9)
set cinoptions=:0,t0,+4,(4
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.[ch] setlocal sw=0 ts=8 noet