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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 30, 2020. It is now read-only.

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executable file
89 lines (76 loc) · 3.84 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
89 lines (76 loc) · 3.84 KB

I use the following boilerplate these days which is strictly based on TailwindCSS

Hybrid Utility ITCSS - Front-end Boilerplate

🚀 ITCSS Architecture + CSS Utilities + Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Babel + Live Reload + Twig.js

These tools make it a solid front-end boilerplate to get a new project off the ground. Based on best pieces from Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS and years of experience.

🎁 Features

Features Description
Task Runner Gulp
CSS Tools Autoprefixer, Source Maps, Stylelint
JS Webpack, Babel, ESLint
Live Reload BrowserSync
HTML Templates Twig.js
Deployment GitHub Pages



Make sure all dependencies have been installed before moving on:

Quick start: Installation

Clone this repository and run

  • yarn or npm install to install dependencies


Task Name Description Environment
yarn start or npm run start Generate a development environment, start the server and watch for changes Development
yarn watch or npm run watch Start the server and watch for changes Development
yarn build or npm run build Compile production code Production
yarn deploy or npm run deploy Compile production code and deploy to GitHub Pages Production


|--dist/                   # →  Static version of the website ready to upload (never edit)
|--gulpfile.babel.js/      # →  Gulpfile config and tasks
|--node_modules/           # →  Node.js packages (never edit)
|--src/                    # →  Source files
|  |--assets/              # →  Assets
|  |  |--fonts/            # →  Assets: Fonts
|  |  |--img/              # →  Assets: Images
|  |--scripts/             # →  JS
|  |  |--components/       # →  Components
|  |  |--utils/            # →  Utils
|  |  |--app.js            # →  Main file
|  |--styles/              # →  Styles: ITCSS Architecture + CSS Utilities
|  |  |--1-settings/       # →  Settings
|  |  |--2-tools/          # →  Tools
|  |  |--3-generic/        # →  Generic
|  |  |--4-elements/       # →  Elements
|  |  |--5-objects/        # →  Objects
|  |  |--6-components/     # →  Components
|  |  |--7-modules/        # →  Modules
|  |  |--8-utilities/      # →  Utilities
|  |  |--main.scss         # →  Main file
|  |--templates/           # →  Templates (Twig.js)
|  |  |--layouts/          # →  Layouts
|  |  |--components/       # →  Components
|  |  |--pages/            # →  Pages
|--.babelrc                # →  Babel presets
|--.browserslistrc         # →  Browserslist config, browsers that we support
|--.eslintrc               # →  ESLint config
|--.gitignore              # →  Gitignore
|--.stylelintrc            # →  Stylelint config
|--package-lock.json       # →  NPM lock file (never edit)
|--package.json            # →  Node.js dependencies and scripts
|--webpack.config.js       # →  Webpack config
|--yarn.lock               # →  Yarn lock file (never edit)

Copyright and license

Copyright 2019 Tomasz Bujnowicz under the MIT license.