The stl (STandard-Library) is a collection of FlipJump files, each a collection of highly-optimized and tested macros, that are free to use by any FlipJump program that may benefit from it.
It mainly offers binary/hexadecimal data-structures, mathematical and logical operations, conditional jumps, pointers, casting, and input/output.
These FlipJump files result from a lot of research, runs, and many tests.
@note: The faster mathematical macros are under the hex
This file contains constants and initialization macros.
Offers outputting constant chars/strings.
@note: It should be the first file in the compilation order.
Defines the bit
data-structure (for binary variables).
Offers macros for manipulating binary variables and vectors (i.e. numbers):
- - bit/vec, zero, one, mov, swap
- - if, cmp
- - xor, or, and, not
- - casting between bits and ascii
- - input into bit variables
- - output bits, bytes; print as hex/decimal
- - bit-shift left/right, bit-rotate left/right
- - inc, dec, add, sub
- - mul10, mul, mul_loop
- - div10, {i}div, {i}div_loop (i stands for signed)
- - bit-vec pointers: flip, jump, xor_to, xor_from, inc/dec; pointers init
Defines the hex
data-structure (for hexadecimal variables).
They are smaller and faster than 4 bit
Offers macros for manipulating hexadecimal variables and vectors (i.e. numbers):
- - hex/vec, zero, xor_by, set, mov, swap
- - if, cmp
- - xor, or, and, not
- - input bits into hex, input ascii as hex
- - output hex as bits/bytes; print as hex-number (in ascii)
- - shift left/right by 1 bit/hex
- - inc/dec, neg, count_bits, sign_extend
- - add/sub, {add/sub}_shifted, {add/sub}_constant
- - add_mul, mul (works for signed & unsigned)
- - div, idiv (signed)
- - initializes the "results-tables" for the next hex macros: or,and, add,sub, cmp, mul
- pointers/ - hex-vec pointers subdirectory: flip, jump, xor_to, xor_from; stack/pointers init. pointer arithmetics, stack arithmetics + push/pop.
Offers casting between bits and hexes.
Init macros for pointers, stack and call/ret functions based on hex.pointers. Also offers fast call/ret macros.
A configurable json file that maintains ordered lists of the standard library files.
Every macro is documented with:
- Its time complexity (and if it's significantly different, the space complexity as well).
- The complexities use the @ sign, which is the log2 of the total number of fj ops in this program (can be it usually will be between 15-25).
- The reason for this weird log complexity, is that
wflip address, value
has the complexity of the number of on-bits in address; And it is widely used.
- An explanation about what the macro does (usually in a python-like syntax).
- The type of each of the parameters (bit/hex/bit.vec/hex.vec/constant/address and so on).
- if a parameter is called bit/hex, it is a bit/hex variable (of size 1).
- if a parameter (in a macro declared under the bit/hex namespaces) is used in the documentation as an array (x[:n], ascii[:8], etc.) - it is a bit/hex vector of the specified size; and that size is a size-constant.
- Optionally, what the macro assumes about the parameters, and what can you assume about the result.
If you want to get to the source of a macro named some_macro (to view the macro's documentation, or its implementation), search in the stl/ folder for 'def some_macro '
I created an autohotkey script that jumps to the definition in pycharm by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Click on the macro name, inside the flipjump repo.
The standard library reserves all the labels under the "stl", "bit", and "hex" namespaces.
No other labels are reserved or used by the standard library.
FlipJump programs start running at address 0. The IO opcode is placed at address 2w, and a normal program just skips above it and then starts.
To keep things simple, we wrote the stl.startup
macro. It should be the first used macro/op in your program. If you are using multiple files, then it should only be declared once, at the start of the first file.
Basically, The first line in a FlipJump program should be stl.startup
Instead, you can also use the stl.startup_and_init_all
macro, which does the startup, and also every init
macro that's exist in the standard library.
We decided to make the padding a part of the FlipJump assembly.
pad n
- A special assembly-op that fills the current address with arbitrary fj ops, until the address is divisible by (n*dw).
We made it a part of the FlipJump assembly, in spite of the fact that padding CAN be defined with the other primitives of the FlipJump assembly:
// @note - padding can also be implemented in fj itself! (but the saved-word pad is more compile-time efficient)
// pad zeros up to the address
def pad address @ pad_start {
rep((0-pad_start/(2*w))%address, i) fj 0, 0
By making the padding a part of the assembly, we can (and do) utilize the free space we just gained.
The free space, gained by the padding, is also being used for storing fj-ops that will be created by future wflip
That way, using the pad n
macros won't only not waste up space, but might even save space; That's because wflip
s to a padded address are smaller (less 1's in that address binary representation -> less fj-ops will be created for wflip
ing there).
The FlipJump philosophy is to be the simplest language of all, that can do any modern computation.
FlipJump should be below the OS, as it's a cpu-architecture after all.
The FlipJump stl should be minimalistic, efficient in both space and time, and offer macros similar to x86 ops.
The generic stl macro should look like macro_name n dst src
for an n-bit/hex variable, with dst being the destination-variable, and src being the source-variable.
- e.g. the hex/ /
hex.add n, dst, src
For more information about contributions, see I-Want-To-Contribute Thread and
You can explore the full list of all macros from the esolangs page.
If you are new to the FlipJump standard-library, Start by reading the bit/ standard library file (start with xor
). You can continue to the bit.if macro afterwords. That's where the FlipJump magic begins.
If you want to understand how the deep optimized hex macros work, understand how the next macros are implemented: hex.exact_xor, hex.output, hex.inc1, and hex.add (understand the concept of the lookup tables.