- Build using Gradle and Maven (many thanks to @ralphvanetten for his energy to achieve this)
- AQL has been improved significantly, added more operators etc.
- [A roadmap will be published soon]
Know bugs and limitation
- this version contains various fixes and enhancements. Please note that data structure names are currently supported in a temporary manner (rather naive at this stage, see below). In particular, CLUSTER name is not supported. I am currently working on improving it and should be released when I'm back from my January break.
- Implicit node predicates are not supported. For example an AQL query with
_a/data/items[at0003]/value/value as priority_place_of_care,
should read_a/data[at0001]/items[at0003]/value/value as priority_place_of_care,
Multiple AQL fixes and enhancements:
- Timezone formatting in AQL:
is now2016-12-21T08:11:02Z
- Less strict validation checking on DvCodedText. Support newlines (\n) in DvCodedText
- Validation rule cache invalidation
In particular, item structure names are now explicit in the jsonb structure. This allows to support queries in the form:
b_a/name/value as type
contains EVALUATION b_a[openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.clinical_synopsis.v1]
Current system should upgrade their DB using the migration utility
See in example section.
This new snapshot contains various optimization to speed up AQL queries and composition retrieval. In particular the AQL -> SQL translation produce quicker queries. NB. a number of indexes should be created, see pgsql_ehr.ddl in module jooq-pg for details. On the composition retrieval side, more local caching of Locatable re-usable structures is performed.
New format supported for compositions: RAW json. Sould be specified in the query as format=RAW.
Queries (both SQL and AQL) can be passed in a POST
Better database connection pooling using DBCP2. DB auto reconnection is activated by setting
server.persistence.dbcp2.test_on_borrow = true
in the DBCP2 section of services.properties
- Shiro authenticate with authentication status kept at global thread level. This caused that any further authentication was granted regardless of credentials.
- Handling of itemlist
- Knowledge cache can be reloaded via the REST API (template/reload). Convenient if you upload templates directly into the knowledge directory (/etc/opt/ecis/knowledge).
- CORS should work better now, added (much) more allowed headers including Ehr-Session
Create the indexes in the database
--- CREATED INDEX CREATE INDEX label_idx ON ehr.containment USING GIST (label); CREATE INDEX comp_id_idx ON ehr.containment USING BTREE(comp_id); CREATE INDEX gin_entry_path_idx ON ehr.entry USING gin(entry jsonb_path_ops); CREATE INDEX template_entry_idx ON ehr.entry (template_id); -- to optimize comp_expand, index FK's CREATE INDEX entry_composition_id_idx ON ehr.entry (composition_id); CREATE INDEX composition_composer_idx ON ehr.composition (composer); CREATE INDEX composition_ehr_idx ON ehr.composition (ehr_id); CREATE INDEX status_ehr_idx ON ehr.status (ehr_id); CREATE INDEX status_party_idx ON ehr.status (party); CREATE INDEX context_facility_idx ON ehr.event_context (facility); CREATE INDEX context_composition_id_idx ON ehr.event_context (composition_id); CREATE INDEX context_setting_idx ON ehr.event_context (setting)
Update your ecis-server script to include the new service ecis-query library (see ecis-server in the examples)
DBCP2 connection type must be configured in services.properties (see in examples)
#this configuration uses DBCP2 server.persistence.implementation=jooq_dbcp2 server.persistence.jooq.dialect=${jooq.dialect} server.persistence.jooq.url=${jooq.url} server.persistence.jooq.login=${jooq.login} server.persistence.jooq.password=${jooq.password} server.persistence.jooq.max_connections=100 server.persistence.dbcp2.max_wait = 60 server.persistence.dbcp2.set_pool_prepared_statements = true #server.persistence.dbcp2.set_max_prepared_statements = 200
This is a new snapshot version with a number of bug fixes and improvements:
- Ehr status other_details (support input under RAW JSON format) including AQL queries
- Cleaned up AQL grammar (Lexer problem is solved)
- Support ARCHETYPEID in node predicate (AQL)
- Slightly modified persisted entry (jsonb)
- EtherCIS REST API can be configured to use Asynchronous queries
- Use log4j v2
- DB connections using connection pooling
- Multiple bug fix and got rid of numerous NPEs...
A utility (see in examples/scripts/migrate-db-aql) can be used to migrate a current DB to the new format
See also examples/config/services.properties for connection pooling configuration
The asynchronous query mode can be set in service.properties:
- Supports validation
NOTE Currently, the libraries supporting validation are:
The other libraries are unchanged. If you want to use the validation, please upload the two above jar files and change ecis-server script accordingly.
The validation can be disabled at run time with the following JVM property
- Support AQL query
- Changes in the JSONB entry structure:
- better usage of arrays for /items
- removed node name (name/value) in json key (but still kept in full path expressions)
- Changes in DB structure
- added a CONTAINMENT table based on postgresql ltree as a pseudo index to resolve CONTAINMENT clause
- added a view COMP_EXPAND to simplify SQL encoding
- use jOOQ 3.7, modified SQL query encoding to use dynamic query parts
- migration utility to migrate a 1.0.0 DB to 1.1.0 (com.ethercis.dao.access.util.MigrateEntry)
- fixed many bugs in composition serialization/building
- Q3 2016: Input validation based on Template/Archetype constraints (Done)
- Q3 2016: support ehr status other_details and other_context in AQL queries
- Q4 2016: Support of more AQL operators and predicates. Optimization of queries, indexing