None of these actually send metric values, they just indicate method results and state changes.
service possible states metric sent when
mjolnir breaker [key] MarkSuccess Ignored | Fixed null any command succeeds and reports success to the breaker
mjolnir breaker [key] Tripped null the breaker trips
mjolnir metrics [key] Mark CommandSuccess | CommandFailure null a command is marked as a success or failure with the breaker
mjolnir pool [key] thread Initialized | Terminated null a thread pool thread is created
Each of these send a millisecond value for their metric.
service possible states description
// These three are the most useful, and can help profile your application's Commands.
mjolnir command [name] execute RanToCompletion | Canceled | Rejected | Faulted ExecuteAsync() elapsed
mjolnir command [name] fallback Success | Rejected | NotImplemented | Failure Fallback() elapsed
mjolnir command [name] total RanToCompletion | Canceled | Rejected | Faulted ExecuteAsync() + Fallback() elapsed
// These are mainly for internal Mjolnir profiling, and may be removed in the future.
mjolnir breaker [key] IsAllowing Allowed | Rejected
mjolnir breaker [key] AllowSingleTest Unknown | MissedLock | Allowed | NotEligible
mjolnir breaker [key] CheckAndSetTripped Unknown | AlreadyTripped | MissedLock | CriteriaNotMet | JustTripped
mjolnir metrics [key] CreateSnapshot null
mjolnir metrics [key] GetSnapshot null
mjolnir metrics [key] Reset null
mjolnir pool [key] Start null
mjolnir pool [key] Enqueue Rejected | Enqueued
These are periodic gauges for the state of various components - they fire every five seconds and aren't tied to any particular event.
service possible states description
mjolnir breaker [key] total Above | Below total breaker operation count in current window (0+)
mjolnir breaker [key] error Above | Below error percentage in current window (0-100)
mjolnir fallback-semaphore [key] Full | Available semaphore available spots (0 = full, will reject)
mjolnir pool [key] activeThreads null active thread count
mjolnir pool [key] inUseThreads null in use thread count
mjolnir pool [key] pendingCompletion null total incomplete work item count (pool + queue)