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File metadata and controls

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The ContentfulLoader container is a generic tool for content loading from Contentful CMS.


ContentfulLoader accepts four optional properties: assetIds, assetQueries, entryIds, and entryQueries, that allow to specify required content either by Contentful queries, or by IDs of specific assets and entries. ContentfulLoader will load required content, and then pass it into the render function provided via render property. Until the content is loaded, the opitonal renderPlaceholder property allows to render a loading indicator.

Mutliple instances of ContentfulLoader container, under the hood, rely on a common segment of Redux store, and reuse loaded content between instances. They also take care about garbage collection from the store.

To access previews of unpublished content, ContnentfulLoader accepts preview boolean property, which redirects all content requests from that loader instance to the Content Preview API.

The minimal example, loading of all content entries from Content Preview API:

import ContentfulLoader from 'containers/ContentfulLoader';
import LoadingIndicator from 'components/LoadingIndicator';
import React from 'react';

export default function ContentfulLoaderExample() {
  return (
      render={data => <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, '  ')}</pre>}

The structure of stringified data will be similar to:

  "assets": {
    "items": {},
    "matches": []
  "entries": {
    "items": {
      "DAQMCwkCBggKCAQABAwECw": {
        "sys": { ... },
        "fields": { ... }
      "AwcLBQgJAAcFBgUGBAkGDg": {
        "sys": { ... },
        "fields": { ... }
    "matches": [{
      "sys": { "type": "Array" },
      "total": 2,
      "skip": 0,
      "limit": 100,
      "items": [

In this example, the entryQueries flag of ContentfulLoader is interpreted as a single query to get all entries from Contentful space. The query result is stored under entries.matches[0] path, it has an array of IDs of the matched items, and some additional information about the qeury. The matched items themselves are returned via entries.items map.

By default, ContentfulLoader uses master environment of the default Contentful space (configured in app config). Additional spaces and environments can be defined in the config, and used by specific loader when its spaceName and environment props are explicitly set.

Detailed Reference

ContentfulLoader properties

  • assetIds: String | String[]

    Optional. Undefined by default.

    A single asset ID, or an array of asset IDs, to be loaded from Contentful.

  • assetQueries: Boolean | Object | Object[]

    Optional. Undefined by default.

    Asset queries to execute. If true, all assets will be queried; otherwise the query object, or an array of query objects, is accepted. Each query object may have any options described in Contentful reference, except of select option, which is not properly supported, at the moment.

    For example, to query all assets created prior to specific date, given as an ISO timestamp, you can use such query:

      "sys.createdAt": { "lt": "2017-01-01T12:00:00Z" }
  • entryIds: String | String[]

    Optional. Undefined by default.

    A single entry ID, or an array of entry IDs, to be loaded from Contentful.

  • entryQueries: Boolean | Object | Object[]

    Optional. Undefined by default.

    Entry queries to peform. If true, all entries will be queried; otherwise the query object, or an array of query objects, is accepted. Each query object may have any options described in Contentful reference, expect of select option, which is not properly supported, at the moment.

    For example, to query all entries of some type "entryType" with a free-text search on a specific field, say "title", you should use such query:

      "content_type": "entryType",
      "fields.title": { "match": "a text to search for" }
  • environment: String

    Optional. Defaults to master

    Specifies Contentful environment to use.

  • maxage: Number

    Optional. Milliseconds. Defaults to 5 × 60 × 1000 (5 mins).

    Each time you request a ContentfulLoader to load some assets / entries, or perform some queries, it looks first into the segment of Redux store, where the results of previous content loading and querying operations are stored. If the content with requested IDs, or results of specified queries are found there, and they are not older than maxage value, they are passed into the render function without waiting for the result of the actual call to Contentful APIs, which still may be performed, or not, depending on the age of content stored in the Redux store, and the value of refreshMaxage property.

    Note, when an instance of ContentfulLoader is destroyed, the content and results of queries requested by that instance are not removed from the Redux store immediately. The content garbage collection is performed each time any ContentfulLoader instance attempts to load or query content. The garbage collector drops from the store all content and query results that are older than 5 minutes, and are not used by any existing instance of ContentfulLoader.

  • preview: Boolean

    Optional. Defaults to false.

    When true, all requested content and queries will be directed to Content Preview API; otherwise they will go to the main Content Delivery API, which serves only published content.

  • refreshMaxage: Number

    Optional. Milliseconds. Defaults to 60 × 1000 (1 min).

    Each time you create a new instance of ContentfulLoader, or changes properties of an existing one, it will check the timestamps of all content and content queries it relies on, and it will silently reload any content and queries that are older than refreshMaxage value. This reload will happen silently, i.e. the previous version of the content and query result will be used up to the moment when the refreshed data are fetched. The reload will be visible only if some of the requested content or queries are older than maxage value. Typically, you want to have maxage significantly larger than refreshMaxage, so that when user interacts with a page, it does not notice data reloads, if they change no data.

  • render: Function(data)

    The rendering function. It will be called once all requested content and queries are resolved. It should return ReactJS node to display inside the loader. The data object with the following structure will be passed in as the only argument of this function:

    • data.assets.items: Object

      A map with asset IDs as keys, and corresponding asset objects as values. It will contain all assets explicitly requested via assetIds property, and also any other assets matched by assetQueries.

    • data.assets.matches: Object[]

      An array of matches found for assetQueries, listed in the same order as the queries. If a single query was requested, this still will be an array with a single element. Each element will be an object with the following fields:

      • items: String[]

        Array of IDs of matched assets. The length of this array will be the minimum between limit and total. Mind the pagination! The actual asset object can be found by these IDs in data.assets.items map (see above);

      • limit: Number

        The maximal number of assets that API returns for the query;

      • skip: Number

        The number of skipped assets (pagination);

      • total: Number

        The total number of assets found by API for that query;

    • data.entries.items: Object

      A map with entry IDs as keys, and corresponding entry objects as values. It will contain all entries explicitly requested via entryIds property, and also any other entries matched by entryQueries.

    • data.entries.matches: Object []

      An array of matches found for entryQueries, listed in the same order as the queries. If a single query was requested, this still will be an array with a single element. Each element will be an object with the following fields:

      • items: String[]

        Array of IDs of matched entries. The length of this array will be the minimum between limit and total. Mind the pagination! The actual asset object can be found by these IDs in data.entries.items map (see above);

      • limit: Number

        The maximal number of entries that API returns for the query;

      • skip: Number

        The number of skipped entries (pagination);

      • total: Number

        The total number of entries found by API for that query;

    • data.preview: Boolean

      true if data were fetched from Content Preview API; false otherwise.

  • renderPlaceholder: Function | Object

    Optional. Undefined by default

    The component, or ReactJS node, to be rendered inside the container each time when any of the requested content or queries is not found in the Redux store (or is too old, comparing to maxage), and thus is loaded.

  • spaceName: String

    Optional. Defaults to default

    Specifies Contentful space to use. The actual space ID and keys should be configured in the application config.