Devices should emit data via RMQ broker
- e.g.: camera devices executables should send video frames when activated by roc calls
Store RMQ user and pass in another way than env vars
Ide, Fix missing RMQ user and pass: missing /sensors/modules.yaml - (modules.yaml is in circuit dir, update rpc_client to get the path of modules.yaml as param)
Modules, Devices, Circuit -> should be created by Crd POST, not helm install
- We could also use Fleet
Implement OpenAPI definitions
Golang process on master node to call the rabbitMQ endpoints, fetch data and update CRDS
Create Rancher extensions to handle sensors CRDs
Create a manifest.yaml file for each supported sensors (svg, description, link to homepage)
Sensor's CRDS should be updated ONLY by controller pod
Rancher UI should display
- sensor CRD
- raspberry CRD
Define a builder kit for devices
- The device <-> rpc-server interface should use OpenAPI definition to build a skeleton and call the executable built in devices docker images.
- The device's API should be defined in the settings file by dev
Create Circuits to connect devices
Define job python code using code-server in rancher extension
Inject python script in Job's ConfigMap
Go dependecy injection do define lmbda to apply to Circuits https://medium.com/avenue-tech/dependency-injection-in-go-35293ef7b6 Google Wire https://github.com/google/wire?tab=readme-ov-file
Go Plugins to define Circuit workloads
Circuit crd should have play, stop, pause fields
Circuit crd should have a base64 to store code-source
Add diagram to README.md file, mermaid: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid