The XTT Link Action Sandbox provides a local test environment for developing XTT Link Actions. The Sandbox mimics the TraceLink XTT Link Action Framework, which hosts and executes Link Actions inside TraceLink's network. It provides the ability to run a Link Action locally to connect to an external system, such as NetSuite or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Link Actions provide a generic, extensible framework for direct, automated communication between external systems and TraceLink’s Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT) solution. A Link Action consists of three parts:
- JavaScript to make API calls to or from an external system.
- Transform to map the data to or from TraceLink’s required canonical formats.
- Configuration parameters to connect to the external system.
The XTT Link Actions Sandbox is used in conjunction with the XTT Link Actions Test Tool to validate the Link Actions. These two tool make up the XTT Link Actions Developer Kit.
- XTT Link Actions Developer Kit Setup Guide
- Link Action Use Case
- Link Action Development Getting Started Guide
Contributions are welcome in the form of Pull Requests and any suggestions are welcome as Issues.